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Polar Plunge!

Started by Mike Barskey, December 08, 2010, 08:20 AM NHFT

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Mike Barskey

Want to give 2010 the cold shoulder? Want to ring in 2011 with a splash? Want to do something crazy? Go jump in the ocean!

Join us for the third Polar Plunge at Hampton Beach at 2:00p on December 31. Socialize on the beach, jump in the ocean (clothing optional), then have an early dinner together, and still have plenty of time to get to whatever new years eve party you have planned (or perhaps someone can host a party for the polar plungers?).

Questions? Ask any of the past plungers - last year there were 14 of us.

I hope you'll join us.

Facebook event here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=165603883474982


Sounds like fun.  Could actually be able to make it, this year.



I'm thinking probably not. But, that still puts me in the maybe column.
It could happen.

Russell Kanning


You can get some swimming shoes at Walmart.  Running barefoot through the snow was the worst part for me.  The freezing temperature water was doable.

Mike Barskey

I would love to bring my RV to the beach - it's great to have a comfortable, warm place to change clothes and to be immediately after coming out of the ocean - but it'll cost like $90 in gas. If you're in the Grafton-ish area and would like to ride to and from Hampton beach in the house-party-on-wheels, I'll take it if I can get at least $60 in donations. I'm thinking $10 per person is not too much to ask, but we'll see how many people are interested. Please email or call me ((248) NO-STATE) if intereted.



I like the RV idea.  I'm in for $10, if that happens.  Heck, it's cool enough that I'll chip in, even if I can't personally make it.


Pat K

I'M with ya! (In spirit) I will be cheering you on! (From Flowda)

Russell Kanning

he did the rv last year .... it worked well
we also had fun at an italian restaurant afterwards

K. Darien Freeheart


I'm thinking about it.  And shivering.   :Bolt:


I'm in and would like to report on the porcupine polar plunge for Talley.TV. I'm looking for a spectator to record us going into the water since I'd like to be one of the crazy fools participating. If you're interested, please holla back.


I can record.  I'm from here - not like I haven't been swimming in the Atlantic before.
