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Freedom Friends Tuath

Started by Michael Fisher, November 20, 2005, 09:11 PM NHFT

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Quote from: KBCraig on January 02, 2006, 11:13 AM NHFT

Quote from: zackbass on January 02, 2006, 06:28 AM NHFT

No, Fraud is other than Force and is not always Theft - sometimes Fraud is Rape, for example.

Would that be when you pay the hooker with counterfeit bills?

Well, that one would be Theft by Fraud, since it concerns an exchange that both parties had put a price on.

But how about you dress up like Lloyd's girlfriend and have sex with him?  That would be Fraud, since he probably wouldn't be inclined to do that otherwise.
Like the priests who screw those whom they defraud.

Russell Kanning

I think these tuaths will be a big deal after NH seceeds. :)


""The use of the term "Right" as a noun is dangerous, since the discussion quickly involves some guy claiming a Positive Right such as "The Right To Eat" or "The Right To Live", and it's all downhill from there... his Right implies someone else's Duty to provide him Food, or the ultimate illogicality, he may claim that your "Right To Live" implies that you do NOT have a Right to Suicide.? DON'T LAUGH, I HAVE ACTUALLY SEEN MORE THAN ONE PERSON DO THAT!!!? TRUE STORY!? TRUE STORY!""

The so called positive rights always requires something of someone else.? To have a right to eat, you must also have the right to take from someone else in the event you happen to be to poor to buy some.? Suicide does not violate anyone elses rights.
A person has every right except when my right conflicts with others equel and reciprical rights.


To have a voluntary legal system, you must deal with several things.
These are some of the ones I identified:  honesty of justices, appeals, acceptance of other legal rulings by competitors, to encourage restitution it needs to be fair and open so it can't be accused of corruption as easily, and a clear way to deal with noncompliance of accused aggressors.
Its not perfect, but in my next post I think I may have figured it out.


This Statement of Principles shall act as an Understanding to all Individuals whom choose of their own free will to agree to them. 
The purpose of this Understanding is to unify on the broadest possible terms, libertarians, constitutionalists, anarchists, capitalists, anarcho-capitalists, objectivists, juris naturalist, classical liberals, natural and common law followers, and freeman of like-mindedness We hope to act as a voluntary alternative to the abusive and coercive government, and to secure a better justice.  The creation of institutions and strengthening customs is essential before any government can be replaced or downsized.  Voluntary justice is an essential component of a free society. 
No person shall be discouraged from entering into this agreement on the basis of race, religion, nationality, nation of origin or sex, but only on their willingness to agree and support the terms outlined herein to their logical conclusions.

Section 1
I Pledge to not encroach upon an a persons Right to Life, Property, and their Liberty to trade freely, pursue happiness, or do anything that does not involve the initiation of force or fraud upon peaceful persons, and to be free from the initiation of force or fraud by other individuals. I understand and agree that Rights are not an entitlement to be demanded at the expense of others and that my Rights are limited only by the equal rights of other persons. 
The Right of Life, Property, and Liberty are Natural Laws and are virtually universal in every society.  The Laws are some of the first concepts taught to children.  These Laws are natural, or scientific in that 2+2=4.  When these Rights are respected, life gets better, and when they are violated life gets worse, it is an automatic process.  There are many other rules a person can choose or feel obligated to live under, but as those rules are not universally accepted, to enforce them outside of a contractual agreement would be encroachment. 
Rights can only apply to persons, not to corporations, governments, churches, or groups.  As it is not possible to limit your liability for harm committed on others, sovereign immunity, limited liability corporations, partially liable children or mental incompetents are not recognized. 
Children and mental incompetents are recognized to have all rights to life and earned property, but must be emancipated to have full liberty.  To be emancipated, the individual must understand and agree to their liability for their violations of others rights.  To deny liberty, it must be proven that an individual is incompetent, and irresponsible for full liability.  To wrongfully deny a person liberty is both an initiation of fraud and force.
My intent is peaceful, and if I act aggressively it will only be in self-defense against those who initiate violence against me, or as a delegated agent on the behalf of innocent persons. 
By print-publishing my support for this Understanding, I am eligible as a juror.
I am agreeing as an individual to this Understanding, and that any statute law I may or may not be in violation of is fully my responsibility and not those of the creator of this Understanding, or other signers of this agreement.  I shall neither ask others of any statute violation, nor will I tell others of my own violations. 

Section 2
Enforcement of Voluntary Justice
All persons have a reciprocal duty to support those who follow the Laws without encroachment, and to sanction those that do not.  This is especially true of those whom have refused to follow restitution and consequences of a just conviction, and have been declared an Outlaw. 
It must be remembered that enforcement of voluntary justice requires the support of all.

Section 3
Sanction and Outlawry
Part A
In the absence of initiation of force or fraud, there should be peace.  Upon the initiation of force or fraud, the victim has the right of revenge, pursuit of justice in the government courts, or restitution.  Restitution being preferable, as it is the only way to make the victim whole once again.  In instances of murder, restitution shall go to the victims spouse, or to the parents, or to the siblings, then to next of kin in this order.  Statute law inconsistent with your Rights is null and void and will not be considered in this Understanding. 
The victim can petition any Judge, Arbitrator, or Mediator whom has agreed to defend the Rights outlined herein (hereafter referred to as Justice) to hear the claim of force or fraud.  If the accused refuses to come before the plaintiffs? choice of Justice, the defendant should appear before a Justice of their choice.  If both Justices agree on the guilt of the defendant, the plaintiffs? Justice shall dictate the terms of restitution and conditions, unless some other arrangement agreed to by plaintiff and defendant is/was made.  If both Justices agree on the innocence of the defendant, than the defendants? Justice shall collect all legal fees from the plaintiff.  If no agreement is made on the guilt or innocence of the defendant between the Justices, then both Justices shall print-publish together their separate opinions regarding their decisions.  This starts the appeal process that should last no more than 30 days.  Then any person, whom has agreed to this Understanding to defend life, property, liberty, and owes no restitution or conditions at the time of statement, can choose to make an individual statement of the guilt/innocence of the defendant.  In the event of any confusion as to the intent of a statement, the writer may be asked to appear in a joint session before the Justices, failure to appear, will disqualify the statement as legitimate, and shall be thrown out of consideration.  One statement per person which must be notarized by a third party, may be withdrawn at any time, and in light of new information may be rewritten and resubmitted.  These statements shall act as a Jury of peers, and is the only appeal outside of a previously agreed upon appeal process between plaintiff and defendant.  Upon a majority decision of the Jury, the process then returns to the previous terms of restitution and conditions, or payment of all legal fees, depending on the judged guilt/innocence of the defendant. 
In the event of refusal to cooperate with these provisions, the only option is to encourage boycott of the accused, retaliation, pursuit in the government courts, revenge or Outlaw the violator.  Noncompliance with any restitution or conditions is cause to Outlaw the violator.  If the victim chooses retaliation or revenge, to avoid being accused of initiation of force or fraud, the victim should come before a Justice and present complaint, then the justice should print-publish their opinion.  This shall be called the Outlawry Procedure, and is reversible only by cooperation of the provisions herein.  While a convict is under Outlawry, no Justice whom has agreed to defend Life, Property, and Liberty should hear any complaint from the convict.  Since the convict has rejected the sanction of a free people, so shall the convict by result of actions reject the support and protection of free people for his/her own Life, Property, and Liberty.
Part B
In The Event Of Wrongful Conviction
Any convicted defendant that is in cooperation with the provisions herein, may petition a Justice with a claim stating some other individual committed the aggression.  If the Justice agrees, the Justice shall print-publish his/her opinion as to why the defendant is wrongfully convicted.  The Jury then shall decide first to hear the case.  In a separate Hearing, statements shall be gathered on the guilt or innocence of the defendant.  If another person is accused of being the real violator, then he/she shall be given a chance to defend themselves in front of a Justice.  The resulting opinion of the justice shall be print-publish with the original convict for the original convicts 2nd hearing.  If the original convict is acquitted of the original conviction, he/she shall be considered a victim of force/fraud eligible for restitution from the true aggressor in the original legal case.  If the true aggressor is convicted, restitution shall be paid both to the original victim and to the wrongfully convicted victim.  If the plaintiff made a fraudulent claim resulting in wrongful conviction, the plaintiff shall pay restitution to the original defendant on account of fraud. 
Part C
Corruption of Justices or Jury
All allegations of corruption shall be treated as any other claim of fraud. 

Section 4
The Declaration of Indictment
As almost all government leaders and bureaucrats in the world has been in violation of the Two Laws, of which there is an abundance of evidence, these leaders are hereby Outlawed.  Any person who chooses to deal with these persons, are free to do so.  It should be noted that when it is convenient for these individuals to violate either of the Two Laws on you, you shall have no recourse as the government has repeatedly proven its disregard for the Two Laws. 
The ignorance of most non-government persons, and/or the refusal to follow The Two Laws consistently, does not excuse them from liability.  However, having never agreed to any system of justice, and forcibly living under a corrupted legal system does call for forgiveness.  Encroachment is still wrong, but ultimately it is between the aggressor and the victim.  It is an unfortunate fact of life that the world is full of hypocritical and amoral people who want their Life, Property, and Liberty protected, but when it is convenient will trample with your Life, Property, and Liberty.  The writer of this Understanding recognizes the futility of forcing compliance on an unlawful, amoral and ignorant population and that sometimes a defensive stance is the wisest thing to do.

Michael Fisher

Uhhh... that's a little too complex for my tastes.  ;)

The beauty of our tuath is its utter simplicity.

Kat Kanning

Who is in the tuath?  Russell and I are.  IF you're willing to go public, put your name here? :D

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: zackbass on January 02, 2006, 12:51 PM NHFT

But how about you dress up like Lloyd's girlfriend and have sex with him??

I hate it when that happens

Kat Kanning


Lloyd Danforth



Quote from: Scott Roth on January 14, 2006, 12:31 PM NHFT
Okay, I'm a little confused about one aspect:? I own a handgun, for target shooting, self defense, etc.? Does that prevent me from being a part of the tuath?

No. Only if you use the firearm for non-defensive purposes, i. e. the use of force.
We pledge to assist each other whenever possible. This would include defense.



You are all invited, members and friends:

Tuath Social Feb 4
This Saturday 3pm after the MVP meeting
28 Linlew Dr #4
Derry, NH 03038


Bring your choice of beverage or food

Just for fun, no particular business

Cathleen and Don