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New Sports and Social Club

Started by Rearden, November 16, 2005, 11:22 PM NHFT

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When I and my ex-roommate moved to NH from Baltimore and DC, respectively, we both remarked that there was very little to do in the area, especially in the winter.  There was just no way for a couple of guys to spend an evening having fun and meeting some new people.  Each of us were active in a sports and social club in those cities, and wished aloud that the Manchester area had a counterpart.

So now it does.

Anyone looking for a great way to have fun and meet some new friends should check out The New Hampshire Sports and Social Club at www.nhsportsclub.com

Here's how it works:  The club will play a rotating schedule of sports, starting with dodgeball in late January.  After the games, participants will head over to the sponsor bar and take advantage of the beer discount we've arranged.  Other sports we'll play throughout the year include softball, kickball, football, volleyball, and wiffleball.  We'll also be organizing social events and ski trips.

The cost for the entire eight-game season, as well as a pre-season and post-season party and the official NHSSC shirt is only $50.  Teams are all co-ed; the minimum number of players is twelve per team.  The deadline to sign up is January 4th.

So start asking around!  Get a team together.  You can use the forum on the site to look for players or find a team that needs players.  This is just the thing to avoid the winter doldrums.

How about a Merrimack Porcupines team?

Michael Fisher


Quote from: Rearden on November 16, 2005, 11:22 PM NHFT
After the games, participants will head over to the sponsor bar and take advantage of the beer discount we've arranged.

Hey, that might be worth working up a sweat!  ;D

It sounds great. I probably won't be in that part of the state, though. Good luck with it, and kudos on the initiative!


Pat K

Pat McCotter

Quote from: KBCraig on November 17, 2005, 12:28 AM NHFT
Quote from: Rearden on November 16, 2005, 11:22 PM NHFT
After the games, participants will head over to the sponsor bar and take advantage of the beer discount we've arranged.

Hey, that might be worth working up a sweat!? ;D

It sounds great. I probably won't be in that part of the state, though. Good luck with it, and kudos on the initiative!


Kevin, this isn't Texas!? Ya gotta shrink the brain some! ;D Lancaster or Berlin to Hampton is less than the distance from Texarkana to Dallas. Texarkana is in the Dallas area, isn't it? :D

I like the NHSSC  logo!


Quote from: patmccotter on November 17, 2005, 03:57 AM NHFT
Kevin, this isn't Texas!  Ya gotta shrink the brain some! ;D Lancaster or Berlin to Hampton is less than the distance from Texarkana to Dallas. Texarkana is in the Dallas area, isn't it? :D

I live in Texas.

I live closer to Chicago than to El Paso. And if I lived in El Paso, I'd be closer to the Pacific Ocean than to Texarkana!

I've driven 900 miles and stopped in Pennsylvania, but could have driven the opposite direction and have still been in Texas.

I've driven 400 miles round trip for lunch with a friend. Hell, I took my fiancee (now wife) to a long, romantic lunch on her birthday, 80+ miles away, and still made it home in time to shower, change, and be at work at 4 p.m.!

The biggest problem I have with calculating commute times in NH is the completely ridiculous Texas standard of "1 mile = 1 minute". It seems that NH hasn't caught on to the notion of "30 seconds from house to highway, then 80mph until the exit". Okay, so Texas has one advantage.

Having studied NH thoroughly,  I've concluded that distance doesn't count for squat. It's a very welcome time warp that we've signed onto, even if the 1 hour, 25 mile commutes take some getting used to.


Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

Quote from: KBCraig on November 17, 2005, 04:32 AM NHFT
The biggest problem I have with calculating commute times in NH is the completely ridiculous Texas standard of "1 mile = 1 minute". It seems that NH hasn't caught on to the notion of "30 seconds from house to highway, then 80mph until the exit". Okay, so Texas has one advantage.
In LA we use to say "1 hour ..... with no traffic" or "1half or 4 hours depending on traffic"
It takes me longer than 30 seconds to get out of my neighborhood .... that close and you could hear the highway from your house.
We have stuff that gets in the way of straight roads .... it is called scenery. ;D


Awesome! Congratulations on helping improve your corner of NH! If it was closer to me, I'd love to participate. Oh, well! I know, I could always start my own, right?

Dave Ridley

Willl you accept liberty dollars? How about silver bullion?  If the answer on Liberty Dollars is yes, lemme know so I can get you listed on the libertydollar.org website & get you some free advertising that way.

Lloyd Danforth

My first thought was if we did this in Southwest NH, it would, somehow, be started as a fundraiser for the LSF!

Russell Kanning

Russell Kanning

If we need to use the Keene Rec Center ..... we just send Maynard down there and tell them we are a non-profit. ;D


This is a very good idea, Rearden. Fitness and being social go well together. It would be great to expand on this by building a gym and fitness center. (Then a bar, and perhaps a social club / restaurant.) I would pay a good fee to have a more comfortable place to work out and know that a gym would be available for pickup games. One aspect of New Hampshire which is unique to the North East is that it's terribly cold out in the winter, and so no one wants to exercise outside. Unfortunately, many facilities are over capacity which creates an uncomfortable and frustrating workout experience.

Just a bit of a hopefully contributory rant,
