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Nashua protest by anti-CPS group Aug 12

Started by Dave Ridley, August 10, 2011, 12:57 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

received this in my e-mail:

           PRESS RELEASE

                 Govabuse Nationwide Protest

       From the desk of President -Nancy Rolfe
                          (216) 671-3999
              E-mail: info@govabuse.org

        Contact the PLC for each state / county at;
       www.govabuse.org -click on ribbon.

       Government abuse IS child abuse

PROTEST Date:  Friday, August 12, 2011 families in all states and many
counties across the United States will unite for a nationwide protest at
their county family / juvenile courthouses.  Find protest locations at
Purpose of protest: to force reformation of our, County Family / Juvenile
Courts and County Children / Family Services divisions aka; CPS, DHS,
DSS, DCFS etc... Saving America's children, families and taxpayer dollars.
          Through our efforts, the people;  a.) Unable to work  b.) Living at,
or below the poverty level   c.) Collecting SSI   d.) On medication, will
decrease drastically.  We are convinced the lives lost through child abuse
and suicide will also decrease.  These beliefs are due to the facts that the
aforementioned crisis and tragedies are a direct result of 'depression'
that stems from the loss of child parental / grandparents rights, parental
/ family alienation and the never-ending litigations executed in the family
courts and children / social services divisions.

Hillsborough County Probate Court
30 Spring St.
Nashua, NH
PLC Dot Knightly