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NH Sheriff Mack Project

Started by MTPorcupine3, August 16, 2010, 07:52 PM NHFT

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New Hampshire Sheriff Mack Project

What if we banded together as one, regardless of what our key focus may be, and focused on the Sheriffs, rather than just politicians.

Imagine the monumental difference it would make if most or all Sheriffs were merciful, just, reasonable, reputable, honourable, trustworthy, pro-liberty, non-partisan, justice-seeking, Constitution-abiding, Golden Rule-obeying women and men.

Some might say this is as far-fetched as getting a jury to nullify a bad law. But then, some said the Free State Project was a far-fetched idea.

I propose that we all pool our efforts here in New Hampshire to promote not just the pro-liberty candidate for sheriff in our respective counties, but all the pro-liberty candidates at once, by directing voters to one website.

Instead of using resources to promote any particular candidate,  we can promote a particular website, such as <www.NH-Seriff-Mack.org>.

At the web site, there would be  a detailed description of the rĂ´le of the sheriff, why this important to us all, who's in office now, and who is running in each county.

Imagine what a difference it could make if voters actually started to understand that they were voting for endorsed pro-liberty sheriffs vs. the other guys that are permitting and facilitating our enslavement rather than protecting our Rights. All of our Rights.

Yes, jury nullification is important, but what if unlawful, unjust arrests were prevented or nullified by the sheriff in the first place? Yes, having a pro-liberty legislation is important, but the right sheriffs could neutralise any bad laws passed.

And there are only ten sheriffs to concentrate on, compared to hundreds of politicians and jurors.

We have folks on our side (or potentially on our side) with whom we can pool our efforts: Oath Keepers <www.OathKeepers.org>, Sheriff Mack himself <www.SheriffMack.com>, the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance <www.NHLiberty.org>, Free Talk Live <www.FreeTalkLive.com>, New Hampshire Liberty Radio <www.NHLibertyRadio.com>, and Free Staters <www.FreeStateProject.org>.

What's been done:

A committe has been formed to participate in No Sheriff Left Behind. Enough funds have been raised to buy copies of Sheriff Mack's book "The County Sheriff: America's Last Hope" for hand delivery to each of New Hampshire's 10 county sheriffs. Soon New Hampshire will be added to the list of successful states found at <www.SheriffMack.com>.

A NH Sheriff Mack Project table has been secured for the annual Constitution Day Celebration <http://nhccs.org/>, which will be held this year on Saturday, 18th September at the Southern N.H. University Conference Center in Manchester, and at which the keynote speaker will be Sheriff Mack himself.

What's needed:

We need volunteers to hand-deliver a book each to all ten sheriffs in New Hampshire.

We need a volunteer to create (or help me create) one good website for all of New Hampshire, such as <www.NH-Sheriff-Mack.org>.

In Liberty, and merci d'avance.

Check out the Facebook Group: http://tinyurl.com/23ztn4n



This is a future ambition of mine...  to run for Sheriff. 

I'd love to use the "power" of the state to protect the freedom/liberty of residents of the state from encroachments of other state actors.  I imagine that I would dispatch 10-20 deputies to a location where peaceful civil disobedience is taking place to protect the Part I, Article 10 rights of "law breakers" from the aggression of other law enforcers.

Commanding a whole line of uniformed deputies to protect the constitutional rights of people breaking bad laws pursuant to a Constitutional right is something that I hope to be able to do some day. 

Tell me the thought of fifty people sitting around doing something as peacefully civilly disobedient AND constitutional as smoking marijuana WHILE being protected (and not hurt) by uniform officers doesn't bring a hopeful tear to your eye :'(


Well done so far!  The books are distributed!

The next step in this worthy project is to compile information on all ten NH sheriffs.

We need enough information to do what NHLA does for the legislature, and that is to rate every sheriff according to their "liberty quotient."

Right now we need volunteers to help develop a questionnaire that we can submit to the sheriffs.

What question(s) would YOU like to see on this questionnaire?

If you think your question(s) should be a surprise, please PM MTPorcupine3 or Firewall99 with your proposed question.

Let the interrogations begin!

(Remember, they are not all assholes.  Some of them might be good guys.  Try to be diplomatic in the formulation of your questions.)

Free libertarian

Certainly diplomacy is appropriate,  and sensible too, they have the guns.  Curious though...in the final analysis which ones AREN'T assholes?  And what evidence will be provided to verify this?   

I'm not trying to BE an asshole, but I have to  confess I am guilty of making the automatic assumption  "asshole" is a job requisite for holding certain jobs titled "sheriff".  I've even gone so far as to think they have a secret test that requires a minimum level of assholishness, but I could just be being paranoid. 

I did write in Brad Jardis for county sheriff, that's ONE that isn't an asshole, my feeling is he is in a small minority.   I'd love to see that change so good luck on your project.


Quote from: Free libertarian on November 12, 2010, 06:34 AM NHFT
Curious though...in the final analysis which ones AREN'T assholes?...  I'm not trying to BE an asshole, but I have to  confess I am guilty of making the automatic assumption  "asshole" is a job requisite for holding certain jobs titled "sheriff".  I've even gone so far as to think they have a secret test that requires a minimum level of assholishness, but I could just be being paranoid. 

Now, now, let's be nice.   ;)  Are you saying that one of us, like Rich or me, is going to be an A-hole just for running?

Quote from: Free libertarian on November 12, 2010, 06:34 AM NHFT
And what evidence will be provided to verify this?   

This is exactly the type of question for which we are asking your help.  Put your thinking caps on, everybody.  What evidence would you like to see?

Here is what I can think of off the top of my head:

  • Does the sheriff allow federal LE to operate in his county?
  • Does the sheriff enforce foreclosure operations in his county?
  • Does the sheriff allow Southern Poverty Law Center propaganda to operate under the guise of "intelligence" in his county?
  • Does the sheriff use discretion in enforcing eviction notices?
  • Has the sheriff taken the Oath Keepers oath?
  • Does the sheriff directly control the operations of ALL SWAT teams in his county?
  • Does the sheriff allow operations in pursuit of the bogus "war on drugs" to be conducted in his county?

And that's without trying.  There must be more ways a sheriff can help We the People by stopping criminal oppression by the forces of tyranny, right?

Now, what other evidence would YOU like to elicit?

Free libertarian

Nope, not saying anybody is an asshole.   I actually like the idea of pushing back in any way possible, in the system, out of the system, out of the solar system if that makes you happy.  I hope your project is successful too.

I'm saying most cop like creatures demonstrate and rely on asshole behavior, not all. I'd be happy to be proven wrong and remain hopeful that my mind can be changed.  Most cops rely on rationalizations to justify their behavior when they stop doing that,they most likely have to stop being cops because the roar of the awakening cognitive dissonance monster might envelope them.


Beware of "plants" running for sheriff.


Quote from: littlehawk on November 12, 2010, 10:45 PM NHFT
Beware of "plants" running for sheriff.

Please don't hijack this thread.

If you think there is COINTELPRO going on here or in the FSP or wherever, start a thread somewhere else on this board and deal with it, and we can go though the whole thing all over again.  Sometimes the best thing to do with your fears is to drag them out into the daylight, kicking and screaming, and destroy them.

The Sheriff Mack Project is a goddamn good idea.  It must scare the bejesus out of the LE establishment, and they would like nothing better than for this thread to devolve into a paranoid hissy fit.


Hi, I'm new here (just signed up today) and was wondering how the sheriffs project is going and to ask if I can help in any way..I love sheriff Mack and was trying to think of a way to get involved with the local sheriffs. I believe that this connection with them would be a HUGE benefit to all.  Thanks for any info you can offer!