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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 13

Started by Lloyd Danforth, March 04, 2007, 04:08 PM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth


Interest in stuff like this goes down naturally as Russell said.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on March 02, 2007, 12:15 PM NHFT
If anyone wants to help the Browns gather legal paperwork or court transcripts or such, then you can contact them and offer your help.

That is pretty clearly their responsibility to delegate such.

What about that famous wish list?

Ed needs to add the court file and transcript to that list.


Quote from: TackleTheWorld on March 02, 2007, 03:16 PM NHFT
I called the court clerk for transcripts for Ed and Elaine.  Diane Chures told me it would cost the first requester $3.30/page.  And there was an extra fee for expidited documents.  But, in reality, there was no amount of money that could produce the transcripts before 45 days, and you'd have to pay first.  There are no special terms for members the press.
I found cases of the press asking for transcripts and being denied, even two years after the trial ended.
I also found many cases of people who lose a case complaining that the transcripts are so expensive.  Of course when the doj wants to appeal a loss, the transcripts will be produced immediately.

Try to bring your own recording device to your trial and they will take it from you.  I discovered this at Russell's Outlaw Leafleter trial.

OK, who still thinks the U.S. judicial system will give everyone a fair trial?

I find it ironic that this gentleman thinks this is where he should stop his action.

That is a good story to contact Margot at the monitor with.

If you have been unreasonably denied public documents than you have to contact the media and the ACLU.

I am not buying this gentleman's conclusion.

If you present payment for the transcript you must get the trancsript in a reasonable amount of time.

If you are not guaranteed this than call ACLU.


Quote from: TackleTheWorld on March 02, 2007, 03:16 PM NHFT
I called the court clerk for transcripts for Ed and Elaine.  Diane Chures told me it would cost the first requester $3.30/page.  And there was an extra fee for expidited documents.  But, in reality, there was no amount of money that could produce the transcripts before 45 days, and you'd have to pay first.  There are no special terms for members the press.
I found cases of the press asking for transcripts and being denied, even two years after the trial ended.
I also found many cases of people who lose a case complaining that the transcripts are so expensive.  Of course when the doj wants to appeal a loss, the transcripts will be produced immediately.

Try to bring your own recording device to your trial and they will take it from you.  I discovered this at Russell's Outlaw Leafleter trial.

OK, who still thinks the U.S. judicial system will give everyone a fair trial?

I checked out the links you supplied.  They do not support the "information" you supply.

If you want to expose an unfair trial you have to accomplish a dissemenation of the trial documents and transcripts (which are clearly public records).

If the Court throws unreasonable roadblocks in your way than you have a responsibility to inform the media and the ACLU.

If you do not tell the media or file a complaint with the ACLU than you are not doing enough in advance of complaining here.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on March 04, 2007, 02:38 PM NHFT
If you don't like it, you can go away.  I'm sure you're aware anthony wouldn't want his last name posted.

This response is really sad.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: macthefork on March 04, 2007, 06:02 PM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on March 04, 2007, 03:23 PM NHFT

who said we were peace loving?

This is such a predictably silly remark from Russell.

"Who said we were peace loving?"?

All you ever talk about is how you gladly resist bad acts with "good" ones.  This is classic "peace loving" rhetoric my friend.

Whenever you guys are challenged intellectually you come up with some harebrain statement and start using your administrator POWERS
to suppress speech.

When have you challenged anyone intellectually on this forum?



So THAT'S what it looks like with MTF "ignored"...cool...


Stop talking and start doing. Get the transcript and show everyone you are worth listening to.

Your are quite ignorant of any of the people or situations you are dealing with. No one is obliged to answer your interrogation.

We get to know each other over time... trolls and G-men come out of nowhere and disrupt.



Did someone say something...ZZzzzz....LOL

Handshakes for all the gentlemen and hugs for all the gentlewomen who immediately smite that beast and hit that fancy "ignore" button also...


Wow, having this dude ignored really does make life better.



If my math is right this thread has been viewed 183.5 times per page. Is that a record?


Quote from: coffeeseven on March 04, 2007, 07:20 PM NHFT
If my math is right this thread has been viewed 183.5 times per page. Is that a record?

When you switch pages the count does not change so we'll never know what the "page view" count is...only the thread...unless I'm mistaken and if so...please correct me...


Oh and I gave you some Karma!