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Jim Johnson (Tres Passive Twelve) court thing 9am, Fri. 27th

Started by Jim Johnson, August 25, 2010, 10:50 AM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

Jim Johnson

I don't understand... Perry Mason was an hour long and it was never that boring.  ::)

Free libertarian

I'm enjoying the movie, but since it's so long I've taken an intermission to get some popcorn and post a quick observation...

Those anonymous henchman court bailiff guys must have come from central casting.  I swear I saw the same guys at a hearing in a different court on the same day.  They must possess certain criteria to get the coveted jobs.  I think the guy that gets the speaking part... (the guy that says "ALL RISE" when the judge enters) might be the head anonymous henchman but I haven't quite figured that out yet.  I will study this and learn more about their cult. 

...and now we return to the second half of the show.

Free libertarian

Did I hear there might be an appeal?  Gee that would mean the state would have to spend alot of "their" extorted money on a jury trial.  I wonder if jury nullification arguments would be acceptable at the Superior Court?  Should I buy more popcorn for the exciting sequel(s)?

That sure would be alot of money the state would have to spend on processing appeals,  jury selection(s)  etc. especially if others had jury trials too.   After all Jim is but one of the "dangerous dozen" , others haven't been brought to justice yet, right?       If they spend all their money on guys with dangerous cardboard swords how will they be able to prosecute um "real criminals" like potheads and filth like that? This is troubling.   ::)

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Free libertarian on August 29, 2010, 06:01 AM NHFT
Did I hear there might be an appeal?  Gee that would mean the state would have to spend alot of "their" extorted money on a jury trial.  I wonder if jury nullification arguments would be acceptable at the Superior Court?  Should I buy more popcorn for the exciting sequel(s)?

That sure would be alot of money the state would have to spend on processing appeals,  jury selection(s)  etc. especially if others had jury trials too.   After all Jim is but one of the "dangerous dozen" , others haven't been brought to justice yet, right?       If they spend all their money on guys with dangerous cardboard swords how will they be able to prosecute um "real criminals" like potheads and filth like that? This is troubling.   ::)

I am ordered to appear: Monday, November 29th at 1:30 in Superior Courtroom 3.

They have allotted 2 hours and 30 minutes for an arraignment on the charge of Criminal Trespass.

Case number 213-2010-CR-00887

I am to advise "clients, witnesses and others" that it is a class B feloney to carry a firearm or other deadly weapon as defined in RSA 625.11, V in a courtroom or area used by a court.

Free libertarian

Good luck Jim.  Sorry I cannot be there, I am ordered to appear in the Grafton County Superior Court for a final pretrial hearing.   

Jim Johnson

Russell Kanning

Free libertarian

Quote from: Jim Johnson on November 20, 2010, 05:14 PM NHFT
final pretrial?

How many stops does that railroad have?

The train of "justice" has a few more stops.  It can only be satisfied with the blood and tears of human beings, not sure how I'll look as a lampshade after they skin me, but hey maybe somebody will put me on their head and I can still be the life of the party.   ;)

Jim Johnson

The arraignment took almost 2 minutes.
They didn't ask me how I would plead.
They didn't do any of the normal, "you can have a lawyer" or "you have rights" things.
They spent most of the time making my bail the same as it was.
I asked for a dismissal, but that was called a "premature motion".

Then the get together seemed to be over and I walked out.

Maybe they will set a trial date for some time in the future.

Even at less than 2 minutes these things are long and boring.


Less than 2 minutes
That's pretty "premature", all right.

Jim Johnson


Pat McCotter