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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Started by Dave Ridley, November 29, 2010, 10:30 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

NH breaking news 2/22/11: The indie reporter known as Biker Bill has apparently just been arrested by Weare PD in New Hampshire for recording!  This according to a Porcupine411.com call from his wife.  Anyone else know what's going on?  See this for incoming details...


Dave Ridley

NH news update 2/26/11
Jail bans RidleyBook

I just sent this note to Kevin Innes, a Liberty Dollar guy who has been jailed by the Feds for many months now because of his involvement with that organization:  "Kevin I have sent two 10-page letters to you in the last couple months and had them returned.  The second came back opened with the words "material not allowed."  To their credit, at least they were honest about the reason for return.  It was raw material for my proto-book, as usual.  As Scripture says, we are to rejoice when persecuted.  We must turn disadvantages into advantages. This will result in an added opportunity for me to mention you and your cause on my channel and maybe Free Talk Live."

Kevin is being held, and my mail to him censored, by the Caldwell County Jail in Lenoir, NC
Their detailed contact info is at http://caldwellsheriff.org/employees.htm

Link to excerpts of the the banned proto-book:

Russell Kanning

Dave Ridley

If the March 3 edition of the Union Leader is any indication, March 2 was a weak day for liberty in the New Hampshire House.  Most of the bills that passed appear to be pro-government.   Some unreported votes may have occurred, however. The TSA bill will not be voted on by the House very soon I suspect:   


Russell Kanning

Dave Ridley

March 5, 2011:  Freedom victories in Northwood, NH (I think that's where it was).  Local liberty activist writes:

"just got back from town meeting - tax payers: 10, tax spenders: 0 (actually, what just happened is actually a less than 0 result, as the voting results decreased taxes by -$0.55 per 1k property value.) All 10 questions got voted in the liberty direction, and I suspect the meeting next Saturday for the other 'town businesses' will be like watching an instant replay of today's vote."

Dave Ridley

This just coming in March 7: Superior Court in Keene, NH is apparently banning spectators from the jury selection process. This is what some consider the most important part of a trial.  The situation is still breaking; trouble may follow before the day is over.

Winchester resident Jim Johnson is on trial for being in the public parking lot of a local jail after some members of his group were told to leave. Details inbound:


Dave Ridley

Does anyone know what happened to Bill Miller?  People often talk of the "four Jailed supporters of New Hampshire tax protester Ed Brown."  But Miller is or was a fifth, jailed on ostensibly unrelated charges.  I think it had to do with allegedly threatening authorities.  Miller stayed with the Browns for some time during the 2007 standoff with U.S. Marshals, broadcasting a sort of radio program from their house in Plainfield.  There were concerns he may have been drugged in custody around early 2008.  Around then all talk of him seems to have disappeared from the Net, and he with it.   Details:.

Concord, NH: "Free Bill Miller" demonstration


Lloyd Danforth

Dave Ridley

I mention this because it is super interesting but barely getting mainstream coverage:  The Jasmine Revolution appears to be spreading to Britain. 

A "Constitution group" whose court vids I've enjoyed in the past...has tried to arrest a judge.
Look at the video description within this clip for details and dramatic links. 

Ron Paul warns against Libya intervention

Kat Kanning

There's this:

   WILLIAM EDWARD MILLER    11845-041    33-White-M    03-18-2011    MINNEAPOLIS CCM

That was the only possible fed prisoner who could have been him.  If so, he'll be released in a few days.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on March 10, 2011, 03:25 PM NHFT
There's this:

   WILLIAM EDWARD MILLER    11845-041    33-White-M    03-18-2011    MINNEAPOLIS CCM

That was the only possible fed prisoner who could have been him.  If so, he'll be released in a few days.

No, this guy has been locked up since February 2006.

Lloyd Danforth


Nope, just providing the public information that is available to me. I can't vouch for its accuracy.

But the same public information actually says he has jail credit (meaning he was in jail pending trial and sentencing) from September 2004 to January 2006. Charge was felon in possession of a firearm, in Minnesota.