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New Porcupiner Needs Tips, Info, and Advice for Dating In NH

Started by rankeen, January 26, 2005, 07:28 PM NHFT

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Hi, I'm a new Porcupine who will be moving to NH from MA in spring after I finish grad school. Because I plan to settle down in NH for the long term, I'm obviously looking to get married and start making Porcupines the old fashioned way! ;)

Thus, I wanted to know what the women in NH are like. I'd appreciate any comments men (or women) have about dating and marriage in the Granite State. Growing up in MA has made me somewhat jaded. Almost every woman I meet is enamored with the idea of an all powerful state controlling people's lives. As such, like minded people are hard to find. Coupled with my own idiosyncrasies that I seek in women, this doesn't leave a large dating pool! Aren't there any professionally educated Liberty Lovers that want to have lots of little rugrats crawling around? Am I asking too much?

I welcome all thoughtful comments. Thanks! :)


Russell Kanning

Are you thinking that women are different in NH? I think they all like the same things no matter where they live. :)


Quote from: russellkanning on January 26, 2005, 07:31 PM NHFT
Are you thinking that women are different in NH? I think they all like the same things no matter where they live. :)

ROFL!! :)
I kind of understand where you're coming from Russ! Is Kat aware of your attitude?? ;)

I meant different in that sense that certain states and parts of the country have different attitudes to dating, marriage, and family. I wanted to know where NH fit in that spectrum. Ideally, I, like most men, is looking for a woman to stay at home and raise kids, rather than sticking the kids with nannies and daycare centers, which we in the healthcare profession call DISEASE CENTERS! lol


Russell Kanning

I think you would find a woman like that the same way in NH as you would in MA. It just might be easier to find one here. :)

Kat Kanning

Don't let him fool you.  The women in NH are very different!  They all carry uzis.  They go into a frenzy if you even whisper taxes.  Don't even talk about the drug laws if you value your life.


If you meet a woman in NH, and she suggests you go cow-tipping with you, then you have found the right girl. Do I hear a baby crying?

Dave Ridley


As you can see, we get a little silly sometimes. Re your question: Russell hit it on the nose. NH girls are like any other girls. The good news about finding a liberty loving mate is that there will be a LOT of liberty lovers moving to NH. And yes, there are some already here.


I'd recommend *AGAINST* cow tipping on the first date.  Anyway, dating is *so* randomizing, well.... the environment is just SO important.  Let's put it this way: I would not date anywhere BUT New Hampshire, now because there is no better place to start!


How's that for neurotic blather about the #1 human endevour?

Edit: fix funny typos.


I suggest remaining single -- these NH women are VICIOUS!

Just kidding, just had to get in on the banter.




Ugh...I pity you rankeen. You are too young to understand it fully, but read http://www.fredoneverything.net/Reimer.shtml as a primer. If you are angered or upset by what you read there, DONT READ ANY MORE OF THIS POST!. Doing so will leave you twitching on the floor, locked in a matriarchy vs reality conundrum feedback loop. You have been warned! 

Anyhow, when decide you are done trying to deal perfectly rationally and morally with the utterly irrational and amoral, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, then head to South America. The exchange rate still favors you, for now. http://www.singleabroad.com/ for more info.

I suggest Brazil, Florianapolis (sailboarding capital of the world) to be specific. Last I checked, there were 6 girls for each man there. That experience should open your eyes as to the true nature of pure, natural femininity, as opposed to the vile affliction of feminism. If you have half as much fun as I did in 1997, itll be the stuff of legends.

When you are actually ready to settle down and raise a family, as opposed to sowing your wild oats, I suggest Eastern European ladies. These specimens are the pinnacle of womanhood. That should be enough for you to chew, or gag, on for the moment. Im here if you need any help. And my wife has plenty of single friends too  ;D

Kat Kanning

I'm soooo glad I offered to give this grunt person a ride across the state.   Sooo happy of the thought of spending a couple hours in a my car with this .... person.   >:(


Quote from: katdillon on January 27, 2005, 05:07 AM NHFT
I'm soooo glad I offered to give this grunt person a ride across the state.   Sooo happy of the thought of spending a couple hours in a my car with this .... person.   >:(

Uh oh Grunt, you've angered one of them. Quick, call Wendy McElroy!



Wendy who?

I think kat is offended.  :o

P.S. You will note I did not say every single last American female is a slavering beast. There are those 1 in 75,000 females that are semi-normal. I also dont consider casual business relationships with American females to be completely unwise, provided a common goal is shared.