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Alex Libman is a troll

Started by Alex Libman, January 31, 2011, 02:01 AM NHFT

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Alex Libman

I see that my rants against "peace" had no effect.  Bah, fine, I'll have my own "Liberty, Justice, and War" gathering.  I guess I can learn to sing "all we are saying... is give Private Enterprise Assassination of Communist Enablers a chance".  Who's with me?   :glasses1:


BTW, Mr. Libman, When you sold your soul, how little did you get for it?

Just because you might like kale and wikkiLeaks (or are you pretending so as to provide cover) doesn't mean that you're not a horrible little troll who advocates brutal violence. Broken clocks is right twice a day.

I'll ask you kindly to please not start your violent nonsense here.
You could turn out to be the first troll since this forum began (in 04) whom I'll advocate banning. I think that says something.

You are a violent thug. Please stay off of any threads which I create. You are not welcome.


To preserve the OP which inspired this thread:

Quote from: Alex Libman on January 31, 2011, 02:01 AM NHFT
I see that my rants against "peace" had no effect.  Bah, fine, I'll have my own "Liberty, Justice, and War" gathering.  I guess I can learn to sing "all we are saying... is give Private Enterprise Assassination of Communist Enablers a chance".  Who's with me?   :glasses1:


Quote from: John on January 31, 2011, 07:38 AM NHFT
You are a violent thug. Please stay off of any threads which I create. You are not welcome.

He's really more of a sad, lonely guy who will say whatever it takes to push people's buttons in order to get attention.  The very epitome of a troll.  He works at fitting the stereotype of an Internet troll, even, hence the self-proclamation right in the very first inflammatory post.

FWIW though, I think that's a better reason for banning someone than for expressing an honest and sincere contrary opinion.

Anyone want to start a chip-in for therapy sessions for Alex?  With help, maybe he can develop the basic social skills he needs to get the attention he craves in healthier ways.

Kat Kanning

Well, at the moment he's on my good side for the kale-convo  :D

Russell Kanning

I bet you could do some retraining Dale without having to spend any money.
You have my vote to hook him up to a few machines and film the results for your next comic horror flick :)

Alex Libman

Just when my karma was starting to inch upwards a bit, I had to open up my big trap and say something antisocial again...  True, witty, and of notable literary value - but nonetheless antisocial.  I'm going to have to put social considerations ahead of truth and merit if I am to be anything but a lone wolf within your movement...

Nah, screw you guys, I'll be a lone wolf.   ;D


And soon this thread will inch it's way down on my "Snow new replies to your posts." list.

I know that you are sick.

Alex Libman

I have to call for a time-out and say, congratulations on the new baby!  (I completely missed that part of the other thread.)  In perfect honesty I feel very happy for John and his family, and wish them all the very best!

No matter what devils I ever play an advocate for, I have a lot of respect for John, and also Dale, Russell, Kat, Ian, and pretty much all of the people involved.  This does not supersede the need for my "troll" rants, but deep down inside I really do wuv ya all!   :)


Quote from: Alex Libman on February 02, 2011, 02:13 PM NHFT
I have to call for a time-out and say, congratulations on the new baby!  (I completely missed that part of the other thread.)  In perfect honesty I feel very happy for John and his family, and wish them all the very best!

That baby is at someone else's house.
My "little ones" are cathing up to me. They all are not only older than I was when they were born, they are all beyond half my age now. Thank you just the same.

Peaceful Assembly Church is my new baby.


Alex was banned from another liberty forum for THREATENING TO KILL fellow members.

Alex Libman

If you believe that, then one must wonder where you find the intelligence to tie your shoes...


Quote from: BJ on February 03, 2011, 08:21 AM NHFT
Alex was banned from another liberty forum for THREATENING TO KILL fellow members.

  I am not defending Alex Libman , he can try and do that himself if he wants .. I personally like a lot he contributes and then absolutely hate some of it.. if he could just stop with the violent rhetoric which I am sure is tongue in cheek. Also the BBS is hardly a liberty forum , more members degrade and poke fun of the activism in HN than promote liberty.

  I will say that BBS is about as crazy a place as I have seen .. not much different than 4chan IMO. The racism , sexism,  antisemitism  and homophobia is real .. Libman's threat ( the one he was banned for ) was not even the most violent thing posted even that day. I

So cut the bullshit BJ .. you're a huge hypocrite to act like you have not made the same juvenile kinds of threats. Are you going to state for the record that any one honestly felt he would harm them ? He went to far in other ways for sure but that ban was a joke and you know it.

@ Alex. Stop with the talk violence , you  may be joking but even joking about it does not6 belong at the underground where it is frowned on to say the least . You are a smart guy who who has a lot of knowledge and is willing to share. I have learned a ton of things from you and am sure you have done the same for others so knock it off for once


Quote from: CJS on February 03, 2011, 04:25 PM NHFT
So cut the bullshit BJ .. you're a huge hypocrite to act like you have not made the same juvenile kinds of threats. Are you going to state for the record that any one honestly felt he would harm them ? He went to far in other ways for sure but that ban was a joke and you know it.

Juvenile? He threatened to kill people more than once. And for the record, I've never threatened to kill someone. I'm sorry if you think that's equivalent to something I might have done.



 I am not a debater BJ but I will respond to you one time on this topic. You are a massive hypocrite ..... huge. I will always have some respect for a person who stands up and says "this is who I am " but will never respect a hypocrite ..ever. I have nothing but time on my hands the last couple of years and have read though better than I would guess two thirds of the BBS's archives and BJ you are at least as guilty of the things you always accuse others of. Just because you have calmed down since being made mod does not change that fact. Just sayin' mr forum troll .

You didn't answer my question .. can you tell me that any one honestly felt threatened by Libman's words?

OK I am done wasting Kat's bandwidth with this crap.