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Breaking the Glass Ceiling - Freedom for Women

Started by freedombabe, November 13, 2005, 10:52 AM NHFT

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"In 1979 women earned 62.5 cents for every dollar that a man yearned. By 1993 they were earning 77.1 cents for every dollar, although it slipped down to 75 cents and is continuing to decline. That?s not a great improvement considering the fact that women are actually getting more education than their male counterparts. The amount of women enrolled in college and universities increased from 45.5% to 55% between 1975 and 1991. They also earn more than half of the masters degrees being awarded, yet they still only hold 46.5% of the jobs and less than 8% of senior management positions."

Let's free women to reach their full potential.


Reasons for the Glass Ceiling

After researching a variety of articles and interviews on the topic of the glass ceiling, it appears that there a few select reasons that the glass ceiling still exists:

Exclusion from Networking:

Although it may seem ridiculous, and a bit sexist ? men conduct many networking activities and sales meetings on the golf course, at bars, and even at strip clubs. These informal networking events typically exclude women and keep them from forming relationships with their peers and management. This in turn leaves them further down the list when it comes to promotions and leading further projects.


Unfortunately many men in upper management positions are still hesitant to promote women for fear of their emotions, cattiness, and the perceived notion that they will often take time off to care for their family.

Desire for Flexibility and Independence:

Although women are not seen often leading Fortune 1000 companies, over one third of all business are owned by women. This shows the determination of women, but also gives us insight into the flexibility and independence that women often strive for. They want to determine their own hours and they want to answer to themselves. This desire often moves women out of the corporate world or it causes conflict with a management structure that relies on set times and little freedom.

Lack of Role Models:

Unfortunately most of the leadership positions are still held by men, leaving women very few role models to learn from. Often times women will take on a more masculine attitude in order to move up the corporate ladder, because that is how they see their colleagues being promoted. Women need mentors and role models to learn from.

Inability to Reenter Workforce:

Since women are still the majority of caretakers, both children and elderly parents, they often have to take breaks from their career to fulfill this role. This in run hinders their ability to reenter the workforce, often requiring further education or starting off in a new career path. That lost time is rarely recovered and can often see women stuck somewhere in middle management while their male peers are much further along.


More and more women are taking matters into their own hands by starting their own businesses. Forget the corporate glass ceiling.


Yeah, forget the corporate ladder.  If I was a babe, I'd be a Nevadan prostitute.  It's safe, easy work, and the pay is excellent.  According to a recent MSNBC report, one lady made $22,000 in her first two weeks.

They work when they want, as long as they want.


I agree with AlanM that women should be free to start their own businesses.  Of course, we really need to get rid of those pesky licensing laws first.


Ways to Break the Glass Ceiling :-*

In combating the reasons for the continued existence of a glass ceiling, women can follow some of these recommendations to work toward breaking the glass ceiling altogether:

Form Your own Networks:

Join formal networking groups and create your own informal opportunities with other women to combat male-only clubs and "company decisions".

Overcome Guilt:

Many women feel guilty when they spend time away from their children and family. Strangely enough, men don't feel an equal amount of guilt at working, supporting their family, and forwarding their career. It's time that women understand that in order to be a good mother and a good spouse, they need to take care of themselves and be happy. If working and having a good
career is a part of who you are, then stop the guilt and look forward.

Face Your Bosses:

Ask for that promotion and ask for a raise. If you feel that you are worth of an increase in salary or a boost in management, then it may be worthy to approach your boss and discuss it. Create a proposal and make sure you have thought everything through. Discuss the projects you have worked on and how you have contributed to the company. Be prepared to discuss any negative occurances and try to come up with any counter-offers if your boss is unwilling to negotiate.

Take Time to Mentor/Seek Mentors:

If you are a woman in an upper management position, attempt to take time out of your schedule
Ways to Break the Glass Ceiling
In combating the reasons for the continued existence of a glass ceiling, women can follow some of these recommendations to work toward breaking the glass ceiling altogether:

Form Your own Networks:

Join formal networking groups and create your own informal opportunities with other women to combat male-only clubs and "company decisions".


Quote from: AlanM on November 13, 2005, 11:02 AM NHFT
More and more women are taking matters into their own hands by starting their own businesses. Forget the corporate glass ceiling.

Absolutely women should take matters into their own hands!!  But denying the glass ceiling just emboldens those that impose it.  Corporations, like governments, survive with rules to keep the masses in check.  The statists don't want any new members to their "club"....especially those with breasts.

Women, especially attractive women, are threatening to the statists; except as sex toys.

Real women want liberty. :-*


Quote from: freedombabe on November 13, 2005, 11:22 AM NHFT
Quote from: AlanM on November 13, 2005, 11:02 AM NHFT
More and more women are taking matters into their own hands by starting their own businesses. Forget the corporate glass ceiling.

Absolutely women should take matters into their own hands!!? But denying the glass ceiling just emboldens those that impose it.? Corporations, like governments, survive with rules to keep the masses in check.? The statists don't want any new members to their "club"....especially those with breasts.

Women, especially attractive women, are threatening to the statists; except as sex toys.

Real women want liberty. :-*

Not denying the glass ceiling, ignoring it. Why would anyone want to live in corporate America, if, as you say, "Corporations, like governments, survive with rules to keep the masses in check." IMO, you can't be free in the corporate world. Freedom and the corporate world are on the opposite ends of the spectrum.


Quote from: FTL_Ian on November 13, 2005, 11:11 AM NHFT
Yeah, forget the corporate ladder.? If I was a babe, I'd be a Nevadan prostitute.

Think about you're response for a minute. ?i know you're trying to be funny, but why is it that when a pretty women shows her face, you immediately make a reference to a prostitute? ?How can we ever be expected to move to a more free status as libertarians when these stereotypes frame our existence? :'(


Quote from: freedombabe on November 13, 2005, 11:28 AM NHFT
Quote from: FTL_Ian on November 13, 2005, 11:11 AM NHFT
Yeah, forget the corporate ladder.? If I was a babe, I'd be a Nevadan prostitute.

Think about you're response for a minute. ?i know you're trying to be funny, but why is it that when a pretty women shows her face, you immediately make a reference to a prostitute? ?How can we ever be expected to move to a more free status as libertarians when these stereotypes frame our existence? :'(

To live in the corporate world is to prostitute oneself.


Working in corporate America is a fact that can't be avoided. ?

Sure. ?Start up a small business, you say. ?What's your objective as a business? ?Isn't it to grow, make money and get bigger?

Bill Gates started up a small business about 25 years ago.

So, is your solution to keep quitting your job when your small company grows into a bigger one?


Quote from: freedombabe on November 13, 2005, 11:32 AM NHFT
Working in corporate America is a fact that can't be avoided. ?

Sure. ?Start up a small business, you say. ?What's your objective as a business? ?Isn't it to grow, make money and get bigger?

Bill Gates started up a small business about 25 years ago.

So, is your solution to keep quitting your job when your small company grows into a bigger one?

I am referring to the corporate world as it exists. By starting your own business, you get to set the rules. Don't want a glass ceiling? Fine, don't have one. Don't want to skirt ethical behaviour? It is up to you. Don't want government handouts? Again, your decision.


Wealth can be achieved within the confines of Freedom. And wealth is not always of the monetary kind. If your goal is enormous wealth, you will not be free. Ask Bill Gates if he is free. He may be happy, but he is not free. Freedom is a state of being. Freedom is being able to look your neighbor in the eye and being able to always say, "I never harmed you." Look at what your goals are.


Quote from: freedombabe on November 13, 2005, 11:28 AM NHFT
Think about you're response for a minute.  i know you're trying to be funny, but why is it that when a pretty women shows her face, you immediately make a reference to a prostitute?  How can we ever be expected to move to a more free status as libertarians when these stereotypes frame our existence? :'(

Take it easy.  I said that's what I would do if I were a lady.  I'm a man.  I wasn't talking about you or any women.    ;D

I just know if I was a babe, I'd use it to make buku bucks, and be mighty wealthy by 25.    >:D


Quote from: AlanM on November 13, 2005, 11:30 AM NHFT

To live in the corporate world is to prostitute oneself.

True, everyone sells themselves.

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