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Started by littlehawk, January 29, 2011, 07:24 AM NHFT

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Maybe the approach I need to take is one of baby steps. How much evidence do I have to bring forth just to convince people that cloud seeding/ weather modification is in fact happening. For the time being let's forget about chemtrails and focus on weather modification or using the simple term, cloud seeding.

From what I have posted it is clear that weather modification is in fact going on and insomuch as companies are proudly advertising their services.  Does anyone deny my claim? Again, let's avoid "chemtrails" for now and focus in on "cloud seeding: aka weather modification aka Global Geoengineering.

My million dollar question:

Is cloud seeding/weather modification happening and/or has it ever happened in the past?    


I haven't done the math but just for fun lets see if my karma takes another 50% drop when I repeat that in Air Force Weather school they told us yes it does and didn't make a big deal about it.

Why is that so offensive?


I think the doubting people have a hard time accepting the truth of this matter because for so long they did not accept it as fact. Therefore they may appear to themselves as being inferior and might struggle with the fact that they were fooled. Many folks (including myself) have a hard time admitting being wrong. It's just human nature to try to keep supporting a false notion even when the truth slaps us in the head.

Being in the Air Force you have probaly heard of "chaffing" which is another aerosal spraying operation to block radar waves, etc.  But I do not want to touch on that subject. I will wait for Ron, Joe, KB and the others to comment but I want to stay focused only on  Cloud Seeding. That is if anyone is willing to take this on.


You'd be surprised at how little I learned in military (it's one school for all branches) weather school.  It's not a meteorology degree.  More like a vocational forecasting curriculum.  No advanced math or science.  I couldn't seed a cloud, I could dissipate one and so could you knowing only that a coffee can full of super fine carbon dust is sufficient to catch enough sunlight to heat the air a few degrees to raise the dewpoint and evaporate a cloud.  Obtaining the finely ground carbon is also a mystery to me.


While this topic , like who was behind 911 is hard to talk about with out sounding slightly insane to the people still unaware of the man behind the curtain / gun in the room ( the gov would never do anything like that !) ... I doubt anyone who has had any interest in science can deny knowing  about cloud seeding . 

Whether ( no pun intended ) or not that proves what some of those on extreme fringes of the chem-trails debate believe , it does prove that something is going on .

  I have a hard time believing one thing about chem-trails deal and the 911 conspiracy  ... secrets are very hard to keep . When you take into consideration how many must keep secrets this large it becomes harder and harder to honestly think that it is possible to keep it under the hat so to speak , and that is when Occams razor pops in my head . That being said , I have no idea what to believe .


It would be fairly easy to keep it a secret if, for example, the cia was spraying some kind of aluminum product for purposes of reflecting sunlight to combat global warming.  They have someone make the product but don't tell them why.  They have someone else spray the product and don't tell them what it is.  These people don't care what it is, spraying stuff out of airplanes is what they do, they do it all the time, nothing is out of the ordinary to them.  I don't know that's what's happening but it's not inconcievable.  Very few people would have to know all the details of the operation.

Russell Kanning

i remember them seeding the fog near the airport in Salt Lake. I didn't know they were trying to make it snow or rain in other areas.
The weatherman would predict cloudseeding snow around the airport. It was strange snow.


I appreciate the comments, thank you. I'd like to avoid discussing JFK, Elvis, ET's,  911 and the "chemtrail conspiracy" issues and stay tuned into Cloud Seeding only.. I'd rather focus on things like; is it happening, to what degree, who, specifically is doing it, who is paying for it, where is it happening, the pros and cons, what the skies may look like when cloud seeding is in effect  and what specific methods are being used, if any.  I'd also like to discuss the laws and regulations for cloud seeding and the research in regards to overall safety and toxicity issues.

Or question/ dispute the information I already posted. Please, no opinions only. It would be beneficial (and jusy plain nice) if one could have some references to back their claims.

Russell Kanning

but someone else started the thread and put chemtrails in it
you could start a thread entitled "calm calculated discussion of cloud seeding" or something :)


Cloud seeding is old tech.  I don't know if anyone's currently doing it, because I don't care enough to check; it's not something that threatens my health or safety, so why should I care?



Quote from: MaineShark on February 01, 2011, 05:06 PM NHFT
Cloud seeding is old tech.  I don't know if anyone's currently doing it, because I don't care enough to check; it's not something that threatens my health or safety, so why should I care?


You can't possibly know if it threatens your health or safety.  No one has sufficient understanding of weather to calculate the total effect of weather modification.  It's not a priority for me either.


Quote from: Roycerson on February 01, 2011, 05:32 PM NHFT
Quote from: MaineShark on February 01, 2011, 05:06 PM NHFTCloud seeding is old tech.  I don't know if anyone's currently doing it, because I don't care enough to check; it's not something that threatens my health or safety, so why should I care?
You can't possibly know if it threatens your health or safety.  No one has sufficient understanding of weather to calculate the total effect of weather modification.  It's not a priority for me either.

Of course I can.  The chemicals used are not dangerous to me, so it does not threaten my health or safety.  It's not mysterious or magical.  It's just fine dust, onto which water droplets attach, thereby forming raindrops.  No different from how rain forms naturally, except someone goes up and provides the dust, rather than waiting for it to float by.



QuoteI don't know if anyone's currently doing it, because I don't care enough to check; it's not something that threatens my health or safety, so why should I care?

LOL!  Me thinks you choose NOT to know. Keep your eyes closed Joe. Is that the best you can do?

Moderators. I thought I split this portion of the thread to "Cloud Seeding". Ugh!


Quote from: littlehawk on February 01, 2011, 05:44 PM NHFTKeep your eyes closed Joe. Is that the best you can do?

My eyes are open.

I'm not the one denying basic science in order to support my close-minded beliefs.  That's you...



QuoteThe chemicals used are not dangerous to me, so it does not threaten my health or safety.

That is an interesting claim Joe and thank you. Can you list all the different chemicals they are using for cloud seeding?