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Porcupine Raffle to benefit LSFund.org

Started by Russell Kanning, November 08, 2005, 11:03 AM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

Quote from: Dreepa on April 26, 2006, 01:42 PM NHFT
Quote from: Michael Fisher on April 26, 2006, 10:46 AM NHFT
Please remove me from the raffle and donate my $20 to the LSF endowment fund.

I'm learning of many Biblical objections to gambling.
Are you going to want to stone gays like Joey?

I'm not a pharisee. Judgement and punishment are for God alone.

We are supposed to love even our enemies.

If you think Christianity allows violence in its followers, then you have probably not read any of the four gospels of the New Testament.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: dead president on April 26, 2006, 12:38 PM NHFT
Quote from: Michael Fisher on April 26, 2006, 10:46 AM NHFT
I'm learning of many Biblical objections
What flavor of Chirstian are you?
What version of the Bible do you read/follow?

Any Christian feel free to answer.

At this point, I'm a conservative (regarding the Bible), evangelical, born-again, fundamentalist Christian -- though not a very good one yet.

Whoa. How did that happen after a lifetime of atheism? Not without several miracles.

It turns out that God's real after all. Who knew? ???

I was judging the book by its cover (and its "followers").


Quote from: Michael Fisher on April 26, 2006, 10:00 PM NHFT
I'm not a pharisee.
Most modern jews are an offshoot of the pharisees.

If you think Christianity allows violence in its followers, then you have probably not read any of the four gospels of the New Testament.
This leads me to believe that you follow a Nicean version of Christianity, the version created by Emperor Constantine in 325 a.d. at the Council of Nicea.

The Nicene Creed   
We believe in one God
      the Father, the Almighty,
      maker of heaven and earth,
      of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
      the only Son of God,
      eternally begotten of the Father,
      God from God, Light from Light,
      true God from true God,
      begotten, not made,
      of one Being with the Father;
      through him all things were made.
      For us and for our salvation
          he came down from heaven,
          was incarnate of the Holy Spirit
          and the Virgin Mary
          and became truly human.
          For our sake he was crucified
          under Pontius Pilate;
          he suffered death and was buried.
          On the third day he rose again
          in accordance with the Scriptures;
          he ascended into heaven
          and is seated at the right hand
          of the Father.
          He will come again in glory
          to judge the living and the dead,
          and his kingdom will  have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord,
          and the giver of life,
      who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
      who with the Father and the Son
          is worshiped and glorified,
      who has spoken through the prophets.
      We believe in the one holy catholic
          (Christian) and apostolic church.
      We acknowledge one baptism
          for the forgiveness of sins.
      We look for the resurrection of the dead,
          and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Quote from: Michael Fisher on April 26, 2006, 10:07 PM NHFT
At this point, I'm a conservative (regarding the Bible), evangelical, born-again, fundamentalist Christian -- though not a very good one yet.
Does that mean you are a creationist like Russel?

Whoa. How did that happen after a lifetime of atheism? Not without several miracles.
Have you always been an atheist?
I thought born-again means you picked christianity back up.
How did you decide what version of the bible is correct?

It turns out that God's real after all. Who knew? ???

I'm trying not to be a jerk.  :P

Russell Kanning


A lot of the modern NT was written by paul, a guy who never met jesus (yeshua), and was complied for a state run religion in order to win converts.


Quote from: Michael Fisher on April 26, 2006, 10:00 PM NHFT
We are supposed to love even our enemies.

If you think Christianity allows violence in its followers, then you have probably not read any of the four gospels of the New Testament.
Do you still have your Glock 19?

If so, do you want to sell it?
I need one to finish my Glock 9mm collection.

You could donate the money to the LSF.


Quote from: dead president on April 27, 2006, 10:02 AM NHFT
Quote from: Michael Fisher on April 26, 2006, 10:00 PM NHFT
We are supposed to love even our enemies.

If you think Christianity allows violence in its followers, then you have probably not read any of the four gospels of the New Testament.
Do you still have your Glock 19?

If so, do you want to sell it?
I need one to finish my Glock 9mm collection.

You could donate the money to the LSF.
Wow, DP, what nice gesture.

Pat McCotter

Quote from: dead president on April 27, 2006, 05:53 AM NHFT
The Nicene Creed   
We believe in one God
      the Father, the Almighty,
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord,

A little contradiction here?

Russell Kanning

holy schmoly ..... what happened to my Raffle thread?


It got merged with the religion thread I guess.

Russell Kanning

If you want to debate religion, you will have to buy 1 raffle ticket per week.

We will be at the Manchester Porc meeting on Saturday selling tickets.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: russellkanning on April 26, 2006, 11:02 AM NHFT
1,14,32,34,47,57,58,59 - Lloyd Danforth - Porcupine Raffle Ticket #1

2,3 - Brian Sullivan
4,17,19 - Pat McCotter
9 - Jon Bender
7,8,10,11,12,15,21,22,23 - Cathleen & Don Converse
13 - Scott Roth
33 - Chris Lopez and "he who must not be named"
84 - Lex
96,97,98,99,100 cpmarch
16,20 Jenn Coffey
Jenn locked in her lucky numbers yesterday at the Merr. Porc. Meeting :)
The envelope now holds $140.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: russellkanning on April 26, 2006, 11:02 AM NHFT
1,14,32,34,47,57,58,59 - Lloyd Danforth - Porcupine Raffle Ticket #1

2,3 - Brian Sullivan
4,5,17,19,29,31 - Pat McCotter
9 - Jon Bender
7,8,10,11,12,15,21,22,23 - Cathleen & Don Converse
13 - Scott Roth
33 - Chris Lopez and "he who must not be named"
84 - Lex
96,97,98,99,100 cpmarch
16,20 Jenn Coffey
Pat McCotter went with more prime numbers 5,29,31

Russell Kanning

Quote from: russellkanning on May 13, 2006, 09:15 PM NHFT
1,14,32,34,47,57,58,59 - Lloyd Danforth - Porcupine Raffle Ticket #1

2,3 - Brian Sullivan
4,5,17,19,29,31 - Pat McCotter
9 - Jon Bender
7,8,10,11,12,15,21,22,23,24,25,26 - Cathleen & Don Converse
13 - Scott Roth
33 - Chris Lopez and "he who must not be named"
84 - Lex
96,97,98,99,100 cpmarch
16,20 Jenn Coffey
24,25,26 Goes to Don and Cathleen

Kat Kanning

Must be getting close to $200.  Did Lloyd get a new number yesterday or was he paying for an old one?