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Founding Fathers and Immigration

Started by Grunt, January 25, 2005, 09:41 AM NHFT

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Quote from: katdillon on January 26, 2005, 10:50 AM NHFT
Not by me!? You're my hero ;)

I bet you say that to every guy who hates cell-phones.  ::)


If you are comfortable with someone saying "forget the founding fathers" here, then I am glad to know you are insulted.

If there is anything I can do to insult you further, let me know.

But I think I can handle that well enough.  8)


My reply wasn't to your post, Grunt, but to Kat's. I don't forget what the Founding Fathers did for us.


Noted. But my post was for general consumption as well.

Maybe someone should pull ian aside and let him know his radio show exists because of those Founding Fathers he is so eager to forget about.

Kat Kanning

Maybe there oughta be a law requiring respect for the founding fathers ;)



    You read so far into anything that I write.  My point was you can quote all day and night from the founding fathers, and it's meaningless.  What's meaningful is the document they produced, the Constitution.  You managed to ignore the real point.

    Then you show your true colors as a paranoiac.  My "handlers".  Get real.  Yeah, I'm a "New World Order" puppet.  Boogedy boogedy!

    Oh and California?  Maybe if they had some freedom when it comes to guns, they'd have less crime.



Not everyone who disagrees with you is your enemy.
Not everyone who agrees with you is your friend.

Kat Kanning


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I cordially invite any and all illegal immigrants to show up at JP's house. If its good enough for all of us to spend our tax dollars on non-citizens as our own veterans are denied health care, then JP will gladly give you the food from his very plate. Nay, from the plate of his family!


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There are quite a few rancher families inTexas that would beg to differ.

Im sure they would be happy to know you put the well being of illigal mexicans above that of actual American citizens.


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