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Rally for Cheyenne Irish on Thursday, 10/14, in Dover

Started by live_free_or_die, October 11, 2010, 06:50 PM NHFT

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Rochester Family Division Court
259 County Farm Rd
Dover, NH


OathKeepers and We Are Change are reported to be making an appearance.

Does anyone know what time this rally will start?

Are there any prohibitions against open carry outside a courthouse?

It really doesn't matter whether Johnathon Irish is an axe murderer or a saint.
The State has no business citing supposed membership in a peaceful quasi-political organization as grounds for taking a child.
The FOOLS and LIBERALS at DCYF need to be sent a STRONG MESSAGE!!!!
NEVER AGAIN will your BLATANT PREJUDICE be tolerated by the people.
WE KNOW YOUR NAMES and we know your agenda.........................


Any info you have on this rally would be greatly appreciated!

Kat Kanning

I think their court hearing was around 1:00, so guess the rally would be at some similar time.

Kat Kanning


FOLKS:: jonathan irish has past and recent violence history !!

the PAPERWORK on video that Ridleyreport.com shot includes a sharp picture of page 3.

Stephanie, (GIRLFRIEND of Irish) is now married to david taylor currently. has recently "dropped" TRO violence restraining orders against jonathan irish.

jonathan irish has juvenile threat charges (age 17), sex with 14 year old (he was 18), driving suspended and many other
police incidents.


Quote from: live_free_or_die on October 11, 2010, 06:50 PM NHFT
Does anyone know what time this rally will start?
Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 12, 2010, 11:40 AM NHFT
The protest is at 1pm.
The information I have lists the rally as being from 12:00 noon - 4:00 P.M. on Thursday, October 14, 2010, at The Rochester Family Division Court, 259 County Farm Rd, Dover, NH 03820-6016.

Quote from: live_free_or_die on October 11, 2010, 06:50 PM NHFT
Are there any prohibitions against open carry outside a courthouse?
According to the court's standard notice:
Quote...it is a Class B felony to carry a firearm or other deadly weapon as defined in RSA 625:11,V into a courtroom or area used by a court.
However, as defined by RSA 159:19, "area used by a court" does not include areas outside the building:
III. For purposes of paragraph I, ""area used by a court'' means:
       (a) In a building dedicated exclusively to court use, the entire building exclusive of the area between the entrance and the courthouse security.
       (b) In any other building which includes a court facility, courtrooms, jury assembly rooms, deliberation rooms, conference and interview rooms, the judge's chambers, other court staff facilities, holding facilities, and corridors, stairways, waiting areas, and elevators directly connecting these rooms and facilities.


Thank you for the info, Dover Exposure. I will come ARMED and I hope other liberty-lovers will, too...


Baby in foster care sent to hospital  (CHEYENNE) RELEASED back to foster care

Baby in foster care sent to hospital
By Maddie Hanna
Created 10/14/2010 - 00:00

The newborn taken from an Epsom couple last week by state social workers was sent to the hospital yesterday but is fine, officials said last night.

Parents Johnathon Irish and Stephanie Taylor had a supervised visit with their daughter and a state social worker yesterday at a Strafford County administration building and during the visit "there was some concern about the possibility of some blood that was seen in a diaper," said Capt. Joseph DiGregorio of the Strafford County Sheriff's Office.

As a "precautionary measure," DiGregorio said, the sheriff's office decided to have the baby examined at Exeter Hospital.

But there was "no indication of any abuse," he said. "Zero. Nothing." The baby was back in foster care last night, DiGregorio said.

The state cited concerns over a history of domestic violence between Irish and Taylor to support its seizure of the baby. Court documents also mention Irish's affiliation with anti-totalitarian group the Oath Keepers. Several websites and blogs reported yesterday that the child, "Baby Cheyenne," had been taken to the hospital to be treated for sexual abuse, generating outrage among the couple's supporters.

But "the baby is absolutely fine," said Maggie Bishop, the director of the state Division for Children, Youth, and Families. "The baby is healthy, safe, and absolutely fine."

    * New Hampshire

Source URL: http://www.concordmonitor.com/article/220349/baby-in-foster-care-sent-to-hospital


OK... I have them spanning 3 decades. (Yep, I is still shootin' live ones into my 50s!  ;D )

Anyway, with all of the diapers I've changed on my own kids and on the kids of friends and family, I have NEVER
encountered blood in a diaper. So, having said that....

<sarcasm mode == on>
SURE, there was no abuse. SURE, there wasn't any evidence of abuse. OF COURSE, the baby was returned to foster care. OBVIOUSLY, the parents were just making it up. OBVIOUSLY, this is just another LIE from the parents to stir up support.  ::)
<sarcasm mode == off>

Russell Kanning

Kat Kanning

So there were federal marshals there in plain clothes at the rally today.  It was all pretty quiet though.


I've changed diapers on 3 girls of my own, at least 4 nieces and two grand-daughters (one is just getting into "pullups")... some bleeding type minor discharge sometimes occurs in infant girls. I have personally never seen it. I asked my wife and she's never seen it (and she's really meticulous about such things). What this baby girl's parents reported is more than "minor discharge". They reported a blood soaked diaper and he also, in front of "officials" as witnesses (who were refusing to gather evidence or investigate further), used hospital latex gloves to collect a hair found on this baby girls privates, obtained and placed that hair in an evidence bag, AND (last I heard) said that he has that evidence in that sealed bag in his possession.

I have heard of, in the course of my life, more instances where CPS agencies have done more harm than good, where children taken by CPS agencies are abused, neglected and have even been murdered, and yet at the same time those same CPS agencies have NOT removed children from other homes (for whatever "PC" reason they had) where those other children have later been severely injured or murdered. It seems that family and community do a much better job of watching out for children than CPS.

On a more personal note, my wife and I disagreed with certain procedures which the State wanted to force on our children. Our regular pediatrician understands our position, how we arrived at our position and why. After one of our children's birth our normal pediatrician was called out of town for a family crisis. The attending hospital pediatrician threated me with a report to CPS for abuse because I told him I was against the procedure which he demanded be performed. I had to go with my attorney to file a preemption against this pediatrician (who, BTW, I found out later made extra $$$$ from insurance every time he did these procedures) and while I was out of the hospital for about 2 hours or so, this guy brings in a group of "administrators and security" to try and take our child from my wife. They had thought that I was the trouble-maker, not realizing that both my wife and myself make such decisions together... They also (evidently) didn't realize that we're both highly educated and the only reason my wife wasn't doing the legal paperwork was because she had just given birth and couldn't make it to her law offices! Oops on them... (As I said, I wasn't there, but I heard that at one point she actually asked them if they read the occupations of people coming in or did they just forget what she does for work? :rofl: )
After a little back and forth, they backed down. About that time I arrived back at the hospital (with our daughter, the attorney) and they were lucky that my wife and daughter were calming factors for me because I was pretty livid... and I still think I had every right to be.

I only tell that to illustrate that there are Doctors, CPS agents and others who don't care about ruining lives or harming children, they only care about their own money and control. I don't trust them... PERIOD.


How do you know there were federal marshals? Any idea who?


The ones with the crew cuts, the ear-pieces and the swagger maybe?

Kat Kanning

Quote from: live_free_or_die on October 14, 2010, 08:29 PM NHFT
How do you know there were federal marshals? Any idea who?

::)  When they've tossed your husband down on the ground...when they've arrested you, you tend to remember their faces.