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"Living free" vs. paranoia

Started by KBCraig, December 31, 2010, 06:06 PM NHFT

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I'm curious if any of you who have chosen to "just live free" and ignore certain laws, wind up feeling liberated, or imprisoned by paranoia of getting caught (and the consequences thereof).

For example: a paperless or "semi-papered" driver, unless he enjoys interaction with "the authoritays" that cost time and money and freedom, must scrupulously obey most traffic laws, including those that are pointless and have nothing to do with safety.

Over the last five years, I find that I've grown downright paranoid about driving. I don't care if I don't get a ticket. I don't care if I never encounter the one bad apple that gives the rest a bad name: I don't want any interaction with police, period.

Kat Kanning

Er...maybe this is a dumb question, but aren't YOU a cop?


Exactly,  I feel the same way about interacting with the police, and jailers, who like exactly the same from this end of the barrel.

Non-compliance is often inconvenient sometimes in unexpected ways.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on December 31, 2010, 06:20 PM NHFT
Er...maybe this is a dumb question, but aren't YOU a cop?

No, but even if you consider me "close enough", doesn't it say something that even I, when half my driving time is in uniform en route to or from work, am paranoid about police interaction?


You can't put the toothpaste back into the tube. Once you know the evils, that peaceful living is gone.


Quite oxymoronic to be a freedom believer and prison guard.  Sorry.


No matter where any of us are along the spectrum, none of us got there without taking steps from where we once were.

Sovereign Curtis

Quote from: KBCraig on January 03, 2011, 08:43 PM NHFT
No matter where any of us are along the spectrum, none of us got there without taking steps from where we once were.

This is true. There are at least two former LEOs in the FSP


Kat Kanning


Thanks, Kat. I'm not pure, but I've always been open.

And just to prove it, I got nailed for an expired inspection just today on my way to work. I knew it was going to happen as soon as I spotted the local PD signaling to turn left into the street where I was waiting to pull out. Sure enough, he turned in, turned around, and lit me up.


I was talking of the other two plants right in the NH garden.

Even though he is a Russian, I like KB. I think it's short for KBG.  ;)

Free libertarian

Plants ? You mean they come from a Garden?  I thought you had to "manufacture" plants.   :P

Jim Johnson

Quote from: littlehawk on January 04, 2011, 09:11 AM NHFT
I was talking of the other two plants right in the NH garden.

Even though he is a Russian, I like KB. I think it's short for KBG.  ;)

At least you could have said it is KGB but he doesn't use his middle initial.  :D

What is KBG suppose to stand for? Kentucky Bluegrass?  Burns smooth and even.


No, those little LEO plants that seem to spout up every now and then..at Ed and Elaines fortress..at NH Underground....at FSP.