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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Started by Dave Ridley, November 29, 2010, 10:30 AM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

ya ..... do you say you refuse to stamp out the plates and live free ...... or get sent to segregation?

Dave Ridley

NH liberty news update....Credit where credit is due:  Fed Senator Kelly Ayotte and her security man Steve Monier have loosened up somewhat in terms of access to her events.   Inside her NH town hall meeting she was successfully interviewed by her nemisis, indie reporter Chris King.  King had recently sued in Federal court to get better access. Click here to see King's August 11, 2011 video and note that King has been a sponsor of the Ridley Report.

Kelly Ayotte Town Meeting: "She's full of shit...." (and will gut the CFPA)

Dave Ridley

NH freedom update: Liberty folk in Manchester, NH have apparently just conducted what I think is their their first "market day."  Presumably some sort of flea market near Theo's on Elm street, sponsored by InformalU.org.  See link below for details...commerce is key! 


Russell Kanning

very good idea ..... the big city folks beat us country folks

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

re: Reply #106    I can not get enough of the first frame of that youtube post!  That must go viral!
I keep imagining the thought bubble hovering above the Representative's head, reading repetitiously : "What's it gonna be, boy????" "What's it gonna be, boy????" "What's it gonna be, boy????" "What's it gonna be, boy????" "What's it gonna be, boy????" "What's it gonna be, boy????" "What's it gonna be, boy????" "What's it gonna be, boy????" "What's it gonna be, boy????" "What's it gonna be, boy????""Them thar license plates need a printin."  Bubba at stand by to take orders. hahahahahaha

Live Free or Die, or bust?  ;D

Russell Kanning

yea ... it makes me sad that she moved up the thug chain of command by being one of the meanest people in NH. Is she a Senator now? wow now she gets the big bucks for life ... or until the empire folds :icon_pirat:

Dave Ridley

NH liberty news: Free staters have scheduled a benefit for recently-injured activist Chris Lopez.   The benefit will be on August 23 at the restaurant where she works in Concord, NH.  Lopez was paralyzed in a deck collapse around July 1.   See link below for details on the event.


Dave Ridley

NH liberty update:  A pirate radio station in Keene is back on the air, roughly a year after Fed agents took it down.   See video descrip for details about the liberty-oriented "102.5 FM."


Dave Ridley

Correction:  In an earlier report I mentioned a benefit for injured free stater Chris Lopez.  It is apparently being put on by The Common Man restaurant chain, not just free staters.   Many thanks to them for doing this.   Details:


Dave Ridley

A day has arrived that we all knew would eventually come. After four years of thoughtful conduct toward this channel, YouTube has for the first time begun censoring the Ridley Report. And they've done it without any apparent warning or explanation. Videos from both Aug. 18th and 19th suddenly disappeared on August 20th along with all your comments. They are now listed as "rejected - inappropriate content."

More details later. Long-laid backup plans and workarounds will begin going into effect, but meanwhile a viewer has already rescued and re-posted one of the deleted clips. Click the link below to see it, and take whatever constructive action you like that will help turn this long-anticipated challenge to our advantage.

Activist open carries into cop-shop (Manchester, New Hampshire)

Russell Kanning

didn't take long for them to get rid of it
why for?
I just saw it as an update and now it is flushed


All it takes is for one disgruntled person to click the "flag" button, and Youtube automatically removes the video from public view. It's then up to the video owner to convince an actual person at Youtube that the video was okay.

Dave Ridley

The banning of two Ridley Reports has apparently done me more good than harm. Although it did interfere with those two vids, it resulted in a tech wizard stepping forward. He has figured out a way to auto-archive pretty much all the videos I've ever uploaded. Within 24 hours he had secured all 2000 vids on a spare drive. These vids can be re-introduced to the net, even if I and my channel were both removed from the scene. Bookmark the following page:


Head there to see these banned clips and others that may be quashed in the future.

Dave Ridley

NH Liberty News: Just weeks after losing a jury trial against NH liberty activists...Massachusetts operatives are pursuing another one.  Beau Davis from LibertyOnTour.com is under fire for allegedly recording police voices on May 20th. Officials in Greenfield, MA have issued charges against him that carry a maximum penalty of five years in jail.  See video descrip for details.



The Massachusetts operatives suffered no ill effects as a result of the first escapade.