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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Set the Captives Free!

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2010, 06:08 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Russell will be giving a series of lectures on biblical roots of nonviolent resistance and using peaceful means to achieve a peaceful society.  This will be every Wednesday night, 7:00 pm at the Peaceful Assembly Church in Grafton, starting on September 15th.  We'll be discussing Jesus, Thoreau, Tolstoy, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr. 

The first topic will be based on the book Jesus and the Nonviolent Revolution by André Trocmé.  The book can be downloaded for free here:
or can be purchased from the same site.

Donations for the church are appreciated.

Pat K

I assume, the part about god sending bears to
rip apart children, for making jokes about one
of his bald prophets, won't be used as an example.


Quote from: Pat K on September 06, 2010, 11:19 PM NHFT
I assume, the part about god sending bears to
rip apart children, for making jokes about one
of his bald prophets, won't be used as an example.

What a coinky-dinky!  That was one of the verses mentioned in an article that I wanted to read on the air Friday night but there wasn't time, I guess.  Some of the verses sounded a lot like the fetish episode that got us kicked off the pirate radio station.   :o  Ian said it was okay to talk about this time since it was from the Bible.

The 9 Most Badass Bible Verses

Tom Sawyer

That's that Old Testament eye for an eye stuff...

Jesus was the New Way... went up against the most powerful empire on earth and before it was all over they ended up worshipping him... of course they bastardized it, turned it into a tool of the empire.

But, I must say Jesus was the dude...

Of course I might be swayed by Ian Gillan's kick ass singing...

Ian Gillan - Gethsemane (I Only Want To Say)


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on September 07, 2010, 12:29 AM NHFTThat's that Old Testament eye for an eye stuff...

Which, interestingly enough, was a limitation on violence.  In the historical context of the Old Testament, it was common for folks to make massive retaliation (even up to the point of raiding a neighboring village due to some incident between a member of your villager and a member of the other village.

"An eye for an eye" was saying that you could not take more than was taken from you.  Of course, folks twist it as an excuse to take at least what was taken for them, but folks will twist nearly anything.


Pat K

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on September 07, 2010, 12:29 AM NHFT
That's that Old Testament eye for an eye stuff...

Jesus was the New Way... went up against the most powerful empire on earth and before it was all over they ended up worshipping him... of course they bastardized it, turned it into a tool of the empire.

But, I must say Jesus was the dude...

Of course I might be swayed by Ian Gillan's kick ass singing...

Ian Gillan - Gethsemane (I Only Want To Say)

Well isn't Jesus god?
And god is Jesus.
And Jesus is god and the holy ghost, which is also god,
which is also the holy ghost, which is also Jesus which is also god.

Wait who was on first?

Russell Kanning

Russell Kanning

we will also be watching cool videos sometimes like the MLK documentary we just watched

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Russell Kanning on September 07, 2010, 02:45 AM NHFT
yes it should be fun
Apparently not as much as it would be with Pat ans Dale there.  Maybe Maineshark.

Russell Kanning


With this series being quite a bit different than other things we've done here so far, I spent lots of time today getting the 1st floor hall ready (moved lectern downstairs, moved some furniture around, etc., trying to make the front corner more presentable, etc.) for this.

I could still use help. I hope to have the hall ready by tomorrow night so I don't have to fuss with it on Wednesday.

If anyone is going to be in West Lebanon tomorrow (or Wednesday) and can pick something up for me at Home Depot, please let me know here or PM me. The item costs about $100 and I can give you cash in advance or after. I should be here until I go to 1000 Main St. in the morning, and then I should be here (at church) again for the afternoon and evening.

Kat Kanning


Cool. I'll see at least one of you before that.  :)

Kat Kanning

Changed the title of the lecture series.
