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Elena Katz requesting help at NH court

Started by Dave Ridley, September 20, 2010, 06:00 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

Elena Katz, a Russian immigrant who feels persecuted by DCYF, is requesting help.  I've invited her to come to this thread and post.  Some background:

Soviet Refugee - American Refugee

I've received an email from her and requested her nod to post it here as well.

Dave Ridley

Elena reports she's unable to post here currently and gave me permission to pass on her emails here and her email addie

From Elena:
>>I need the Folks with Press badges  and Cameras on Thurs in Rock Superior Court in Brentwood  at 19 AM, will open up the case for them

Will let you know about my exact message later today.

Meanwhile I need your assistance  and referalrl  to the fellows who can make our updated Viodeos on thse matters. ASAP.

I also Colledad Nh Porc411 and alerted them of this situationbs and requested their presense on Thurs AM.>>

Dave Ridley

<< From:   allied15 at  myfairpoint period net
Sent:   Mon 9/20/10 6:20 PM
To:    Dave Ridley

Dear Dave,

I do not have a website yet, but it is upcoming in next few weeks,

You already have my video of 2008 on Youtube, Russian Refugee-American Refugee.

A month after this video I was suddenly arrested, when NO criminal proceeding was pending against me and was imprisoned for 129 days.

I will have the story for you soon. At this time refer to that video,

I need to make NEW videos, Please refe me to someone who can do it for me.

I will notify you of My website in next few weeks,

Now we need an immediate coverage of Rock Sup Court illegal proceedings, where we, BOTH parents were indicted 11 time on "parental kinspapping " so called BY both Paresnt,

10 felonies were dismissed, State refiled  the same indictment  for 11 time!.

THis is an outrage.

We need a full coverage of upcoming trail, amd FULL publicity of this outrage.

Our daughter Eleonora GRodman is  held as a  PRISONER and as hostage in Crotched Mountain Rehab Center in Greenfield NH,

She 1s 19 now,  and held against her will.

She is denied access to courts, and I have been denied visitations for over 26 months since the tiome she was kidnapped from our Custody in Mass.

THis story need to be open nationwide.

You can contact me by phone 603-382-0394, let me know when I can reach yoiu

Out website is upcoming  in next few weeks.

Best Regards.

Elena  >>

Kat Kanning

Dave Ridley

I am collecting more emails from her with better details and will post them here once I get them.  Her instincts seem to be on track but it's just the information is coming in a bit raw and late.   I think her main goal is just to get some eyes on what's happening, and for those who like to film or witness court activity it should be worth the trip.  She says Dan Itse is helping with her case.  Also she is looking for someone who would be willing to visit her daughter, she says she's not allowed to.   Her husband is but she says he's followed around by a state trooper whenever he does. 

She's been on FTL talking about this too.

Dave Ridley

From Elena received sept 22 Wed. (her contact info is above)


>>> Dave Hearing is tomorrow at 10 AM in Rock County Sup Court

State V Arnold Grodman  This is only a hearing on status of Council. The trial is set for October 18/2010. Is someone shows up tomorrow, will will open the matters up for them, show them the files, etc.

Please ask Sharon/Aka Ivy Walker to contact me, and anyone from FreeKeene.com to contact me.

Within Next  few weeks I request that reporters and liberty activits visit our daughter Eleonora Grodman in Crotched Mounantain Grennfield NH ,where she is secretely detained and had been incarcerated for last 25 months, without any contact with her family and friends

Her Father Arnold Grodman is allowed tro visit her once per week,  He is not allowed to record or videotape anything there,

For months  he was not allowed to visit her.  I am not allowed to visit her, her uncle and her friends are not allowed to visit her, Eleonora Grodman, now age 19, is even denied acces to phones and mail.

Every time she expresses desire to go home, she  is forciply given Psych meds  WHICH are not approved by FDA,in the massive overdoses, which already caused her severe side affects in Crotched Mountain where she had beed detained since July 2008.

She is denies access to courts and her community and friends. She made ongoing suicidal attempts  in C M

Many times the State trooper followed Arno0ld on his way there.

Please post this message on the Forums.

The state will no longer keep it as a secret

WE Want nationwide publicity OF THESE matters.

Thank You

Elena Katz  >>

Dave Ridley

I have googled Elena Katz New Hampshire to try and get the government's version of events.  I couldn't find much....one legalese document that aside from the legalese was difficult to even view properly. 


For those wondering about her use of language, you should know that Elena is from Russia.

Dave Ridley

More e-mails from Elena reposted here with her permission:

<<  State of NH does not have a standing under Parental kiidnapping statute.

THis is only applicable to parent against other parent. WE are prosecuted for our spirited resistance against DCYF and State of NH illegal interference with our parental rights,

will fax you affidavit of Dan Itse

Best Regards,

Elena >>

>> To the Honorable Court;

I, Rep. Daniel C. Itse, am writing this affidavit to set forth my understanding of the legislative
intent of HB 640 introduced in 2005. I have been a member of the Children and Family Law
Committee since I was first sent to the House of Representatives in 2001. During that time I
participated in the committee deliberations that resulted in our current statutes on Parenting
Responsibilities RSA 461:A. HB 640 was introduced by Rep. Bickford and was the product of
the Family Law Task Force. The intent of the HB 640 and the resulting law was to deal with
how children are raised in the aftermath of divorce and nothing else.

The purpose of RSA 461-A:1 is best understood by reading the Statement of Purpose (RSA 461A:
2) which clearly puts in the context of separation or divorce of natural or adoptive parents
only. It was never intended to be construed to confer parenting rights to other parties or entities.
In the process of implementing HB 640, it was also necessary to amend laws which were
affected by changing the term custody to parental rights and responsibilities, which is how RSA

633:4 was affected. RSA 633:4 makes direct reference to 461-A:1 in the definition of parental
rights and responsibilities: ""Parental rights and responsibilities'' means all rights and
responsibilities parents have concerning their child; where it is apparent that the law deals with
natural persons.
RSA 633:4 refers specifically to conceal a child from a parent, guardian or person having
parental rights and responsibilities. These terms being directly connected to RSA 461-A:1 must
be understood to pertain only to natural persons and not to artificial persons. Furthermore, it
refers to persons having (present tense) parental rights and responsibilities, and was not intended
to be construed to persons who had past or might have future legal responsibility. Just as the
Legislature has taken care in recent years to clarify that the divorce statutes are not an
opportunity for grandparents to seek custody, neither are they an opportunity for the State to seek

RSA 458-A[2] does not apply because was not enacted until December of 2010. RSA 458-A[1]
which was in force until December of 2010 does not have any enforcement section.

Rep. Daniel C. Itse Date

Notary Date

County Expiration  >>

>> All Right, Dave, I understand. You can post any Email I sent you so far.

Best Regards.


Quoting Dave Ridley :
    again, i am posting every email you send me.  don't send me anything unless you want the entire public and possibly the prosecutors to see it.   and inform me of anything you may have sent me that you do not want me to post.>>

Dave, Please post this:

I was Jailed in NH and Mass and held 129 days . out of which 109 days were without bail, with no conact orders,  WITHOUT  any criminal proceedings  even Filed against Me!, and  then on Imiigration voilations,alos without Bail, on false allegations of being an "illegal alien," despite the fact I am US citizen for 15 years.  The state of NH... named itself  a "victim" in Mas Courts,

I was arrested ON MY OWN complaint against the state of NH,   BEFORE the hearing even started, H Sheriffs, and other DCYF defendants in this actions entrapped me by not showing up  in court days before, causing it to continued for 5 days later, when the trap was set  when I was to apper on my  own injuctions hearing, when I  the Plaintiff asked for Injunctive relief against the State of NH.  the state of NH  retaliation ,claimed that I am a fugitive from Justioce...  without any criminal actions filed against me, on my OWN complaint against the state of NH, and that I am an illegal alien, in retaliation of My you tube video Rissian refugeee/ American Refugee. in 2008. 

While I was ion Mas Jail ,without bail, Grienfield  NH Police even arrested  and detaimed a  woman Hiker in Greenfield Woods, who spoke with Russian accent, on allegation she was me... me...

While she was being detaned in grioenfoeld, as These idiots beleived she was me, I was detained  in Suffolk County Dept Of Corrections withoutt bail in Mas Jail. without even any criminal proceeding pending against me,

WE need to make  many videos and  post these  KILLER documents nationwide,

Also I want to place some info on Jailed activist List.

I also want to start  Nationwide Petition site  to Free Eleonora Grodman from CM.

WE already testified in front of NH legislature in 2009, perhaps we can post that video?

Thank You

Elena Katz  >>

Dave Ridley

Another message from Elena 9/25/10:

>> Dave, I will post another message for you tomorrow

Did you get the affidavit of Dan Itse, Re RSA 644::1 parental kidnappings statute, APPLIED TO BOTH PARENTS, under which we are inducted 11+times,  on which Arnold's trial is upcoming, that the state had no standing under this statute, this is a Divorce statute, parental kidnapping by One parent against another PARENT ONLY

. State  of NH   is claiming to be the trird parent of ALL NH children, and  STATE of  NH even names itself as "VICTIM" in the  CRIMINAL complaint filed against both of use in Mass,  falsely alleging that we were "fugutives from Justice", although there were NO climinal proceedings were  EVEN filed or pending against either of Us in any state,  Our parental rights were never terminated.

You can post this message and affidavit of Dan Itse, if you want.

Once again, I was arrested as "fugutive from justice" so called, when I appeared on MY own compalint against State of NH, as PLAINTIFF, seeking justice and injunction of ongoing harrassment of us, them Mas residents

The state of NH wanted me to dissapear permanently and even false presented to ICE that I was illegal alien, causing my additional incarceration WITHOUT bail,  with NO conatct of any Family memeber, or any Visitor,despite the fact that I provided informatuions that I am and had beed US citizen since 1986.

Detentions and deportations of US citizens, some of them 3-4 generation citizens,  in now an  ongoing retaliation tool, all over the country,.

Please see Nation without borders Website

Also you can just Google search as fo9llows: ICE is detaining and deporting US CITIZENS.

State state of NH will soon be deporting  as "illegal aliens" NH liberty activists for spirited resistance to state of NH FASCIST tactics, for puting our videos on youtube, as it was in my case, as it wants to have us dissapear , and it does not want a public disclosure of its egregious crimes against the Families.

This it is going on all over the country

Give the NH community  disclosure  about this ongoing illegal tactics

You can post this message, as you read it.

Best Regards, Elena >>