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I *will* have my cake and eat it too.

Started by Alex Libman, April 07, 2011, 11:33 AM NHFT

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Quote from: Alex Libman on April 29, 2011, 10:21 AM NHFTBut, barring improbable luck, mistakes will happen.  Innocent people will get in the way and die.

Killing innocent people is murder.  If you want to create a magical "out" for some group, just become a cop and have done with it.

Quote from: Alex Libman on April 29, 2011, 10:21 AM NHFTUsing this reality as the excuse to forbid all pursuit of justice is irrational.  Some people will need to get their hands dirty, and, in the process of liberating millions of lives, risk causing a few dozen innocent deaths.  If no one in the free market can do this, then governments and the "divine right of kings" delusion will be with us forever.

You can take any risk you like.  If you kill innocents, you are a murderer.  That's the risk you took.

Quote from: Alex Libman on April 29, 2011, 10:21 AM NHFTThe Non-Aggression Principle is not based on wishful thinking, but on economic reality - it must flex enough to make execution of justice against the tyrants practical in the present circumstances.  If the Libman Militia takes all reasonable precautions, but my smart-bomb kills Horrible Dictator's porte-coton, well, c'est la vie...

And if the victim's family insists on restitution in an amount that takes you the rest of your natural life to earn, well, c'est la vie...

Quote from: Alex Libman on April 29, 2011, 10:21 AM NHFTDon't be anywhere close to Horrible Dictator if you can help it.  And if Horrible Dictator uses you as a human shield against my bombs, then he, not I, is your executioner.

No, you both are.

Quote from: Alex Libman on April 29, 2011, 07:18 PM NHFTThis thread was intended to balance out the antagonism and create a bridge of understanding with people who've called me a "warmonger" (ex. John)...  without compromising any of the truths that I'm here to defend.

How am I doing so far?

Poorly.  You've yet to come up with a single example where [horrible dictator] could not be prevented from perpetrating his evil, without killing innocents.  I think all the kale just makes you bloodthirsty.


Alex Libman

Quote from: Alex Libman on April 07, 2011, 12:02 PM NHFT
[...]  And I stand by my statement about wanting Gaddafi's severed head on a pike.  [...]

Checkmate!  Now I want Kim Jong-il's head pickled in a kimchi jar and buried under Mount Washington.   >:D