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Freedom Friends Tuath

Started by Michael Fisher, November 20, 2005, 09:11 PM NHFT

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Congratulations! ?I think that setting up alternative governance (note, not the same as government) is the only way to change a coercive society peacably.

The only problem I see so far is

The board, consisting of 3 members, collectively owns the tuath as well as all contracts, records, and property of the tuath. ?Two board members constitute a majority, and majority decisions are binding on the board and the tuath.

Sounds like petty tyranny to have the decisions of two binding upon hundreds. ?

KB. ?One can make an argument that using economic noncooperation is coercion. ? But I would not call it agression and therfore not A violation of ZAP, as I understand it from these posts (this is my first exposure to ZAP as contructed here, though I grew up in a church that preached nonagression and pacifism.) No violence, just noncooperation.

<Puts on professional hat> ?FACT: Many domestic cases (i.e. divorce, custody, marital property) are successfully mediated. ?In MD all divorce cases involving custody disputes go to mediation first, before a court will hear them. ?Decisions by the courts are by no means a certainty. ?A decision is not an award. ?In that manner it is no better than the tuath here presented.

I personally, would put more would spend more time developing mediation resources to settle disputes locally (between disputants) ?I would write agreements to mediate into your contract as a precursor to any arbitration. ?Parties refusing to mediate would be inviolation of their contract with the Tuath and could be shunned until they comply. ?Failed mediations could also be taken up by arbitrators. ?Mediators and Abritrators ought to be compensated by both parties for their time as this encourages direct negotiation.

Alan: Arbitration may be considered coercive as it is a formal rights based process. ?Violation of its decision has imposed consequences. ?Mediation is an informal, interest based process. ?Violation of Mediated agreements are rare because they are mutually agreed to by the parties.
<Takes of Conflict Resolution Systems developer hat> ?

So, I hope to see that contract soon. ?If you publish your meeting time and a number I might be able to phone it in.

Darn it Alan, stop posting so I can get my response in! ;)  Good answer to my main concern/question above.


One other thing.  ::)

Membership contracts. The need to have a contract signed by both a member and the new member. This could be a problem for a prospective new member not living near us. How can we deal with this?

Kat Kanning


Through the mail between the two parties works just fine.  I need the original signatures of clients all over the U.S. and the delays are minimal.   8)



Quote from: FSPinNY on November 22, 2005, 09:56 AM NHFT
Through the mail between the two parties works just fine.? I need the original signatures of clients all over the U.S. and the delays are minimal.? ?8)


If this works for people, then fine. I was just thinking of the need to verify the signatures of the parties, much as a Notary would.

Kat Kanning

Well, you could get it notarized when you sign.


Regarding who is a member. I don't think the tuath should have any functions beside contract administration and arbitration when requested. Thus, the filing cabinet contents is private. What the members do as individuals is entirely up to them. Remember Amy went to porcupines asking who wanted to be in a directory. Voila, the free market works. I hope she got her costs covered and more by selling them.

I like having an existing member speak for new members by witnessing the contract. It encourages proximity. Proximity enhances beneficial relationships. Hopefully more distant parties would be considering a move to NH and can officially join when here on visits. I personally don't care if members "witness" contracts creatively. To me fraud is not dealing with the tuath members in accordance with zap. New members will always have to build trust through actions.

Don't worry about the powers of the board. We took our lead from the president. Unlimited power over NOTHING. Almost everything will be the actions of members, not the tuath itself.



Quote from: cathleeninnh on November 22, 2005, 10:08 AM NHFT
Regarding who is a member. I don't think the tuath should have any functions beside contract administration and arbitration when requested. Thus, the filing cabinet contents is private. What the members do as individuals is entirely up to them. Remember Amy went to porcupines asking who wanted to be in a directory. Voila, the free market works. I hope she got her costs covered and more by selling them.

I like having an existing member speak for new members by witnessing the contract. It encourages proximity. Proximity enhances beneficial relationships. Hopefully more distant parties would be considering a move to NH and can officially join when here on visits. I personally don't care if members "witness" contracts creatively. To me fraud is not dealing with the tuath members in accordance with zap. New members will always have to build trust through actions.

Don't worry about the powers of the board. We took our lead from the president. Unlimited power over NOTHING. Almost everything will be the actions of members, not the tuath itself.


How would anyone verify someone is actually a member? They might be claiming to be a member, but not be.


I don't want a state licensed agent involved in our transaction.



Alan, you are the administrator. You get the contracts. You better well know who is on the list or we will replace you pronto!



Quote from: cathleeninnh on November 22, 2005, 10:13 AM NHFT
I don't want a state licensed agent involved in our transaction.


How about if, upon receipt of membership contracts, I contact both parties to verify their consent and signatures?


Quote from: cathleeninnh on November 22, 2005, 10:15 AM NHFT
Alan, you are the administrator. You get the contracts. You better well know who is on the list or we will replace you pronto!


I would know, that is true, however, another member may wish to verify a person is a member before entering into a contract or relationship of some kind with them. How would they be able to verify this?

Edited for spelling.  ::)

Kat Kanning