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Freedom Friends Tuath

Started by Michael Fisher, November 20, 2005, 09:11 PM NHFT

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One way to help and protect fellow tuath members is to extend to them courtesies and information we might otherwise keep private. Just as you are open with your spouse, being open with the tuath will expand the breathing space of freedom.



Quote from: russellkanning on November 21, 2005, 10:45 AM NHFT
I look at the underground as similar. Eventually I will join your little gang.

Hey Freedom Friends Tuath sounds to nice .... if we want serious banishment shunning and isolating ..... we need to called a click or gang. Gang works best. We could have colors, initiation rituals ..... turf warfare.... the works. :)

This from the kindly Shambling Man? A gang?

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: katdillon on November 21, 2005, 10:31 AM NHFT
I wouldn't say this was unnecessary, Kevin.? We've already had a case of one member of this forum screwing another out of a bunch of money.? Most of us know who he is, and wouldn't do any kind of business with him again.

Made my point :D


Except for those of us who aren't in on it. We're the ones vulnerable.


Lloyd Danforth

Well, a topic or a completely different forum for both complaining and complimenting business people (Porcs and non-Porcs) would do the trick.  You would be able to go right to it for info about people you were considering doing business with.  Sorta like the underground BBB.
That way you wouldn't have to depend on stumbling apon posts concerning people offering questionable investments or the dangers of dealing with questionable Florida businesses.

Michael Fisher

I would SO... rebut... something, if I weren't this tired.

You just wait here.

I'll be back. 8)

Pat McCotter

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on November 21, 2005, 11:44 AM NHFT
Well, a topic or a completely different forum for both complaining and complimenting business people (Porcs and non-Porcs) would do the trick.? You would be able to go right to it for info about people you were considering doing business with.? Sorta like the underground BBB.
That way you wouldn't have to depend on stumbling apon posts concerning people offering questionable investments or the dangers of dealing with questionable Florida businesses.

Thank you, Lloyd, for the reminder on this. ;D

Michael Fisher

Can someone write up the membership contract for the tuath?  I've been really busy today.   :o

It's difficult to communicate the benefits of a tuath until we have a certain number of people in it.  Then we'll have more examples of the benefits.  However, at the meeting, we worked out a financial dispute in an honorable way, thus reinforcing the good reputation of one of our first members when, under social pressure, he returned a book he had borrowed from me months ago.  ;)

It was the first example of many to come, I'm sure.  Most conflicts can be dealt with between people, and the tuath spurs positive conflict resolution.  This minimizes the victim mentality and maximizes the value of honorable interpersonal relationships.   :D


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on November 21, 2005, 12:41 PM NHFT
I would SO... rebut... something, if I weren't this tired.

Are you being celibate again? You've been like a mouse on the wheel lately!

Michael Fisher

Quote from: KBCraig on November 21, 2005, 08:36 PM NHFT
Quote from: LeRuineur6 on November 21, 2005, 12:41 PM NHFT
I would SO... rebut... something, if I weren't this tired.

Are you being celibate again? You've been like a mouse on the wheel lately!


That's for me to know. >:D


I find this very intriguing.  If it figures to be what I think it is, it has a great deal to offer us.  I envision relationships like this in my new life in NH.  There is much to say about the simplicity, depth and spirituality of ZAP. 

NH in 2006

Michael Fisher

Quote from: FSPinNY on November 21, 2005, 08:47 PM NHFT
I find this very intriguing.? If it figures to be what I think it is, it has a great deal to offer us.? I envision relationships like this in my new life in NH.? There is much to say about the simplicity, depth and spirituality of ZAP.?

NH in 2006

I agree entirely.  A tuath has no borders.  You can join from where you are and your benefits will only increase when you move here.   :)

Michael Fisher

I'll see you in 2006, my friend.? :)

Michael Fisher

You know, the longer someone has been in the tuath, the more likely I will be to trust them because of the tuath's principles and their good standing with regards to restitution for any wrongdoing.  This is a very beneficial group to join.

I'll start working on a membership contract.  It's going to be extremely minimal.


I was chatting with a regular customer about the Tuath. He is very interested. I will speak with him again.