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What do you do - if you don't want to call the cops?

Started by John, November 22, 2011, 06:37 PM NHFT

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What do you do in this situation  - if you don't EVER want to call the cops?
Let's say that this is a hypothetical situation:

A neighbor blows lots of snow from his property directly into a busy street and then goes inside.
An older man stops to ask if it was you who did it. The man is upset for several legitimate reasons.
He says it very unsafe, and you agree. He says that that taxpayers have paid to have snow removed from the street and people shouldn't do this, and you agree. He mentions other good points. You say you'll talk to your neighbor about it.
The man is still upset and says, "Where are the police when you need them? I'm going to call them."
You say, "I don't think we need men with guns to solve this problem. I'll talk to my neighbor." After a bit more conversation the older man leaves slightly less upset. You and he think the problem can be solved by talking to the neighbor.
When you talk to your neighbor your neighbor agrees that he shouldn't do this but says, "I have no choice. I have to put it somewhere."
You tell him that the older fellow was upset about the safety concern, and you add that you have personally seen people slide because of it and one particular woman quite a bit as she took the turn. Your neighbor makes comments about woman drivers, and then about people in general. He says, If they don't know how to drive in the snow they shouldn't be out driving... Your neighbor explicitly agrees that what he is doing is likely causing problems for people and that his behaveour could even result in someone having an accident, but says, "That's why we have insurance."
You ask him what it will take for him to stop.
He says he'll stop when the police tell him to.

Lloyd Danforth

It's always good to realize  something is none of your business.

Jim Johnson

Go out and remove the dangerous condition and remind him that he is a poor neighbor.

Jim Johnson

What would you do if someone you lived with died in your home?

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: John on November 22, 2011, 06:37 PM NHFT
"That's why we have insurance."

"Is your insurance paid up? Because if someone wrecks you would be responsible." Is one response that might have weight.

To share the information that someone is creating a dangerous situation is the responsible thing to do. If someone else decides that the police should know, that is their business.

Alex Libman

Quote from: Lex Berezhny on November 22, 2011, 09:10 PM NHFT
- document the situation on video [and put it online, and tell the neighborhood]

- put up a sign on your property warning drivers that the road is a hazard due to the neighbor throwing snow on the road

You beat me to it.   ;)

Lloyd Danforth

Kat Kanning

Uncle Jimmy's answer was perfect....go out and clean up the problem.  Hold to your entirely correct idea that you should never call the police.  If someone died in your house, I suggest a mortician might be more useful than the police.

Free libertarian

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on November 23, 2011, 06:52 AM NHFT
Quote from: Jim Johnson on November 22, 2011, 09:18 PM NHFT
What would you do if someone you lived with died in your home?

Rich or Zim?

I thought we already decided that Zim was part of the "undead" and that Rich along with Keith Richards and cock roaches will be among the survivors of all manner of holocausts including nuclear war? 

Tom Sawyer

Kat Kanning