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Freedom Friends Tuath

Started by Michael Fisher, November 20, 2005, 09:11 PM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

Cathleen made it to the airport.   8)  Thanks, Pat.

I've received a membership application in the mail from someone who wants me to be a witness for them.   :) :) :)


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on December 05, 2005, 03:50 PM NHFT
Cathleen made it to the airport.? ?8)? Thanks, Pat.

I've received a membership application in the mail from someone who wants me to be a witness for them.? ?:) :) :)

Cool. We are growing.  ;)

Michael Fisher

I'm really busy.

We need someone to make a website for learning about the tuath, signing up, news, member count, etc.


 I will tackle it.
Roger, any chance I could get you to design a header banner?

Pat McCotter

Visiting Kelly's Coins I saw this in their "Terms of Sale":

2) In the unlikely event that you have a dispute with Kelley's Coins, you agree that the dispute shall be settled by arbitration through the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan Atlanta in Georgia, USA. This clause affects your legal rights. By agreeing to these Terms of Sale, you will not be able to go to court for any dispute you might have with Kelley's Coins and you further agree that the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan Atlanta will have final judgment on any dispute brought to them. During the past? 3 years, Kelley's Coins has had 1 dispute raised with the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan Atlanta and that dispute was judged frivolous and without merit.

Sound familiar? :D


Agreements like these are pretty common. Unlike yours or the one for your coin shop, some are pretty egregious.  Look at your cell phone TOS sometimes.  It's in there.

Russell Kanning

I bet these kinds of things don't stop people from suing. What are high priced lawyers for? :)

But it does make sense.

Kat Kanning

I don't have a cell phone TOS  :P


Such clauses are unenforceable.


No, the courts actually give a lot of leniency on these clauses.  As long as they offer a close (i.e. in the region) arbitrator, they are very enforcable.


I have begun a basic website for the Freedom Friends Tuath. http://www.freewebs.com/freedomfriendstuath/

What else do folks think should be included?

Kat Kanning

Michael Fisher

 :o :o :o :o :o :o

NICE WORK, Alan!!!? :)

One minor correction.? This sentence in the membership contract is unnecessary:
"I also pledge to abide by the Bylaws of the Freedom Friends Tuath."

We don't really want people to think the tuath will start creating bylaws.? The only part of the bylaws that has any effect on members is the arbitration process.? In this case, you only need to add a few words to the exiting membership contract here:

"In order to seek an honorable reputation and politely resolve conflicts, I agree to restrict arbitration of all disputes between myself and other Tuath members to this Tuath's arbitration process, as defined by the Bylaws."

The website is great!? :) :) :)

We probably need to link to a printer-friendly membership contract document in PDF format.


  I made the change you suggested. Can someone create the pdf file you suggested? I will upload it and link to it from the membership page. I do not have a pdf maker.

Kat Kanning

I have a pdf maker, if you want to give me the file to convert.