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Philosophy of Liberty

Started by jcpliberty, January 25, 2005, 04:56 AM NHFT

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For the next month, until Feb 28, 2005, I will be showing the Philosophy of Liberty flash presentation at my website, http://www.jimcperry.com/

Please be sure to check it out!



Great presentation, I recommend it to everyone :)

Lloyd Danforth

Ah, the young ones and their cartoons!

Although, it doesn't seem to want to play for me.  Just a blue figure on a black background, doing nothing.

Russell Kanning

That is the whole presentation Lloyd...isn't it thought provoking?

Lloyd Danforth

I could swear that when I first saw it, some time ago, it was annimated.  It is by the late 'Luc' something, isn't it?

Kat Kanning

I think it was on ISIL's website.



Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on February 02, 2005, 08:21 AM NHFT
I could swear that when I first saw it, some time ago, it was annimated.  It is by the late 'Luc' something, isn't it?
Yes, the late Kerry Pearson aka Lux Lucre in various libertarian communities and in Firefly fandom.  I knew him originally as a fellow member of the Conspiracy to Ruin L. Neil Smith's Life (the plan to get L. Neil on the LP presidential ticket).  For those interested, Kerry's likeness appears in a small role in _The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel_ by L. Neil Smith and Scott Beiser.  I got my copy from Laissez Faire Books.

If the animation isn't borking, you might want to check the configuration of the Flash plugin in your browser.  Works fine on my machine (Mandrake 10, Mozilla).

If somebody can point me to a Windoze XP screensaver module I can use as a wrapper for a Flash animation, I'd love to put it on the crappy machine I have to use at work.