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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Founding Fathers and Immigration

Started by Grunt, January 25, 2005, 09:41 AM NHFT

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Since discussion of this topic seems to be for "impartial" wanna-be immigrants *only* over at the FSP forum, lets me be a "racist" and mirror what the Founding Fathers (those freedom hating bastards) had to say about the topic.

"The safety of a Republic depends on the energy of a common national sentiment; on uniformity of principles and habits; on the exemption of the citizens from foreign bias." -- Alexander Hamilton

"They (foreign immigrants) will bring with them the principles of the government they leave, imbibed in their early youth. Their principles with their language, they will transmit to their children. In proportion to their numbers, they will share with us in the legislation. They will infuse into it their spirit, warp and bias its direction, and render it a heterogeneous, incoherent, distracted mass." -- Thomas Jefferson

"To render the people of this country as homogeneous as possible...must tend as much as any other circumstance to the permanency of their union and prosperity." --  Alexander Hamilton

Anyone remember that guy, Cicero? What he said about a people share the fundamentals beliefs about life, the universe, religion, moral norms, legal principles, and so on. Cicero called it "Concordia", or what we know today as "Concord". 


A quote from Jefferson, I have to give some weight, but from Hamilton?!?  It is common knowledge that he was in fact a bastard. (Not that we should fault him for that.)   He was a cheat, crook, and manipulator of state power for the enrichment of himself and a connected mercantilist class.  (Think central bank.)   His opinions on a subject, at first blush, should tend to ingratiate his opponents to lovers of freedom.


BlueLu - 1; Straw Man - 0

Dont MAKE me dredge up the Madiison, Franklin, Washington, Adams, and Gasset quotes!  ;D

It wont be pretty.

It toss in some more Cicero, but doing so would start a depressing "those who dont understand history..." feedback loop.

Lloyd Danforth

If the government adhered to the Constitution, the original intent of the founding fathers and we didn't have all of the programs where immigrants can live off of the tax payers, immigrants would pose little threat to our way of life.
But, the government doesn't  and the programs exist, so, we need to either change some things or deploy a moratorium on immigration.
In any case, we should bring our military home and put them on our borders.


In any case, we should bring our military home and put them on our borders. -- Lloyd Danforth


Thank you, sir!

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to nail it.

But I think securing the borders is the BEGINNING of restoration, not the end.

Lloyd Danforth

No, it is literaly the first, best thing we can do.


You know that POS Vincente Fox puts the Mexican army...*drum roll*...LIMIT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION FROM THE SOUTHERN BORDER!


Forget the founding fathers, the constitution says we don't need a standing army.  If they are to exist, it is not to be for longer than 2 years.

Abolish it.

Lloyd Danforth

Then a volunteer force along the border


As long as they have the property owner's permission, I have no objection.



Forget the Founding Fathers, eh? The more you speak the more you show your true colors ian. At this rate, you will soon outlive your usefullnes, then your handlers will merely cut your strings and toss you to the wolves. Exactly the fate of most low-level COINTEL pawns. When you find yourself out in the cold, and swinging in the breeze, know you will have no mercy from me.

Anyhow, one of the few unequivable tasks of the federal gov't is the defense of the borders. Seems ian and his ilk do not see literally millions upon millions of illegals pouriing into our southern border as a security issue. But a simple glance at the sheer number of crimes and costs attributed to illegals in California alone shows them to be nothing short of an invading army running amok in our Republic.

Also, there is a volunteer border patrol group, http://www.ranchrescue.com/ , and they take spectacular flak from the fed for thier efforts. No good deed goes unpunished. Flooding this nation with aliens is openly and admittedly part of the globalist plan to weaken America. Those who are unwilling or unable to wrap thier minds around this utterly simple concept are willing or unwitting servants of the plutocrats.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Grunt on January 26, 2005, 09:31 AM NHFT
Forget the Founding Fathers, eh? The more you speak the more you show your true colors ian. At this rate, you will soon outlive your usefullnes, then your handlers will merely cut your strings and toss you to the wolves. Exactly the fate of most low-level COINTEL pawns. When you find yourself out in the cold, and swinging in the breeze, know you will have no mercy from me.

Anyhow, one of the few unequivable tasks of the federal gov't is the defense of the borders. Seems ian and his ilk do not see literally millions upon millions of illegals pouriing into our southern border as a security issue. But a simple glance at the sheer number of crimes and costs attributed to illegals in California alone shows them to be nothing short of an invading army running amok in our Republic.

Also, there is a volunteer border patrol group, http://www.ranchrescue.com/ , and they take spectacular flak from the fed for thier efforts. No good deed goes unpunished. Flooding this nation with aliens is openly and admittedly part of the globalist plan to weaken America. Those who are unwilling or unable to wrap thier minds around this utterly simple concept are willing or unwitting servants of the plutocrats.

Gee...and you wonder why your posts are deleted in other forums.

Most of the rest of us seem to be able to make our points without insulting others.


Kat Kanning

Not me...I wind up being insulting, too.


Kat Kanning