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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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RidleyReport bulletins

Started by Dave Ridley, November 29, 2010, 10:30 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

More action in Keene, New Hampshire:  Winchester man reportedly jailed indefinitely for not filling out a court form! Details:


Dave Ridley

FreeKeene.com is reporting that agents of the Cheshire County government have destroyed the video their cameras took of a man burning himself alive.  Tom Ball self-immolated outside New Hampshire's Cheshire Superior Court, partly in protest of their system.  See video descrip for details on this "follow up immolation" of the video you paid for.


Dave Ridley

Longtime Nashua resident and Ridley supporter Mike Gannon says he has just been maced and punched by NPD.  Click here to see a report from Chris King and and look at the video descrip for more details. A note regarding "the other side of the story."  I'd prefer to call police, question them and record the entire interaction on tape when they are accused.  But the wiretap law - which their chiefs so ardently defend - has a chilling effect on such calls.  So I generally choose to practice overobedience - and decline to call for their opinions.  In this sense, their bad law saves me time and costs them the chance to present their views.

Nashua PD unlawful arrest, macing and video confiscation and beat down of Mike Gannon

Dave Ridley

NHFree.com co-owner Russell Kanning has been arrested by Federal operatives for attempting to chalk one of their buildings.  He's perhaps best known as the Outlaw Leafletter for his "illegal" attempts to distribute liberty lit in IRS offices.  In accordance with traditional Fed practice, Kanning has temporarily disappeared but may re-appear for arraignments...one of which was scheduled for 11 a.m. July 6.  Also, his wife took pictures, but she says authorities seized her camera and deleted the images.

Dave Ridley

Free stater Chris Lopez, wife of NH state rep Seth Cohn, has just been involved in a deck collapse accident.  She has reportedly fractured her spine, has been airlifted to a hospital and in surgery as of 1 p.m. July 6. See video descrip for details.


Dave Ridley

NH liberty update: Those city-destroying, community hating malcontents at FreeKeene.com are committing yet another outrage.  They're forming a pothole-fixing brigade.  Those newer to the Free State movement may be amused to know that this actually has been done once before in Keene...  Early mover Russell Kanning repaired a couple holes back around 2006.  See video descrip for details.


Dave Ridley

Regarding the Spend-o-crats FREAK OUT video...

After excerpts from this footage appeared on July 24th, I received the following message from a YouTube user. 

"xxsupersparkle" indicates he or she was at the camera-shy protest and writes:   

"you are a pointless, useless scum of the earth human being..."

Comment appeared at the following link around July 26th.

Dave Ridley

I recently contacted Chris Lopez, a central NH free stater seriously injured in a deck collapse.  She says she's either temporarily or permanently paralyzed from about the waist down, depending on what her nerves decide to do.  I asked her what folks can do that is most helpful.  Her response is below.  There is also a chip-in set up to raise money and alleviate her expenses:


<< Hi Dave.  Thanx for taking the time to find out what really happened & what I'm going through now.

Since I broke my back 3 weeks ago I've had an enormous amount of generosity come my way.  I am amazed at, not only the number of friends, but also by the number of people who I don't even know who have shown their support!
So many people ask me "what can I do?" or "what do you need?" but the greatest "things" that I've received have been the positive thoughts, energy & prayers sent my way.  After that I would have to say a call or a visit helps me the most.  I'm energized by my friends.  Knowing that people care is great, but hearing a voice & seeing a smile lifts my spirit up to the sky.

I may or may not regain the feeling in my legs, but for now, I am working real hard to learn how to live a "normal" life.  I have PT  (physical therapy) 3 hours a day & my upper body is getting stronger & stronger (& my muscles sure are feeling it!   :)

Feel free to post as much or as little of this as you think is interesting, but please, more than anything, let people know how utterly thankful I am for all the love & support that they have given.  The show of love in the form of letters, gifts, money & sweat is very much appreciated!


I forgot to inject my new catch phrase " I'm doing it!" somewhere into the letter.  I say this now as I continue my therapy & amaze myself with my progress. >>

Dave Ridley

NH liberty update:  Town of Grafton moves deeper into conflict with Peaceful Assembly Church.
Connell requests supportive phone calls.

Latest details:  http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=20941.msg337579#msg337579
Background: http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=20941.0

Dave Ridley

NH liberty update:  Elaine Brown supporter Reno Gonzalez's appeal has just appeared on the U.S. Supreme Court website.
See video descrip for details.


Russell Kanning

I liked your video about Christianity and Civil Disobedience. Keep the old footage coming, but I would guess that some of us will have to lead by example, in order for the tone of our anti-thug activism to change. :)

Dave Ridley

NH liberty update:  "Liberal-tarian" Free Stater Will May has developed a new "ideological map" of the NH state house.  He says it shows endorsement failures on the part of the NH Liberty Alliance...that many of its endorsees are voting authoritarian on social issues.  The state rep in this vid, however, ranked as one of the best overall.  Rather than bristling over the concerns, Alliance operatives are discussing the implications on their forum.



Dave Ridley

NH liberty news update:  Nashua, NH will witness a protest by an anti-CPS group on Aug. 12.  Details:


Dave Ridley

NH Liberty News:  Cheshire County Authorities have just locked up Free Talk Live host Ian Freeman.  On August 10, 2011.  He's been sentenced to 90 days in jail for some sort of civil disobedience.  Details:


Sheep Fuzzy Wool

A friend pointed out this thought today:  "The irony of sitting in a New Hampshire prison stamping out license plates that say, "Live Free or Die.""   The friend meant it would be pure torture!