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Canned salmon

Started by MaineShark, September 14, 2010, 04:47 PM NHFT

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We got a good deal on canned salmon a few months ago, and bought a lot of it.  More than we really need, it turns out, so we'd like to get rid of some of the surplus.

7.5oz cans of red sockeye salmon.  We have 11 cans we'd like to get rid of.  One ounce of silver?


Russell Kanning

sounds good
could you bring them to the apple festival?
we might also being going to next months concord porcs on the day we tag the fed building with free bradley manning


We probably won't be up at the apple festival, since we have a birthday party to attend, that day (unless it gets re-scheduled).

However, if anyone from up that way is coming down this way, we could pass them along.  You could actually pay Jeremy for them at that time, since he's doing web hosting for me, and I'd just have a credit on my account, then.  That would eliminate having to try and get funds to someone before that individual came down here.


Russell Kanning

Kat Kanning