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Here's my "OCD" list that's getting worse and driving me more crazy!

Started by Raineyrocks, August 27, 2010, 03:31 PM NHFT

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1.  Washing dishes, knowing Rick is going to come up behind me and either smack my butt or hug me while I'm busy doing the dishes!

2.  Spelling errors!  I used to be excellent at spelling, now I have to ask how words are spelled!

3.  Going grocery shopping with Lil" Ricky and knowing that every time I want to look at something he's going to be right there in my way!

4.  Driving and feeling the impending doom of a big crash! Oh yeah, and I have the visions of ambulances there too!

5. Feeling the need to put protective bubbles in certain colors around people so that I feel they are going to be safe!

6.  Knowing all of this stuff is insane and petty but I can't seem to stop it!

7.   Feeling like an airplane/jet is going to crash into my house at any moment!

8.  Everytime I go to pick something up at the store I feel like it's going to explode because I picked up the "wrong one"!

9.  Knowing my dog is going to sneeze as he walks in front of me and I'm going to walk in his path of snots or whatever he sneezes out!

10.  Knowing my dog is going to wag his tail and hit stuff with his tail everytime I move!

11.  Knowing my dog won't go to bed without me and I'm going to walk through his sneezes again or he's just going to lay there like it's my fault he can't go to bed!

Am I nuts?   I'm sure there's more too but gosh, isn't this enough?   I am thankful for everything in my life so that's not the problem, these are just constant thoughts that go through my head automatically.


Oh yeah, and let me not forget the biggest one of all..............

Almost everything I do has to be 3 times or in multiples of 3 usually stopping at 9

I lock my car door 3 times
I give the kids 3 kisses and Rick too but different kinds of course
etc. etc. etc.


Quote from: Raineyrocks on August 27, 2010, 04:51 PM NHFT
Almost everything I do has to be 3 times or in multiples of 3 usually stopping at 9

Now that's just silly.  Everyone knows it's supposed to be in four pairs of 2 and then multiples of four thereafter.


Quote from: Raineyrocks on August 27, 2010, 04:51 PM NHFT
Oh yeah, and let me not forget the biggest one of all..............

Almost everything I do has to be 3 times or in multiples of 3 usually stopping at 9

I lock my car door 3 times
I give the kids 3 kisses and Rick too but different kinds of course
etc. etc. etc.

No more sudoku for you!


Miss Rainey, make sure your turn the gas stove burners off before leaving the house.


Quote from: dalebert on August 29, 2010, 12:31 PM NHFT
Quote from: Raineyrocks on August 27, 2010, 04:51 PM NHFT
Almost everything I do has to be 3 times or in multiples of 3 usually stopping at 9

Now that's just silly.  Everyone knows it's supposed to be in four pairs of 2 and then multiples of four thereafter.

;D   This is something Rick would say!


Quote from: KBCraig on August 29, 2010, 09:08 PM NHFT
Quote from: Raineyrocks on August 27, 2010, 04:51 PM NHFT
Oh yeah, and let me not forget the biggest one of all..............

Almost everything I do has to be 3 times or in multiples of 3 usually stopping at 9

I lock my car door 3 times
I give the kids 3 kisses and Rick too but different kinds of course
etc. etc. etc.

No more sudoku for you!



Quote from: littlehawk on August 29, 2010, 09:10 PM NHFT
Miss Rainey, make sure your turn the gas stove burners off before leaving the house.

;D  I don't have gas burners, thank goodness!  I do have to ask everybody if everything is turned off when we leave though but I don't think I ask 3 times.  :D


Quote from: Raineyrocks on September 13, 2010, 07:42 AM NHFT
Quote from: littlehawk on August 29, 2010, 09:10 PM NHFT
Miss Rainey, make sure your turn the gas stove burners off before leaving the house.

;D  I don't have gas burners, thank goodness!  I do have to ask everybody if everything is turned off when we leave though but I don't think I ask 3 times.  :D

Oh yeah, but I do have to unlock the car doors 3 times and then when everyone is in I hit the lock button 3 times.  :-\


Quote from: Raineyrocks on September 13, 2010, 07:42 AM NHFT
I do have to ask everybody if everything is turned off when we leave though but I don't think I ask 3 times.  :D

My Mom used to always make us go back to check and make sure the iron was turned off. So one time we're going down the road and my Mom says, "We have to go back and make sure the iron is turned off!" My Dad reaches under the seat, pulls out the iron and smugly says, "No we don't." My Mom says, "Yes we do, that's the OLD iron."

We turned around and wasted over an hour to find out that (as always) the iron was turned off. My Dad went out the minute an auto-off iron was made and bought one.  ;D


Quote from: FreelanceFreedomFighter on September 13, 2010, 12:00 PM NHFT
Quote from: Raineyrocks on September 13, 2010, 07:42 AM NHFT
I do have to ask everybody if everything is turned off when we leave though but I don't think I ask 3 times.  :D

My Mom used to always make us go back to check and make sure the iron was turned off. So one time we're going down the road and my Mom says, "We have to go back and make sure the iron is turned off!" My Dad reaches under the seat, pulls out the iron and smugly says, "No we don't." My Mom says, "Yes we do, that's the OLD iron."

We turned around and wasted over an hour to find out that (as always) the iron was turned off. My Dad went out the minute an auto-off iron was made and bought one.  ;D

Oh my Gosh, that is soooo funny!  I'm laughing hysterically!  Your dad thought he was slick, ha, ha!    :biglaugh: