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Looking for hate in all the wrong places

Started by KBCraig, December 06, 2005, 01:11 AM NHFT

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This is too long to post at one shot, but it's worth reading at the JPFO website.


Looking for Hate in all the Wrong Places
By Aaron Zelman
Executive Director
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Each year, the Stephen Roth Institute at Tel Aviv University issues a comprehensive report, ?Antisemitism Worldwide.? This is the definitive account of anti-Semitic attitudes, groups, and leaders around the globe.

Perusing the chapters on the United States, I was struck by a troubling thought: These ?experts? are looking for Jew hatred in all the wrong places.

The most recent report (2003-4) looks at the activities of genuine racists like David Duke, Richard Butler (who died in 2004) and Louis Farrakhan. It details which neo-Nazi groups are rising in influence and which are falling. (Nearly all have been falling, thanks to the death or imprisonment of leaders and the perpetual disarray of would-be leaders, who tend to hate each other as much as they hate Jews.)

The report also chooses some odd targets. It mentions the militia movement, for instance, even though it acknowledges that most of the now failed and faded militia groups weren't anti-Semitic. And it considers the entire ?tax protest? movement to be anti-Semitic, which simply runs counter to all available evidence. The tax protest movement has no inherent racial or religious bias.

Including non-bigots in a report on bigotry, however, is the least of the problems. Far worse: the ?experts? are failing to include the one institution that is, historically, the greatest danger to the Jews: government.

While focusing on the gnat of tiny, marginal racist groups and innocent non-racists, the scholars in Tel Aviv are entirely missing the velociraptor of the state.

Fatal shortsightedness

A quote that appears in both the 2001-2 and 2002-3 reports makes it clear just how very blind and biased the hate-hunters are: ?Militia groups in the United States have decreased in number in the past few years, but still pose a criminal threat, as they encourage turning anti-government sentiment into action.?

The italics are ours. This statement, in the context of a report on anti-Semitism, makes it clear that the writers consider any action that opposes government to be a threat against Jews. (This is also the likely reason the report includes anti-taxers to be threatening; refusal to pay taxes is an extremely direct and fundamental anti-government action.)

In modern America, under both Democrat and Republican administrations, most Jews have embraced the power of government. In alliance with Democrats, Jews have lobbied for, and risen to political power within, the welfare state. In alliance with Republicans, masses of Jews have continued to urge the growth of the welfare state while a handful of Jews have been among the most prominent architects of the neoconservative warfare state, along with WASPs like George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

Adopting government as a protector and partner is a mistake Jews have made before. As we shall see shortly, it's a strategy that has backfired on us throughout history.

Jews are often friends of government. But in the long run, governments are never friends to the Jews.

(much more, with examples, at the URL above)