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Tesla Generator?

Started by tracysaboe, March 20, 2011, 10:49 PM NHFT

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Hi guys, just curious about something. I saw an ad from some company called "Tesla Secret" about a Tesla Generator that was able to harness cosmic rays and turn them into electricity.

I'm quite skeptical. All of these companies just show a small concept demo where once you attach an antenna to the contraption the system starts to generate electricity.  But then they all want to sell a book detailing how to build a bigger system to power your house for under $100. I'm very skeptical. It seems like, if this were real, DIYers would have been doing this for the past decade, and I'd havae heard some first hand account online and in forums by now.

Here's a couple of the sites that I found.

Just thought I'd run it by you guys, and see what you thought.


Pat McCotter

Why would they sell a book if they can power one house for under $100? Why not just sell home generators that don't need any inputs of "climate destroying" fossil fuels?

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Pat McCotter on March 21, 2011, 07:51 AM NHFT
Why would they sell a book if they can power one house for under $100? Why not just sell home generators that don't need any inputs of "climate destroying" fossil fuels?

Pat, your being logical in the face of desperate fascinations.

tracysaboe, if you pray to the most mediocre rock in your back yard you will get approximately the same amount of useful electricity and you will save $100.

Russell Kanning

Pat K

Well if he stands out in the yard during a lightning storm holding the
antenna over his head, he might acquire a lot of electricity.

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Pat K on March 21, 2011, 08:46 PM NHFT
Well if he stands out in the yard during a lightning storm holding the
antenna over his head, he might acquire a lot of electricity.

I have plans, if someone wants to make a 10 foot pole antenna to draw electricity directly from the sky.


   If you've ever studied Tesla, his work or his life, you know he was a genius. Perhaps he was greater than Einstein. This particular offer sounds a little suspicious, however.
   I know of several people here, in Montana, who are trying to figure out Tesla's generator. Smart people, all of them. Will they succeed? Time will tell.

   Shorty Long

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Pat K on March 21, 2011, 08:46 PM NHFT
Well if he stands out in the yard during a lightning storm holding the
antenna over his head, he might acquire a lot of electricity.
here  is a simple kit you can put together for this:

Jim Johnson

Quote from: ShortyLong on March 21, 2011, 09:52 PM NHFT
   If you've ever studied Tesla, his work or his life, you know he was a genius. Perhaps he was greater than Einstein. This particular offer sounds a little suspicious, however.
   I know of several people here, in Montana, who are trying to figure out Tesla's generator. Smart people, all of them. Will they succeed? Time will tell.

   Shorty Long

Time has already spoken on this subject.
The claims that people make about this generator are unbelievable crap.
Their claims have not changed since 1973, when I first read about them.

As a man, am I supposed to allow a great man's name to be used by charlatans with out raising a voice?

When these people in Montana get any where close to providing 20,000 watts of power for under a $1000 I'll call them John Galt and go looking for them with my beautiful heiress friend 'cause my wife won't wear the chunk green bracelet I made for her... yeah that's right, it's the same generator as in 'Atlas Shrugged'.

Tom Sawyer

lol   ^

If there was that kind of energy density all around us, earth would be a really dangerous place.

"Just reach out the window and grab a cup of energy!"

Pat K

Ah well E=MC squared so the energy density is profound.

The safe liberation of it is another matter.


John Galt built one, it must be true!


Oh, you can build a device that will capture energy from an antenna.

It's called a crystal radio.

Unfortunately, it's not magic - the energy was put there by the radio antennas, and it's nowhere near powerful enough to actually be useful for anything other than making a small bit of sound.


Russell Kanning

hey Shorty .... I do know they do some cool liighning research near you. They sit on top of a small mountain and shoot tethered rockets into thunderstorms. They get powerful results.
Now if we could just charge some batteries with it. :)


   I'm not interested in arguing with anyone about this, merely pointing out there is a lot of interest in his theories. He was a brilliant man who invented AC power, the radio, and other great things. Before you tell me it was Marconi who invented the radio, look it up in the patents, Marconi's patent was stripped from him and awarded to Tesla. Marconi, who worked with Tesla, stole Tesla's idea.
