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Rally for Londonderry Property Owners 12/3 3:00

Started by Kat Kanning, November 14, 2005, 08:53 AM NHFT

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Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: katdillon on November 14, 2005, 08:53 AM NHFT
We're going to have a rally in support of the Londonderry property owners who are in danger of losing their property thru eminent domain to the airport for an access road.? The property will not even be used for the access road, yet the state is still taking the property.? Please see the essay from one of the owners:


What:? Property rights rally
When:? December 3, 3:00 pm
Where:? At the airport, outside in front of the main entrance.

OK.? I've been to Manchester and used their airport.? I didn't notice a lot of traffic and it was easy to get on and off the interstate.? Why is there even a need for a new access road?? ?Everything seemed fine to me.


Yeah I agree.

It has to be one of the 2 or 3 easiest airports to get in and out of.


Easy access means no room for development. They'd much rather have the access road be a maze of commercial enterprises. More tax base!

Russell Kanning


That is a great idea.
He is taking requests from people on his websites.

Is the date and time 100%?

Russell Kanning

Dave Ridley

This is a great idea.  I'd urge one or more of you to contact Gardner Goldsmith and offer to be a guest on his radio program and talk about this rally.  He really needs guests badly right now he says.  reach him by PM on this forum, he goes by the screen name "Gard"

APB can you do this; you'd be the best one...  I've already been a guest once this month and don't know this issue well.

Kat Kanning

How's this sound for a press release:

What:     Rally for Londonderry homeowners/eminent domain protest
Why:      Support homeowners in their efforts to keep their land
When:    Saturday December 3, 3:00pm
Where:   Manchester airport, outside main entrance
Contact:  Kat Dillon 603-357-2049 or Dave Ridley 603-721-1490

Subject:  Londonderry Property Rights Rally

The State of New Hampshire has been attempting to seize approximately 700 acres of land in Londonderry since 1997 to be used as an airport access road/wetlands mitigation.  Offers from the state for the properties ranged from approximately $1000-$2500 per acre.  Al Baldasaro, a Londonderry resident who may lose 5 acres of land states, "This is a sad day in New Hampshire, if our Elected Officials do nothing about this legal thievery."  Baldasaro's land is 5 miles from the proposed airport access road, and finds it difficult to understand why the state needs his property for this project.   Mike Fisher, a concerned NH resident said, "This is absolutely disgusting!  Land ownership is an inalienable human right.  They must be stopped!" 

Since the landmark Supreme Court ruling in Kelo vs New London last year, many people have become aware of the dangers that eminent domain poses to normal homeowners.  The Kelo decision said it was allowable for the city of New London to take property by eminent domain to be given to private developers.  Justice O'Connor, in her dissenting Kelo opinion wrote, "Any property may now be taken for the benefit of another private party, but the fallout from this decision will not be random. The beneficiaries are likely to be those citizens with disproportionate influence and power in the political process, including large corporations and development firms."

Members of the group NHFree.com will be joining other concerned New Hampshire residents and Londonderry landowners in their protest against eminent domain.  Kat Dillon, an organizer for the event, said, "We need to raise awareness of how eminent domain is being abused right here in New Hampshire.  Offering $1000/acre for land in Londonderry is nowhere near the "just compensation" spelled out in the constitution.  Taking people's land is just plain wrong.  We need to take a stand now, before we find ourselves in the same boat as those people in New London with our property being given over for the latest shopping mall."


Kat, the land will be used for wetlands mitigation, not for the access road. It might be better to say, "seized in connection with the airport access road", or some such.

Kat Kanning

What does that mean anyway?  Wetlands mitigation?


Quote from: katdillon on November 16, 2005, 11:08 AM NHFT
What does that mean anyway?? Wetlands mitigation?

Because they will be destroying wetlands when building the access road and industrial park, they are required to replace it by creating wetlands somewhere else.  ::)

Kat Kanning

Uh, haven't people noticed that NH is covered in wetlands?


Quote from: katdillon on November 16, 2005, 11:12 AM NHFT
Uh, haven't people noticed that NH is covered in wetlands?

Well, environmental agencies can't get their heads out of their asses, so they can't see 'em.  ::)


Quote from: DadaOrwell on November 15, 2005, 05:24 PM NHFT
This is a great idea.? I'd urge one or more of you to contact Gardner Goldsmith and offer to be a guest on his radio program and talk about this rally.? He really needs guests badly right now he says.? reach him by PM on this forum, he goes by the screen name "Gard"

APB can you do this; you'd be the best one...? I've already been a guest once this month and don't know this issue well.
I AM ON HOLD RIGHT NOW TO SEE WHAT I CAN SETUP. 1:50 PM, I had talked with the radio station; WNTK, Gardner Goldsmith on the radio and we discussed the date, time and where for the Eminent Domain rally.

Dave Ridley

Kat with regard to the news release, it seems pretty good.  but the ideal first sentence or two announces something new, rather than announcing history.  What's changed recently that triggered this protest? Or maybe the protest itself is the only thing that's changed.  Either way, it helps to begin with the new and resort to the background later in the release.