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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Freedom Friends Tuath

Started by Michael Fisher, November 20, 2005, 09:11 PM NHFT

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Can you imagine an imposing altar with a filing cabinet as the centerpiece? It will certainly be difficult to glorify it.

Michael Fisher


One question:? on the tuath website (http://www.freewebs.com/freedomfriendstuath/), what is the faded text in the background on the top of the page?? I cannot quite see what it says.

Oops, nevermind.  It says "welcome".   :-[


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on December 10, 2005, 05:35 PM NHFT

One question:? on the tuath website (http://www.freewebs.com/freedomfriendstuath/), what is the faded text in the background on the top of the page?? I cannot quite see what it says.



 I added the Membership contract PDF file to the website. Also started a links page.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: AlanM on December 10, 2005, 06:11 PM NHFT
I added the Membership contract PDF file to the website. Also started a links page.

Thank you, Alan and Kat!? :)

Kat Kanning

I'm fasting if you use that logo.   :P

Michael Fisher


I would sign up but i'm still in Illinois :-(

Can I still sign up? How would I get a existing member witness signature?

Kat Kanning

You have to know the secret handshake.



As this country slowly descends into absolute tyranny, preparing for its entrance into the One World, One Thought paradise of control and servitude, the need for alternatives increases. What will you and your family do when the economy collapses? How will you survive? On your own? or with trusted friends. Think about it.


Quote from: AlanM on December 31, 2005, 06:15 AM NHFT
As this country slowly descends into absolute tyranny, preparing for its entrance into the One World, One Thought paradise of control and servitude, the need for alternatives increases. What will you and your family do when the economy collapses? How will you survive? On your own? or with trusted friends. Think about it.

So far our strategy has been, in this order:

1. Buy the largest plot of land we can, the farthest from the city the better.
2. Build the most durable house possible. Not necessarily large, but functional and very efficient. (After that we can build a larger house at leasure as time and finances permit).
3. Learn to grow enough food to be completely self sufficient. We probably won't actually practice this until the SHTF cus there are some foods I like to eat that wouldn't be practical for us to make on our own or even impossible.
4. Buy guns and learn to use them well.



eukreign, what do the folks "back home" think of your plans?


Quote from: KBCraig on December 31, 2005, 10:08 AM NHFT

eukreign, what do the folks "back home" think of your plans?

My mom and step-dad are both architects (residential/commercial buildings) so they were very excited that we planned on building our own house. They are disappointed that we will be moving away from them but they have been to NH and know how beautiful it is. About the SHTF stuff... well, i dono, I think they are not ignorant and know this country is going to shit but maybe they are just not wanting to take that seriously enough. So they think it's good that we are thinking about the future but they feel like they don't have the energy to join us. My mom is also really into organic food so she thinks it's great that we want to grow our own food.

My dad works as a teacher of russian and ukrainian at the foreign service institute in washington, dc. He loves the US Navy (he was a reservist). He actually agrees with me about government being bad and all that stuff, but doesn't feel like it's bad enough that he needs to change the way he lives. Heh, he even liked the idea of private navies protecting trade routes in an anarcho-capitalist society.

In summary, they are all just kinda like: if that's what you want to do, then that's what you should do.


Quote from: eukreign on December 31, 2005, 10:57 AM NHFT
My dad works as a teacher of russian and ukrainian at the foreign service institute in washington, dc. He loves the US Navy (he was a reservist). He actually agrees with me about government being bad and all that stuff, but doesn't feel like it's bad enough that he needs to change the way he lives.

That reminds me of a quote from Claire Wolfe: (paraphrased)
"America is at a strange stage - it's too late to work within the system and too early to shoot the bastards"

I love that one!