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John Connell arrested

Started by Kat Kanning, September 15, 2010, 11:48 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Myrle arrested John today.  Apparently John got into it with some drunk this weekend, and the guy's accusing John of following kids around.  Myrle arrested him today and charge him with disorderly conduct, then let him go.  John's got a court appearance on the 12th.


Thanks for the update. I heard the first Porc 411, and was waiting to hear what's up.


Myrle went to him and tried to "talk" with John and ended up cuffing the man and charging him.  Sounds like a real peacekeeper.


I'm busy right now so, I'll try to give more detail later; probably tomorrow.

For now:
This stems from an incident that happened at my time share on the 29th.
I have been going there frequently for years. Some folks are regulars, some not.
One of the regulars, whom I do not have much in common with, was acting particularly strangely when I arrived that day. Towards the end of my visit the guy was making some very strange - and very loud - accusations. He was saying that I was "looking at the kids."
I talked to one couple who was in the pool at the time this was happening, and they thought the guy's behavior was nutty.
Shortly, the guy returned again with his adult son and their body language seemed physically threatening. I stayed as calm as I could and hastend my departure.

I reported the incident at the desk on my way out.

As far as my interaction with Myrle today; he did not act in any of the dehumanizing ways one might expect from an average cop. (And no, he did not cuff me.)

I was tempted to not pay bail just so that I can get this matter before the judge ASAP. But, I decided to let them not ruin my entire day - and night - by keeping me in a cell just for that to happen.
For $40 I was able to walk around doing some of the things that need to be done around here. Not doing these things would bother me more than the $40 does.
But now - the waiting bothers me.

Tom Sawyer

"looking at the kids."

Thank goodness I didn't get arrested for "videotaping the kids"...

On our recent trip to visit family down south...
Apparently the daughter of a neighbor didn't come home on the bus after school as expected... well off course she was kidnapped, raped and murdered... no, the silly kid just didn't get on the right bus. Well anyway the people called the cops... well I had been out in the yard videoing William and his cousins cooling off, playing in the sprinkler and eating ice cream cones... I went inside and soon there after one of the kids came in and said the cops were outside and another neighbor had told them about my activities... scared me good cause the local cops can be real a**holes... I told the kids not to talk to the cops... Luckily it all ended ok...

Karmic justice was the next day, the kids came in all upset because the woman across the street was beating the crap out of her little dog... The kid's wanted us to call the cops, instead I walked over there and caught her in the act of wailing on the little dog... I said " excuse me Ma'am I really wish you wouldn't beat your dog like that"... I could tell her first instinct was to get mouthy, but she quickly thought better of it and acted all humble and agreed not to beat her dog... I'm pretty sure she was the one who had told the cops about me making "kiddie porn" in the front yard... Seems like the sinners are the first ones to want to accuse others of sinning.

PattyLee loves dogs

False accusations really damage everyone. I am sorry you are going through this John. :(

Russell Kanning

maybe if john stands up to them the state will just drop it

Pat K

So a warrant was put out for an arrest for disorderly conduct?
To who and if no cops witnessed this, wouldn't there at least have
to be an investigation before an arrest warrant was issued?
I wonder if some one is targeting John.

Russell Kanning

yea .... john knows who it came from
you are right ...... another example of no justice when the state starts hunting you down for money when there is no evidence yet


Quote from: Pat K on September 16, 2010, 12:09 AM NHFTdisorderly conduct?

The guy who was making the accusations was drinking, being obnoxious, and making a bit of scene. I left.
I guess that some how made me the disorderly one?



You didn't throw fists at someone who wanted to pick a fight with you -- that's very disorderly.   ::)