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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 13

Started by Lloyd Danforth, March 04, 2007, 04:08 PM NHFT

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Quote from: raineyrocks on April 01, 2007, 10:57 AM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on April 01, 2007, 08:16 AM NHFT
Quote from: error on March 31, 2007, 11:58 PM NHFT
In other words, you're trying to scare the guy holding the gun on you by telling him someone's holding a gun on HIM, which may or may not be true.

Just keep glancing behind him acting like you're trying not too

My sister always said if someone was holding a gun on her she would pretend to throw something to them and hope  they would try to catch it and drop their gun.  As for me I used to have the best weapon of all until it broke, a huge rubber band! :)

Yeah! I think I might buy one of these Rubber Band Gatling guns for $395 and donate to the cause. http://www.esquire.com/the-side/link/rubberband021307 and http://www.backyardartillery.com/machinegun/ from http://www.productdose.com/article.php?article_id=5480 see also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_band_gun

This is "non-lethal force", and I can try to have the rubber bands "blessed" by Frank Mevers over at the State Archives on Fruit Street in Concord, with a certificate to such that they came from the box of rubber bands I'll donate to them to roll up the RSA Ch. 123:1 filings whenever the Feds finally comply with the law Art.I,Sec.8,Cl.17 U.S. Const. and statute! "They" are the scofflaws!

(*) In the meantime, Bernie with the buckets of urine he suggested be thrown at the goons from the roof who go looking for Ed withOUT the proper paperwork, telling them: "You don't know what you're talking about -- you're full of shit!" http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/full+of+shit for them that are: "completely wrong, false, or worthless"

See also: from Google for the words: "rubber band" gun weapon, page 1 #3 there of http://www.dansdata.com/firewheel.htm over to: 'The Endless Stream of Bubbles gun" at http://www.backyardartillery.com/bubbles/ that company also sells the 27" Tommy Gun for only $19.95 and shoots up to 12 rubber bands.  To thus give 'em the' ol Lawrence Welk bubbles with them thinking to themselves, like Ella Fitzgerald: "Is is live or is it Memorex?" http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/9708/ella.html (BTW: with the glass she shattered on this TV commercial in the Smithsonian Institute's National Museum of American History), thus for "them" to think: are the bubbles: toxic, or non-toxic?  >:D

- - Joe

(*) See also over at http://www.google.com for the words: castles carcass tar:

(1) page 1, #1 there of http://www.smr.herefordshire.gov.uk/castles/siege_warfare.htm for the 3-day destructive sacking rights to the victors.  Might the Marshal have a similar in-house verbal policy with his goons? My former antique store tenant, F.H. from Rhode Island told me that down there when there was a fire in the house, the firemen took whatever jewelry they found as a tip, him knowing this because of one fireman bragging about this policy when he sold Frank the "stolen" goods, that were not to him "stolen" but as of some sacking "right". +

(2) page 1, #5 for "The Burning of Evil Hold" (c)1999 by http://www.kellscraft.com/Robinhood/robinhoodch10.html in the year 1215, that interesting part of where, after the murder of his wife, Robin Hood  "stopped a bowshot from the great gate" of Wrangby Castle, and "sounded his horn" with "three hundred men at his back, sufficient at least to prevent the garrison from breaking forth" and said to the "two men in complete mail" that were "On the tower above the portal": "I would speak to Isenbart de Belame! cried Robin. 'Wolf's-head! came the reply, like the snarl of a wolf, 'you are speaking to SIR Isenbart de Belame, lord of Wrangby and the Fells." (emphasis ADDed) "What do you and your rabble want?" / "'I will tell ye,' cried Robin, 'Deliver yourself up to me with the prisoners you have taken! You shall have the judgment of your peers upon your evil deeds, and for the murder of my wife, the lady Marian. If you do not do this, then we will take your evil castle by storm, and the death of you and your men shall be on your head!" ... read pages 5+6 of 21 @ the 40% printout for what the "Sir" replied, and with what "Ket the Trow" did to "the knight beside de Belame"...

...The comparison here not to Ed in his castle, but the Federal castle over at 53-55 Pleasant Street and what Robin Hood said as printed on page 21: "While I live no one shall possess these lands who ruleth them not in JUSTICE and mercy as I would have him rule them!" (emphasis ADDed, as not for the definition of a mere "judge", but one who has taken the oath for justice also defined as: "The administration** AND procedure of LAW") [from The "American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language" (c) 1973 @ page 388, me still looking for the AOC paperwork from Washington, to give then yet another telephone call tomorrow, and the law being back to Art.I,Sec.8,Cl. 17 again in the U.S. Constitution for the Feds NEED this "consent" of the Legislature BEFORE they can buy and operate therefrom their castle, their castle being NOT subject to tax exemption, but for the Tax Collector to siege them with such a bill! for the pen in this regards IS mightier than the sword! proving them withOUT jurisdiction with state back-up to use against any unlawful and illegal acts by the Feds against any of our state citizens!


Quote from: James A. Pyrich on March 31, 2007, 06:01 PM NHFT
Why does jurisdiction matter?  Waving pieces of paper at the gun in your face isn't going to change anything.

Without Jurisdiction, the employees of the corporate municipal government have NO IMMUNITY and may be subject to the common law criminal penalty of trespass as well as civil penalties for damages !


Quote from: James A. Pyrich on April 01, 2007, 06:40 PM NHFT
More pieces of paper....

Yup...They are called "Criminal Arrest Warrants" and are executed by your Local Sheriff. Of course you must sign an affidavit attesting to the crimes that you witnessed and in the event you don't know, you can be held under the following if you fail to perform your duty . Now you know what your responsibilities are.
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 1 > ? 4 Prev | Next

? 4. Misprision of felony

How Current is This?

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.


Good luck getting a federal prosecutor to prosecute himself for misprision of felony. That's part of their job, even though it isn't exactly in the description.


Quote from: error on April 01, 2007, 06:52 PM NHFT
Good luck getting a federal prosecutor to prosecute himself for misprision of felony. That's part of their job, even though it isn't exactly in the description.
The Inspector General Glenn Fine of the DOJ  is responsible for executing the necessary action to be taken by the DOJ. Why start with the grunts as you suggest?


Why is that my responsibility?  I don't remember agreeing to anything like that.  I also believe you'd be hard-pressed to find any documents bearing my signature which attest to said responsibilities as well.


Quote from: James A. Pyrich on April 01, 2007, 06:57 PM NHFT
Why is that my responsibility?  I don't remember agreeing to anything like that.  I also believe you'd be hard-pressed to find any documents bearing my signature which attest to said responsibilities as well.

In the curious world of corporate government there is what is referred to as the Uniform Commercial Code which governs all commercial transaction under the legal tender statutes.  (not lawful gold & silver coin money)  Under your use of FRN's for commercial purposes of "discharging your debts" (not paying your debts) you have accepted a benefit from the corporate government and thus have a "contract" by acceptance. You are compelled to perform by your presumptive acceptance of the benefit. At least that is what many have been told for non-compliance, so go figure.


Yet more goddamned pieces of paper...

Are you seeing a trend here?


I see it. But those who worship at the altar of words written on goddamned pieces of paper probably don't.


Quote from: James A. Pyrich on April 02, 2007, 03:39 AM NHFT
Yet more goddamned pieces of paper...

Are you seeing a trend here?

Check this out: http://www.nypress.com/15/40/news&columns/oldsmoke.cfm

This Wm. Bryk just didn't get it, as to WHY my political campaign for governor of New Hampshire (against $1/2 billionaire Craig Benson of Rye) ended at the starting gate was for the reason to the N.H. Ballot Law Commission (B.L.C.) that by RSA Ch. ______ the candidates had to "pay" their filing fee at the "time" of filing, to the exact minute during that day: (a) promissory "notes" in the form of Federal Reserve Notes, and (b) checks were merely: promises and orders to pay some"time" in the future, but that because one of the board members on this Bill Gardner, Secretary of State** board was former Governor Hugh Gregg, with his son Judd in Congress*** as our federal Senator, both of whom were major stockholders in The Indian Head Bank bought up by Fleet and then Bank of America, that they equalized the "legal tender" or offer to be THE PAYment in the form of "lawful money", but that by some maxim that a fiction-of-law is NOT supposed to harm anybody, as it did to my payment in coin, my argument fell on deaf ears with Gary Richardson, the attorney there too on the board who is now on the House Judiciary Committee, as one of the ones who is a LIAR to the General Court that the common law is working fine in the court system*! that is FALSE information into a government document, so an RSA Ch. ________ misdemeanor (as indicated above), but WHO is going to do ANYthing about it?

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas, founding member of VOCALS, Inc. = Victims of a Corrupt American Legal System*

** the same S of S in charge of this RSA 123:1 requirement that the paperwork be filed by the Feds for jurisdictional authority to buy "and" operate here in this state; +

*** the same Congress with their Congressional Court over there on Pleasant Street.

Russell Kanning

We were talking tonight about how much fun it will be to attend the sentencing and cheering the Browns.


Elaine asked me to speak at her sentencing.  The more the merrier!  She said anyone can speak.  Ed gave me a pile of t-shirts to distribute.  They are XL light blue and say "I support Ed & Elaine Brown - Show me the law!".

We could fill the courtroom with people wearing the shirts.

Come on out.
You don't have to give your name or speak.
Just show your face in the courtroom
Stand up for property rights and get a T-Shirt!

Russell Kanning

I don't think the feds will like to see a bunch of people in court with those t-shirts on ...... let's do it. :)

Dave Ridley