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New Porcupiner Needs Tips, Info, and Advice for Dating In NH

Started by rankeen, January 26, 2005, 07:28 PM NHFT

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Libertarian Feminist?!  :o

That sounds a bit like "Watery Desert", or "Flying Submarine" Oh...wait Compassionate Conservative!   ;D

I cant watch Fox news, Im deathly allergic to statist propaganda.  :-\


Quote from: Grunt on January 27, 2005, 05:56 AM NHFT
Libertarian Feminist?!  :o

That sounds a bit like "Watery Desert", or "Flying Submarine" Oh...wait Compassionate Conservative!   ;D

I cant watch Fox news, Im deathly allergic to statist propaganda.  :-\

She only writes a column.. very good ones! Usually pro-fathers rights, that kind of thing. They only sydicate her for their website.


Then why the feminist moniker? Why not the tried and true "Libertarian" tag?

Must be a show of solidarity for all the "oppressed" American females who suffer through the patriarchal hell that is America. What with the highest standard of living in the world, longer lifespans, unprecedented educational opportunities, or 3 to one spending on breast cancer as opposed to prostate cancer.

The poor little child. I think I might weep.


You guys are scaring me! I'm coming to NH with my quills in battle position!! >:( Arrggh!

I guess it's unwise even to expose your vulnerable belly to fellow Porcupines.

Oh well, time for a mail order bride.... :'(

Thanks for trying to help guys...


My wifes best friend, Svetlana 25 years old; Tall, thin, VERY well built, ice blue eyes, jet black hair, pale translucent skin, very fluent in english, both her parents are medical doctors, really fun to be around (cant that be said of any feminists you know?), extremely polite, I have never heard her curse, mouth off, or become aggressive under even difficult circumstances.

If you are a well educated, kind and decent person who is truly ready for marriage and not a fling, I can introduce you. But if you aint serious, dont bother as I consider her something of a sister.

Otherwise, good luck in the singles bars and mean streets of America. Oh...and violent criminal acts by females in America is skyrocketing. Try not to get stabbed or shot.


Quote from: Grunt on January 27, 2005, 06:02 AM NHFT
Then why the feminist moniker? Why not the tried and true "Libertarian" tag?

Must be a show of solidarity for all the "oppressed" American females who suffer through the patriarchal hell that is America. What with the highest standard of living in the world, longer lifespans, unprecedented educational opportunities, or 3 to one spending on breast cancer as opposed to prostate cancer.

The poor little child. I think I might weep.

No, she is trying to reclaim the term from the socialist radicals who have changed its meaning into man-hating socialist radical.? McElroy's position is that when feminism got its start, it was just about getting the state to recognize the rights of women to do things like own property, vote, and ride in a car across state lines with a man who is not related to her.? It was not about man-bashing and supporting the nanny state.

Check out her sites:? http://www.ifeminists.net

and? http://www.zetetics.com/mac/index.shtml


Feminism: Belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.

In order to strive for equality, one must first be oppressed.

Any western female that lays claim to being "oppressed" in a culture that has never been less so is clearly a sociopathic lunatic. Not by my accusation, but by her words and actions.

"Fascism deceptively calls for the national unity of social classes, class-collaboration, but actually promotes the division of people by race, >>SEX<<, culture, nation, or religion." -- Richard Gibson


Quote from: rankeen on January 26, 2005, 07:28 PM NHFT
Hi, I'm a new Porcupine who will be moving to NH from MA in spring after I finish grad school. Because I plan to settle down in NH for the long term, I'm obviously looking to get married and start making Porcupines the old fashioned way! ;)

Thus, I wanted to know what the women in NH are like. I'd appreciate any comments men (or women) have about dating and marriage in the Granite State. Growing up in MA has made me somewhat jaded. Almost every woman I meet is enamored with the idea of an all powerful state controlling people's lives. As such, like minded people are hard to find. Coupled with my own idiosyncrasies that I seek in women, this doesn't leave a large dating pool! Aren't there any professionally educated Liberty Lovers that want to have lots of little rugrats crawling around? Am I asking too much?

I welcome all thoughtful comments. Thanks! :)


Just start looking.  We are not all a bunch of liberals, I promise.  I hate to say it, but it's almost as hard to find a guy who isn't a flaming bleeding heart liberal as it is to find a female that way.  I have run into two problems with looking for a decent date where politics are concerned; a: liberal views or b: apathy.  It just takes time and patience, but we are out there.  You'll find that women up here tend to be a little more rational and I would suggest looking in smaller communities and avoid searching in Manchester, Amherst, Derry or Nashua, as they are the more Liberal areas in the state.  Good luck.


We need some sort of dating or marriage board for Liberty Lovers. We need to start a Porcupine breeding program!  ROFL  :D

As Communists well know, it's easier to brainwash kids into accepting a philosophy rather than persuade them as adults with brute logic and flawless reasoning. Just look at the indoctrination camps known as schools if you disagree. There's a reason home-schooled kids score higher on standardized tests and gain admission to better universities. Home-schooled kids don't waste time learning how to put a condom on a banana and celebrating Earth Day.

Therefore, a breeding program must be started to maintain and expand Procupine numbers and ensure the purity of the FSP message.

Another simple reason: I sense there is a lot of horny and lonely people in the FSP!  :) LOL

Lets not all get frisky at once!  :-*


Well, I've been living here in NH for 30 years, married a NH native, raised a family and generally love living here.  If you are looking for girls in a bar, you'll get whatever the last drink bought.  But, if you're looking elsewhere, you'll find some very decent women who believe in the cause of liberty, without being liberal.  You can get what you're looking for, but only if you're worth looking at.


Quote from: Scott Roth on January 27, 2005, 09:40 PM NHFT
You can get what you're looking for, but only if you're worth looking at.

...I can't even bring myself to dignify that with an answear...

Kat Kanning

Lloyd Danforth

Wendy McElroy is Pro Porn, for everyone!  How bad can that be?

Actually, she is a solid libertarian writer.  I have been reading her for years.


Well said rankeen, you understand the powers behind feminism.

"First you get the women, then youve got the children...so follow the men." -- Adolph Hitler

As far as looking for a "good" western female, its virtually impossible. Added to the fact, why waste time in America when you can walk down any street in South America or Eastern Europe and find yourself awash in young, well educated, feminine ladies that consider the role of wife as a blessing, not a prison.