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Started by Dave Ridley, November 29, 2010, 10:30 AM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

Dave Ridley

NH cops raid former rep for taping bureaucrat?

Sponsor: http://ridleyreport.com/PR - A pro-freedom, former state rep reports police have entered her home to confiscate recording devices!  This after she openly audio taped at a government building!   For details & discussion click link or see video descrip.  http://forum.freestateproject.org/index.php?topic=25129.0

Dave Ridley

NH Sheriff candidate seized?

Prominent Elaine Brown supporter Bill Miller has reportedly been arrested and confined to Concord Hospital.  I believe he is or was running for Sheriff, probably in Strafford County, NH.

For details & discussion click link or see video descrip.


Dave Ridley

Did Union Leader quash redress committee story?

Sponsor: http://ridleyreport.com/Class - Petitioner says paper interviewed him for hours about his official grievance against elements of the NH legal system....then killed the story.  Paper then fails to respond to my questions.   For details & discussion click link below...or see video descrip. 


Dave Ridley

Talley:  Bailiff censored Keene State College students

Sponsor: http://ridleyreport.com/Ad - Jason Talley of Talley.TV is reporting that one or more court personnel forced a KSC documentary crew to erase video.   The alleged incident took place inside western New Hampshire's Cheshire County Superior Court.  For details & discussion click link or see video descrip. 


Dave Ridley

NH woman rails against Delta pet handling

Sponsor: http://ridleyreport.com/Trade - New Hampshire resident says Delta airlines mishandled at least one of her two exotic "sugar glider" pets.  Delta responds.  For details & discussion click link below...or see video descrip.   


Dave Ridley

NH official hints at forcing all toll users to mount transmitters in their vehicles

Sponsor: http://ridleyreport.com/Ad - GovernmentOversite.com captures what strikes me me as a stunning admission by state bureaucrats.  For details & discussion click link or see video descrip.


Dave Ridley

Concord insiders want 5 million stolen dollars

Sponsor: http://ridleyreport.com/Travel - NH developers and the Concord Chamber of Commerce are pushing to at least indirectly acquire almost $5 million worth of Fed funding. But don't expect them to tell you all the strings that will likely attach.  For more details & discussion click link or see video descrip. 


Lloyd Danforth

Thank you for doing this Dave.

Dave Ridley

If even crumudgens like what I'm doing it can't be all bad.   altough i am becoming a crumudgen in my own right.  maybe i should at least learn how to spell it.   thanx for the kind words lloyd.

Dave Ridley

NH liberty activist beats Deerfield in court

Sponsor: http://ridleyreport.com/PR - Former state rep Harriet Cady recently had her home invaded by Deerfield PD because she openly recorded public officials.  Now she has an NH Supreme Court victory against the town-gov over its alleged failure to post proper notices of public matters.  For details & discussion click link or see video descrip.


Russell Kanning

I recently had someone tell me that there is no way you can record the cops .... and I said "that seems to be changing"

Dave Ridley

Moltonboro school forcing taxpayers to fund prom limos?

Sponsor:  http://mailtojail.com - MoultonboroSpeaks.com is reporting residents of the New Hampshire town will have to fork over more than $4,000 in expenses helping high schoolers party.   For details & discussion click link or see video descrip.


Russell Kanning

anything in the name of stopping drunk driving
maybe we can fly in PatK to show them how to drink responsibly .... and tell funny jokes

Dave Ridley

Ridley Report print version @ PorcFest

I'm going to try an experiment at PorcFest this year. I'll basically be posting printed news on the physical bulletin board at the main office.  I'll do it more and better if you buy an ad or two.  For details & discussion click link or see video descrip.   
