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What's a good price for a .22 rifle?

Started by Kat Kanning, January 14, 2012, 11:04 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

We've got a coyote problem and want to shoot some of them, but wondering what a good price is?  Or does anyone have a 22 rifle for sale?

Free libertarian

Can't help you with the price, but how about some recipes? Eradicated coyote is doggone good!   :P


Depends upon what you want in features, and how far away you want to be able to shoot coyotes.

$100 would get you a serviceable rifle.  You could spend up to $1000 on a quality rifle.  You could spend a lot more than that on something fancy, but it would be a case of diminishing returns.

A local sale would probably be best, in terms of avoiding excess Federal paperwork.

You might want something better than .22 for coyotes, though.  .223Rem (aka 5.56mm) is a popular "varmint" caliber.  .30-30 is a old-school deer cartridge, but the lighter loads would be workable for coyotes, without making the mess a higher-power load might.

Pistol-caliber carbines (a small rifle that fires a pistol-caliber round) are also popular.  Something like a Kel-Tec Sub2000 is interesting, because it folds up for storage.

A smaller shotgun is also an option.  Something in 20-ga, loaded with birdshot, would be effective.  Plus, since you folks seem to be the unwilling hosts of visits by the blue-light gang on occasion, a traditional-looking shotgun (wood instead of plastic, maybe even a double-barrel rather than a pump, etc.) is less "scary" than something "tactical" in appearance.  Less likely to help them work themselves up so they can engage in their antisocial behavior without guilt...


MaineShark gave good info. Another option is letting the local hunting/gun stores know you've got coyotes that need to be eliminated, and you'll have volunteers.

Coyotes are a non-game species in Texas, so you can use anything from a .22 to dynamite. It's still ethical to ensure a clean kill, though. At anything past 75 yards a .22 is marginal on coyotes.


  Oh ya, great advice, but, if a Yote comes by to get the "fish out of the bottle" it might be old or sick, so, stay the frick away from it!

   Love Ed N Cheryl. :D

Pat K

You need to ask the Road Runner.......BEEP....BEEP....

Lloyd Danforth

Russell Kanning

paying attention to them and shooting at them every once in a while seems to work

we have plenty of hunters who know all about all the coyotes.
