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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Trial for Bob Constantine "manufacturing" plants

Started by Free libertarian, March 31, 2011, 11:37 AM NHFT

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Quote from: KBCraig on April 20, 2011, 06:32 AM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on April 14, 2011, 06:43 AM NHFT
Now... let's all help take some of the sting out of that fine:


Bumpity bump

I know there had been some question about whether this chipin was being processed. I just got another confirmation of my donation, and when i checked the chipin page, it says $942 of $1,000 has been received.


sweet. :icon_pirat:


Free libertarian

Thanks Jerryswife.   Let's not forget all the other people though....

I'm just one of the hundreds of thousands of people that will be victimized this year.   There will probably be close to one million people arrested this year for peaceful self ownership.  Some figures from recent years were  99.6 people PER HOUR arrested for a plant.

No wonder the United States has the highest prison population in the world.  We are going to change that though, we are going to get the right to control our OWN bodies. 

We are going to keep exposing the hypocrisy.  Police, prosecutors and all the peripheral  "just doing my job" types should be ashamed of themselves.    THEY serve nobody when they steal freedom.   It's time to end this. 

I won't rest until this war is over.   On the eve of my incarceration I vow to keep speaking truth to power, because that's what it will take and that's what I intend to do.


Quote from: Free libertarian on April 21, 2011, 09:21 AM NHFT
Police, prosecutors and all the peripheral  "just doing my job" types should be ashamed of themselves.    THEY serve nobody when they steal freedom.   It's time to end this. 

That was me for a long time and I am ashamed of things I did.  I met a guy yesterday who I put through the ringer a few times and I apologized to him and detailed how I believe my aggression towards him was wrong.

You know, I've been thinking a lot about LEAP and about how insane it is that their platform includes the mandatory continuation of "just doing your job."  It essentially means that an individual must continue to do harm to society and individuals after coming to realize how terribly destructive their actions are. 

As laudable as it is that individuals stand up for what is right, continuing to do what is wrong is impossible to justify.  Of course this rarely is a problem, as most government agents rarely think for themselves.

I was wrong for a long time.

You, Bob, are a great human being.


Quote from: Free libertarian on April 21, 2011, 09:21 AM NHFT
Let's not forget all the other people though....

I'm just one of the hundreds of thousands of people that will be victimized this year.   

I saw a patient the other day, an elderly lady who is dying of cancer.  She was terribly thin because she was so nauseated she couldn't eat.  The victims of this insane war on drugs are not just those who use and are incarcerated but those who don't use but would benefit in quality and quantity of life if they could.

Thank you, Bob, for your courage in this war.

Free libertarian

Several people had asked about how to contact Bob Constantine while he is being "corrected".

According to the information given to Bob's son by a person at this phone number  603- 787-6767 :

Prisoner : Robert Constantine
Grafton County Correctional
3865 Dartmouth College Highway
N. Haverhill,  NH  03774

visiting hours are determined after prisoners "process".   It looks like there are times on Sundays  based on what "bunk" number the prisoner is in....so that will be determined.  If anybody wants to follow up it might be a good idea to confirm prior to driving all the way up there.

Books must be from a publisher.    No files can be baked in cakes either (he didn't say that I just assumed it   ;D)

See you guys in awhile.  Keep up the good work.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: highline on April 21, 2011, 09:47 AM NHFT
You know, I've been thinking a lot about LEAP and about how insane it is that their platform includes the mandatory continuation of "just doing your job."  It essentially means that an individual must continue to do harm to society and individuals after coming to realize how terribly destructive their actions are. 
bad means don't lead to good ends
some guys in that group want things to change, while not actually changing their behavior.
I guess you have to change yourself and hope others will follow.
Highline, isn't it much easier living this way instead of constantly having to go against what you think is right?


Quote from: Russell Kanning on April 21, 2011, 04:13 PM NHFT
Quote from: highline on April 21, 2011, 09:47 AM NHFT
You know, I've been thinking a lot about LEAP and about how insane it is that their platform includes the mandatory continuation of "just doing your job."  It essentially means that an individual must continue to do harm to society and individuals after coming to realize how terribly destructive their actions are. 
bad means don't lead to good ends
some guys in that group want things to change, while not actually changing their behavior.
I guess you have to change yourself and hope others will follow.
Highline, isn't it much easier living this way instead of constantly having to go against what you think is right?

My soul feels a lot better.  :)

Free libertarian

Quote from: PassionatePantherrr on April 15, 2011, 12:26 PM NHFT
Quote from: Free libertarian on April 15, 2011, 08:31 AM NHFT
A large vegetable garden was going to be a good deal of the food I had hoped to feed myself and friends with this year.  The longer I stay in jail the less likely I can grow anything this year for drying, canning etc.  New Hampshire summers are short, I had hoped to be around to teach "the elves" some gardening and homesteading things.  The window of when to plant a garden is narrow.  My "window" during planting time will have bars on it.
Living cheaply doesn't cost alot dollar wise, but it does require time and labor.
Firewood needs to be cut, Gardens planted and greenhouses built at the right time of the year, the state's actions against me and the timing of the sentence harm me and others in more ways than appear on the surface.    It's sort of like the opposite of the gift that keeps on giving. ...

I don't think I have met you in person yet, but I can offer you some gardening help... if you're willing to let me have a little sunny corner to plant for this year (we're renting in G right now, so when we find the right land, I'd rather not have to transplant everything immediately when we do) .
I'm winter-sowing to start my plants (tomatoes, peppers, greens, culinary and medicinal herbs, even melons closer to frost date), may have some extra seeds/seedlings to share too (depending on germination). Can you get it tilled in advance of your 60-days? Knowing that I'll need childcare, if others are willing to help watch the kids and get me over there once or twice a week, if you know others (your family/the "elves"?) who are willing to keep it watered on an every other day basis depending on weather, I think we can help pitch in and help your garden grow so you can keep living frugally... If you need manure too, send someone over to our place with a shovel and containers (we have rabbits). :-) When would be a good time to try to get over there so that someone (even if you yourself are too busy) can show me around the garden so that I can help you map/plan out what I/we will try to do? Drop me a note off-list :-)

Can anyone else offer to help cut firewood?


Thanks so much for your kindness.  If you can coordinate with Jason or Evan on a garden at my place, have at it, they will be staying there.  Firewood is covered. 
Sorry about getting back to you so late...lots of loose ends to get taken care of.    I'll have to check out those rabbits too, been thinking about getting some.   

Kat Kanning


Thanks so much for your kindness.  If you can coordinate with Jason or Evan on a garden at my place, have at it, they will be staying there.  Firewood is covered. 
Sorry about getting back to you so late...lots of loose ends to get taken care of.    I'll have to check out those rabbits too, been thinking about getting some.   

No problem... I have Evan's email if I remember correctly, (I'll drop an email to you too so you have mine), and we'll figure something out. I figured your life was going to be hectic trying to prepare for your time away from home, don't worry about it. When you get back, you're more than welcome to come over and see the rabbits (they're like tribbles, rather easy to care for, and tasty!)



Bless the Freedom guys and their awesome and Peaceful work:
Grafton County, NH CIRCUS Court


Take five-minutes today and on as many of the next 59 days as you can, to call one or both of these numbers:

Melissa Pierce – 603.787.6968 mpierce@co.grafton.nh.us (Grafton Co. "district attorney")
Grafton Co. Jail – 603.787.6767

Some of us call the "deputy district attorney" MALICIOUS Pierce.
I left a massage with Malicious Pierce's boss.


I called and inquired about Bob's visiting hours and was told they were between 8:30am to 9:30am on Sundays. That seems like a ridiculously narrow window to me...


Does the judge had the authority to make his own rules up? So he scribbles out "no electronics in the courtroom,"  signs it and then it becomes law? and his henchmen back him up? These judges are out of control. Everyone is waking up to the corruption at this level and their days are numbered. They sure do not like being videotaped do they? I wonder why. What are they afraid of? If they are not doing anything wrong they should be more than happy to be on-camera. And those poor bootlicking little undercover pigs are terrified to be photographed. I find it amusing.

A great video and kudos to Ian and the others.