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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Thank you Kat

Started by John, December 26, 2010, 06:47 PM NHFT

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At one point in the past 6 years (since this forum began) a few folks began hasling you (here, on your own forum) and acting completely ungrateful for the the work you do here. So, at that point I started using "Thanks Kat." as my regular signature here. Once in a while I'll change it for brief periods, and then return to "Thanks Kat." It might have been obvious to people who were around back then (even if they've forgoton since) what that signature was for; it is intended as a thank you for this forum.

Today (before you guys leave) I wish to thank you for many other things but I'm not sure where to begin or end. So, I'll mention a few things and then throw it open for others to join in. I'll also jump back in with other thank you items and thoughts.

I know that I have returned at least some of the same kinds of value which I have gained from you, and that makes me happy.
You will be greatly missed.

So just to get this started, Thank you for:
Your friendship
Kind words during difficult times
Being an early mover
Your steadfast activism
The New Hampshire Underground
The Keene Free Press
The New Hampshire Free Press
And of course, for being one of the brave souls who helped give our movement a moral compass. I'm thinking particularly of early on when there was not yet any real sense of direction among the relatively few movers and you and Mike Fisher said; No this is not all about political gamesmanship and gun polishing: We've got something else in mind.Things would be a lot different around here if you guys had not done that and done that when you did. (I'll see if I can find the song I wrote about that somewhere among my posts, and perhaps post it here.)

Free libertarian

There are so many things you've done, it would be impossible to thank you for all of it.   Just know that lots of people admire your courage, your work and your sincerity...I'm one of them.   If there were just one royal decree I could get the Emperor to
pass it would be not to let you guys go...but you guys taught him well, now HE'S too darn principled !   Grafton won't be the same without you, but I know wherever you go you will inspire and teach others.  Thank you.


I'm really glad that we became as well as neighbors here in Free Grafton. I am rooting for you to return but I realize that you have new adventures ahead of you. Thanks for inspiring us and leading the example with your principled activism.


I feel honored to have met my personal hero and heroine.  I'm sad that they are leaving and happy that they will add to the lives of others no matter where they go.


Did I forget to mention all of your work on the Liberty Scholarship Fund?  :o


Thanks for helping build our house, Kat.  Remember the funeral for the constitution?  You brought the roses.  And when you tied President William to the chair at Cheshire Pizza?  And when we lit the first burning porcupine in our backyard?  Then how we had to chase down and stomp all the sparks as the wind kicked up?  You and I sitting  peacefully in the IRS office?  You and I getting dragged into a dark elevator outside the IRS office?  You and I sitting together on the booking bench, watching the police identify me by google?  The time we stood between the beligerent guy and Roger wearing our Don Quixote outfits?  The time we stood between that yell-in-into-your-face guy and Anarcho Jesse after he burnt the U.S. flag?   My favorite moment:  when you were released from jail onto that grassy hillside, I ran to hug you and you twirled me around like a hanky.  I am so sad that our team is breaking up.  It was an awesome thing.  :'(


Kat, thanks for being the first person to welcome me to the Free State via the Monadnock Porcupines, where I also met Dawn & Bill, Mincin, Joel, PatK, and oh yeah, Russelll, for the first time. And had a very unsatisfactory pepperoni pizza.   :pizza:

Thanks for helping me move into my very first home.   :couch:

Thanks for your work on the Board of the FSP, where you went out of your way to make the FSP Forum a warm and welcoming place for prospective new participants.   :hug:

Thanks for starting and maintaining this message board, where I have spent many quality hours, and countless silly ones.   :bdance2:  It has been a virtual Cheers, where everybody knows your name.   :occasion14:

Thanks for opening my mind to new ideas which sometimes seemed crazy at first but turned out to be right.   :inspect:

Thanks for introducing me to Der Schless, the artist formerly known as Herr Schnergenberger   :blush:

Thanks for starting the FSP Adopt-a-Highway Project, which is still going strong in multiple locations around the state

Thanks for opening first your Keene home, then your Grafton home, to so many people, both as a place to live and as a place to socialize.

Thanks for being a friend and for so many good memories.  I'll miss you.   :love4:

Kat Kanning

It's been an amazing 6 years.  I was one of those geeky libertarians who didn't have friends before I moved here.  I'm going to miss you all so much.

Thanks Lauren for being there during times of trouble.
Thanks John for making it so the NH Free Press can continue.
Thanks Friday for some outrageous parties - murders and birthdays :)
Thanks Talley for your awesome promotion.
Thanks Anton for sharing your pictures.
Thanks FreeLib for your good cheer :)

Russell Kanning

good memories
i also like knowing that there will be more


Thanks for being one of the few early movers whose activism inspired me to get my butt up here!

I hope you move back someday and bring the family with you!

This truly is the end of an era.   :'(


Thank you for helping me move in to my new home.  Thank you for your activism.  Thank you for assisting families who want to get their kids out of government schools.  Thank you for promoting non-violence.


Kat, when you travel out west, if you should encounter the "perpetrator" who performed an outlaw manicure on you, please persuade him to move back to NH.  :)

I hate to mention the 800 pound gorilla who looms in the vacuum of your pending absence, but... what is to become of the NH Underground? Or the NH Free Press?

Kat Kanning

Both are going to continue!  Mr. John Connell is handling the in-state activities of the paper.  He'll be delivering the paper around the state and doing the mailing.  Without him I couldn't have kept the paper going.

John's also going to help out with the Liberty Scholarship Fund.  I can keep writing checks from a distance, but he will take the incoming mail and handle the deposits.

The Underground will go on as always.


(this is a joint thank you to Kat and Russell...)

Wow.  Seems like just yesterday we were all just arriving here... where does the time go?

We've had our differences, lord knows, but our connections kept bringing us to the same places, and more and more over the years, despite the things we disagreed on, we ended up more in alignment and agreement than ever...

I know, I know, I'm a full fledged politician now, so you can't trust what I say.... but hopefully my actions speak louder than my words, and as everyone else knows, my words are usually pretty loud.  I believe you guys did a lot of good, and I tried to support that good, whenever I could, to help you out... but if I didn't say it enough with my actions, here's a thank you for all you did these many years.

A big hug to both of you, for all you have done, and of course, a warm welcome anytime you want to return...
Safe journeys onward, and may the only orange jumpsuits you wear be the ones you own yourselves.

The Seth Lord hisself 

Kat Kanning