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Funniest thing I have ever read

Started by Pat K, October 10, 2010, 08:05 PM NHFT

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Pat K

Varrin is the President of the FSP; he gets
ultimate say on these because that's what we all agreed to when we
signed up with the organization. You're a volunteer, and it's great that
you started this page, but we're all working for the FSP, not for
ourselves." – Jason Sorens

Snort, oh i think I am have an epileptic attack.............

Tom Sawyer

Hey buddy, V gives me my matching orders...
Just like in Telefon... "Remember Tom, miles to go before you sleep."



I wonder what fantasy world Jason and Varrin lives in, pretending like everyone works for him for no pay, not for ourselves.

He needs a reality check, maybe he could do some activism in the state, so he can understand what everyone is working for. Maybe I'm the only one working for Liberty in MY lifetime, but I don't think I am the only one. I am working for my liberty, not for anyone else.

It's too bad they aren't interested in working *with* other people. I don't think anyone is interested in working *for* their FSP for no money.

Tom Sawyer

My experience with Varrin has been very positive.

I believe the main issues revolve around the Brand FSP, logo, etc. This is why the underground came about... just don't call what you do FSP and that solves the problem.


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on October 10, 2010, 09:18 PM NHFT
... just don't call what you do FSP and that solves the problem.

The FSP shouldn't invite people to do their own thing in the name of the FSP, then claim ownership and control of that work.

Jason doesn't have any apparent title or office in the FSP, so why is he telling people what they can or can't do?

The "FSP leadership" select themselves from within themselves, with no ballots or consultation of the members. Claiming an official FSP office is rather specious at this time.

I didn't sign any agreement with Varrin or Jason when I joined up. Amanda was the president at that time.

I don't dislike either Jason or Varrin. I like them both, as a matter of fact. I also like George Donnelly. George may have responded poorly to the whole Facebook debacle, but I believe Jason and Varrin behaved even more badly. Some folks might think George acted prematurely, but he was threatened with the loss of his FB account, something he's already been through and went through hell to get it back.

Kat Kanning

They don't like to admit they've lost control of the movement.

Kat Kanning

Actually, I've figured it out.  Jason Sorens doesn't like the FSP anymore and is trying to dismantle it.

Russell Kanning

i guess if they like your project they feel they can take it over
I thought the whole organization was a bunch of volunteers like george
they are getting wacky-er every day
Kat got tired of these antics years ago and stopped associating with them .... I am tempted to just leave them behind or take back our organization.
I have been meeting people who know who george is but not varrin and jason.
I agree with you man. If we are working for liberty in our lifetime, it is going to involve radical changes that will be politically incorrect.

So which way should we go boys ...... take back the fsp or distance ourselves from the fsp board and keep going with all of our shire enterprises?

Lloyd Danforth

I don't know what, specifically, this is about. I saw Facebook mentioned, so I probably won't find out.
I say let the people who call themselves the Free State Project alone.  If they want to continue raising funds to get us new friends here in NH and, throw a week long party every summer why would we want to get in their way or, take it back?


I have read both accounts and Varrin's rings a little more true to me.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 11, 2010, 05:01 AM NHFT
Actually, I've figured it out.  Jason Sorens doesn't like the FSP anymore and is trying to dismantle it.

I was thinking the same thing.


Russell Kanning

it seems like guys like varrin are getting in our way
i don't think I would have reacted quite the same way george did ..... but there is no way I would have treated him like jason and varrin did
many of us have gotten similar treatment, so that is why I can understand and believe george's side
the guys who want to run the fsp and tell us what to do keep stepping into it with liberty activists ..... they will be left in the dust

Terror Australis

It would annoy them  if you called it the FSP - Free Shire Project



I see this very differently than most of you and got in a bit of an argument with George Donelly regarding it. In fact, he removed me on Facebook...but that's beside the point.

What George did was disingenuous:

Deleting a facebook page with 11,000+ followers, branded as an official Facebook page, after Varrin posted that the FSP does not take a stance on such issues (the Baby Cheyenne/Oath Keepers issue)

George was nice to start a page for the FSP. There was certainly no contract signed. I know I've never signed one to volunteer my time, talents, money, etc. Perhaps I'm wrong for thinking that the FSP has a right to drive the bus, if they are indeed driving the bus (trying to get people to move).

Maybe there should have been a more formal agreement with George?

My response, feeling, and general outlook is purely anecdotal. I can only base how I feel about this whole thing on my experience and circumstance.
And right now, George is looking like an opportunist and a sore loser when faced with a request that was not out of line.

Sure, George can claim ownership of the page since he did indeed start it...but that doesn't make sense when looking at the FSP as a non-profit organization run by volunteers. In fact...it looks rather foolish on his part to dig in his heels against the request and then delete the page. And then to announce the entire thing on his blog as if the FSP is some sort of tyrannical government. It's a non-profit organization with a goal to move activists to NH. Activists that will join whatever movements they decide to join...or start on their own initiative.

George was misguided, ignorant, or just arrogant. I have no idea which because he continues to dig in his heels. And my prediction is that he'll continue to get more trollish as time goes by.

Me...I know I'm a firebrand with certain issues.

I know this isn't a big deal to most of you. It's ok. I do understand.
