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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 13

Started by Lloyd Danforth, March 04, 2007, 04:08 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Upcoming anti-tax / support of Browns events:

March 31st, noon, We'll be out in front of the Keene
IRS/Post Office on Main St. with the Don Quixote/
anti-torture/ anti-tax regalia. We'll have people
dressed up as characters from Don Quixote and tilting
at windmills, IRS agents as robbers, etc.

Keene IRS on Main St. with the Don Quixote/
anti-torture/ anti-tax regalia on April 17th starting
about 3pm. This will be for tax day.

April 24th, 10 am Concord Federal Courthouse on 55
Pleasant St. with anti-tax + support for Browns signs.
This is the day Ed and Elaine Brown are scheduled for
sentencing - Elaine and 11:00 and Ed at 1:30.


Oh, and later today in Manchester. It's on the calendar. I swear.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on March 27, 2007, 01:34 AM NHFT
I was surfing over at http://www.google.com again and found this interesting report by "shadowfx" over at http://theblackvault.com/ftopicp-495962.html about the bookstore worker right across the road from Elaine's Dentist office, where he and Ed talked weekly on 1/2 hour visits and numerous times about: William Cooper...

I had some interesting conversations with Bill Cooper a few years ago.  Now there's a guy who died a stupid death.


Quote from: richardr on March 27, 2007, 06:22 AM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on March 27, 2007, 01:34 AM NHFT
I was surfing over at http://www.google.com again and found this interesting report by "shadowfx" over at http://theblackvault.com/ftopicp-495962.html about the bookstore worker right across the road from Elaine's Dentist office, where he and Ed talked weekly on 1/2 hour visits and numerous times about: William Cooper...

I had some interesting conversations with Bill Cooper a few years ago.  Now there's a guy who died a stupid death.

Richard: "stupid" as in for the Latin stupere, right? in that they should be stunned, or dazzled, as by with a strong light: the light of the truth that there is NO jurisdiction, and so we are: a-m"aze"d that these goons continue to act or operate as outlaws! "They" are the ones to be "overpowered with intense light" like a fireworks for us seeing such to be bewildered or amazed with such a spectacular display.  Hey! WHERE can we rent one of those high-powered light beams? that are aimed up into outer space at the grand opening of stores, like Blockbuster did when they opened up their shop in Concord a few years ago. I'd like to rent one, and on the day of sentencing set for Tuesday, April 24th to aim it toward the windows of courtroom #__. We're just supplying the light to save them electricity in not having to pay more operating costs right?  This will be my donation TO the government.  8)

Yours truly, - - Joe

P.S. I went over to the IRS website today finding that News Release of July 13, 2006 at http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=159945,00.html about the National Taxpayer Advocate, Nina E. Olson, who is independent and is to report directly to the: (1) House Committee on Ways and Means, and (2) Senate Committee on Finance by June 30th, 2007 for HOW the "Private Debt Collection Initiative" of 2004-2008 is going. Re: of the tax bounty hunters (at http://www.google.com page 1 #3) (*)who get 25-cents on the dollar plus $100.00 closing fees in each case, but WHERE are these contracts? [see also, p.1 #2 for the state contracts only in: Conn., Dela., Georgia, Kansas, Mich., N.J., N.C., Penna. + Wyo.] I called the national IRS #1-877-777-4778 and pressed 2-3-2-3-1-2-2 to Mrs. Norris #8909397 over to Mrs. Embry #7510191 who said to call the GSA: General Services Administration at 1-800-488-3111, press 1 for the operator, and he said he could not find it, so to await the 2-business day reply from the local Portsmouth, N.H. IRS office on 80 Daniel Street, to where I called 430-9598 and left a message, see http://www.irs.gov/localcontacts/article/0,,id=98312,00.html My goal being to sign up to be a Bounty Hunter, then from the inside-out report back that what I've found from Ed's case that he is right: that the IRS cannot "act" as withOUT jurisdiction, and so a non-est return as the Sheriffs say, to end the case!...

...but if not, then here's my other idea: to buy $1501 worth of "so-called" tax-debt from Ed for one dollar, and notice the IRS as to TRY to extract it from my bank account IF they have the power to act, in that ahead of time I'll be alerting both: (1) the bank that the IRS has no jurisdiction in N.H. to "deny" such a request, +/or by the OMB (Office of Management & Budget) that by their regulations, that since there be NO OMB# on the IRS requerst form to the bank, then the bank "may" treat it as "bootleg" and DENY such a request, and IF not, then to sue the bank for the former as there being non of these RSA 123:1 papers to "act".  Any "act" by the IRS of such to likewise (2) report to the County Attorney in that ____________ County, and all ten (10) counties, one by one, if I have to before finding an honest County Attorney, to file criminal charges of: THEFT BY EXTORTION against the IRS! In fact, me too, to file some civil actions of theft against the bank +/or IRS in the Superior Court(s) for jury trials as guaranteed by Article 20, Part the First, N.H. Constitution & Bill of Rights, http://www.state.nh.us

cc: (*) Rep. Chris Van Hollen, http://vanhollen.house.gov/HoR/MD08/Home , the Chief of the "Citizens for Tax Justice" according to http://www.newswithviews.com/Kouri/jim84.htm re: the "IRS to Use Private 'Bounty Hunters' to Cellect Taxes" [mis-spelling of: Collect] by Jim Kouri, CPP, National Association of Chiefs of Police COPmagazine at aol dot com with thanks; to re-telephone Rep. Hollen later at his Capitol Hill office #202-225-5341 with the link to this page, saying thank you too.

note: After calling both the National and local IRS, to now try the campus +/or state location(s) for the Taxpayer Advocate in Andover, MA and Portsmouth, N.H. too at that pdf file for Publication 1546 at pages 8 + 18 of 24 respectfully; __ __. Maybe they or the Manchester, N.H. IRS office (for this afternoon's __:__ o'clock p.m. demonstration at 1000 Elm St., 9th floor) has a copy of this Bounty Hunter contract.


The taxpayer advocate's primary job is not to advocate for the taxpayer, but to gently convince the taxpayer to pay up.

Dave Ridley

Report from today's ed brown support demonstration manchester IRS office:

turnout was 6
positive responses 17
negative  2

the irs "team leader" who testified against me for "distributing handbills" last year walked by while we were there.  she tried to ignore us and was talking to some other guy with her, but i said "Ms. Post how are you" and she sort of smile-grimaced and said something like "fine how are you?"

A lot of folks stopped to talk to us it seems and i think i may have lost track of all of them in the positive response count.  One guy knew ed and had a lot of crazy theories about how he thinks the feds will get them.

Two free staters from out of town were here to recon for moves up here and stopped by for about an hour to hold signs and take pics.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on March 27, 2007, 08:29 PM NHFT
Report from today's ed brown support demonstration manchester IRS office:

turnout was 6
positive responses 17
negative  2

the irs "team leader" who testified against me for "distributing handbills" last year walked by while we were there.  she tried to ignore us and was talking to some other guy with her, but i said "Ms. Post how are you" and she sort of smile-grimaced and said something like "fine how are you?"

A lot of folks stopped to talk to us it seems and i think i may have lost track of all of them in the positive response count.  One guy knew ed and had a lot of crazy theories about how he thinks the feds will get them.

Two free staters from out of town were here to recon for moves up here and stopped by for about an hour to hold signs and take pics.

I am happy to note the positive responses out numbered the negative, but I am curious what the negative responses were about.

P.S. I was there today in spirit and wrote to the sullivan county sheriff today as my action from across the Republic.

Dave Ridley

thanks last

one guy walked past me, very close and glared at me , and said "they should shoot the F---r."

i've gotten reponses a little like that before but this was the angriest.  like the british cops beating up gandhi, people like this man serve our purpose.  I didn't get mad at him or snap at him I just said "okay!"

another was an irs agent whose response I am not totally clear on, i didnt see her, the other guys did, but they reported she said or did something negative.

Also we handed out maybe 25 freedom to fascism dvd's, and i picked up 20 to pass out.   holler at me if you want one...but please be ready to pass your copy around.


I had to get home so I guess I missed much of the fun. :(


I just got this in a myspace message and have not been able to check it out so if someone could and let us all know please.

DOA: The Federal Income Tax Officially DIED today (3/27/2007) at 13:53:58 PDT

Today's Death of the Federal Income Tax explained further

Legal estoppel is now activated against U.S. Department of the Treasury

Kat Kanning

Oh good, no one needs to pay now.  No more IRS breaking down the door.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on March 28, 2007, 09:51 AM NHFT
Oh good, no one needs to pay now.  No more IRS breaking down the door.

I called Joe Haas, left a message requesting he check it out.
I really did not get much out of the links but am interested in whats going on and in fact true even. 


Russell Kanning

I got that message in an email today .... I threw it away.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on March 28, 2007, 10:16 AM NHFT
I got that message in an email today .... I threw it away.

Paul Andrew Mitchell (real name is Mitch Modeleski) has been declaring victory against the IRS for more than 15 years, and yet he hides behind a pseudonym and mail drop box.

His legal research is so out there that he's been banned from almost all of the tax honesty movement discussion groups for wasting people's time.

And I'd be careful quoting or linking to his stuff if I were you.  He'll try to sue you for $2 billion...


Edited to add:  Since Anthony (and Ed) have proven to be extraordinarily gullible about stuff posted on the internet in the past, I'll warn them that the link above is making fun of Paul Andrew Mitchell.  It is humor.

Russell Kanning

that was funny.

These constitutional scholars sure like suing people and trying to us government force.