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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 13

Started by Lloyd Danforth, March 04, 2007, 04:08 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Peace on March 04, 2007, 09:14 AM NHFT
I had to ask her to stop contacting people around me because they felt harassed by her asking them for info about me.
It would be to her very best interest to stop now!   :V:

Threatening a reporter because she asks questions about you is a sure fire way to generate negative stories.  Dada is right, you should take it back.  Unless, of course, generating negative stories about the Browns is what you want.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on March 05, 2007, 08:46 AM NHFT
Quote from: coffeeseven on March 05, 2007, 08:30 AM NHFT
Also - Why do I get the impression that the reporter that is writing these stories for the Concord Tattler is hoping for a negative outcome?
I think she wants a positive outcome. She wants the government to win. She wants the Browns to bow down to their masters. She wants us to be happy about it.

That would make her a pooper scooper in my opinion.  ;D


Bringing the discussion back to the Browns for a moment...

It was an absolute honor to meet them this weekend.  They really are great people.  Anyone who says otherwise is a fool who has obviously never met them.  One would be hard-pressed to find smarter, more moral, and more courageous people.

If we don't stand with them, we have truly become the mindless, cowardly slaves we have been molded to be.  I've already admitted to being a coward because I'm not willing to give up and "put everything on the line" for them by staying with or nearby them.  I would like to think there are better men than me who will make that sacrifice and stand with them IN BODY AND ARMS.


Quote from: error on March 04, 2007, 07:53 PM NHFT
The latest from you know who:

Tax evaders are ordered to pay
Browns' home could be seized
Margot Sanger-Katz
Concord Monitor

The order establishes that the Browns used illegally* purchased money orders

... to avoid federal reporting requirements. Elaine Brown, ... was ... convicted of ... failure to withhold employment** taxes from workers at her dental practice.

The state Department of Revenue*** has already filed a lien for $274,000 in unpaid state business profits taxes, according to property records.

Ed Brown has said in online reports that his attempts to sell items on eBay**** have been blocked.

According to a filing made by the government in February, prosecutors and a lawyer assisting Elaine Brown are negotiating about the possible sale of one property. Earlier this week, Ed Brown said on an Internet radio program that his wife was speaking with a realtor. Under the terms of the court order, the Browns cannot sell their property without the approval of the court.

But Ed Brown has also offered the commercial property, which has an assessed value of $833,000, as a reward to anyone who can show him the law that makes him or his wife liable for federal income taxes.

The Browns' properties can be seized under a criminal forfeiture law because they were paid for using postal money orders purchased in violation of federal reporting requirements. Law requires that postal customers buying more than $3,000 in money orders***** give identifying information to postal employees. The Browns were found guilty of making repeated purchases of $2,800 to avoid that requirement, a crime called structuring(*).

During the trial, a postal employee testified that the Browns would regularly visit his post office together and each buy $2,800 in money orders. The Browns said they used the money orders to pay their mortgages and property taxes and that they kept the transactions small to protect their privacy.

The jury found that the Browns had purchased nearly $216,000 in money orders as part of a conspiracy to structure, and that some of those money orders were used to pay principal on the mortgages of their Plainfield home and Elaine Brown's West Lebanon dental office building

Thanks Error.

1.) The Browns "illegally* purchased money orders"?! How can that be? I think Margo owes the Browns a correction in the next edition of the http://www.concordmonitor.com as the purchase was NOT done with illegal funds but presumably the funds from her dental business.

2.) For an interesting true story of a woman employer who also challenged this withholding** tax back in 1948! see Devvy Kidd's October 28, 2000 report over at http://www.devvy.com/vivien_20001031.html about Vivien Kellems, who was also written about by Gloria Swanson in The "Reader's Digest" of July 1975, Vol. 107, No. 639 @ pages __ - ___ (to get a copy of later from the library).

3.) To re-visit The Dept. of Revenue Admin.***, 45 Chenell Dr., Concord, N.H. 03301, 603: 271-2318 Attn: Vivian (just left a voice recording @ 10:00 a.m. today) to get a copy of that State-Fed contract with the I.R.S. that I've read is in operation in all states of the union, except for two states, and to find out WHY not all fifty? See my Reply #____ above for the names of these two states.

4.) E-Bay **** blocked Ed Brown Guns? is a "separate" company, no? http://www.ebay.com

5.) ***** The maximum dollar amount for a Domestic Money Order is: $1,000 according to http://www.usps.com/money/sendingmoney/moneyorders/welcome.htm and has that $3,000 amount too requiring a picture I.D. for such in any one single day.

--This "structuring" statute is presumed by me to have been set-up to try to find out WHO is using ill-gotten gains but NOT for prosecuting people for wanting to maintain their financial privacy.  The postal employee KNEW who this couple was, and by some regulation #___ I did hear in court he had to report such to his superiors, but that if the purchases were NOT from ill-gotten gains, then the superior's investigation should have ended there! but somehow taken ONE STEP BEYOND.

--So yeah, to investigate the superior!  :D

(a) According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Postal_Service "The United States Postal Service (USPS) is an 'independent establishment of the executive branch' of the United States Government (see 39 U.S.C. Sec. 201)...."

(b) As a public office, it must operate by The Coinage Act of 1792: "That the money of account of the United States shall be expressed in dollars...and that all accounts in the public offices and all proceedings in the courts of the United States shall be kept and had in conformity to this regulation." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mill_(currency) 

(c) The President, George W. Bush or "Director of the Office of Management & Budget" (OMB) Mr. ___________ by Title 31 USC 1513(B)(1) "shall apportion...an appropriation to": 1513(a) "The official having administrative control" Mr. ___________ http://frwebgate.accesss.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=browse_usc&docid=Cite:+31USC1513

(d) And by 31 U.S. Code 1517(a) "An officer or employee of the United States Government...may not make or authorize an expenditure or obligation EXCEEDing--(1) an apportionment" (emphasis ADDed for to surpass, defined as: (1) to go beyond the limit, powers, or extent of; transcend, meaning to exist above and INDEPENDENT of, from the Latin of transcendere of "to climb over"; (emphasis ADDed again for as in not AFFILIATED or associated with, as in to connect or join together), + (2) to be or go beyond the quantity, DEGREE, amount, etc. (emphasis ADDed as in one of a series of steps). http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=browse_usc&docid=Cite:+31USC1517

(e) So to find out whether the Post Office deals with: (1) some in-state bank, The __________ Bank, (under state charter) or (2) The U.S. Treasury, or an out-of-state or national bank _________; because if the former, then RSA Ch. 390:6 applies for a 15% reserve; http://www.state.nh.us +/or: if the latter, then the reserve of __% must be there as by 31 USC 1512(c)(2) or he shall report to Congress as by the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 681). http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=browse_usc&docid=Cite:+31USC1512

(f) The penalty for EXCEEDING the apportionment as by handing out I.O.U.'s KNOWing that the third-party they are affiliated with, as in The Federal Reserve System (of whose notes bear the seals of both parties) are acting INDEPENDENT from their Title 12 U.S. Code 411 contract for redemption by their refusals, is by 31 USC 1519 of a Criminal penalty upon the officer or employee of the United States Government who KNOWINGLY and WILLFULLY violates 1517(a) SHALL be fined up to $5,000 +/or imprisoned for up to two (2) years. http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=browse_usc&docid=Cite:+31USC1519 See also Sec. 1518.

Therefore, this afternoon to test this out to the tune of: $1,000 + $501, to "structure" alright, in making it a jury trial case by Article 20, N.H. Constitution, Part the First & Bill of Rights, N.H. Constitution of entitled to such for $dollar amounts of $1500 or more in controversy, for if/when The Post Office in the City/Town of: _____________ refuses to "cash" my Money Orders #__________________  +  __________________ for the "lawful money" they are required to keep by law!

Their only Exemption is by 31 USC 1516(4)(B) to "pay" my claim.  The word "pay" as in to "hand out (money)" [The AMERICAN HERITAGE DICTIONARY, (c)1973 @ page 522. http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=browse_usc&docid=Cite:+31USC1516,

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P. O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059.

note: All of the above Title 31, Chapter 15's can be accessed by the index over at http://www.access.gpo.gov/uscode/title31/subtitleii_chapter15_subchapterii_.html


Quote from: Peace on March 05, 2007, 09:47 AM NHFT
If Richardr is jim of edbrown.org then he must still be upset that I exposed him of TRYING to blackmailed me when he demanded I give him first hand info first.  He stated he would TRY to make people against me as he has been doing every since.

I'm not Jim from NY (he posts here as Critter183), but I've been working with him since the beginning on the EdBrown.org website and forums.  As I mentioned earlier, it's cost me a small fortune to download all of the court documents in this case because we couldn't get simple things like a copy of the indictment or jury instructions from anyone in the house.

If Jim wanted to turn people against you, he'd have left the negative posts about you on our blog and forums. Instead, we took them down immediately, because dissention among Ed Brown supporters damages the ability of Ed and Elaine to gain more support.  It also feeds negative press stories.  

You, in comparison, have been sowing the seeds of dissension among supporters as often as you could since you first arrived at the house.  Why is that? One example of this game was when you tried to force the Quest blog into removing the edbrown.org link and then made nasty comments about them when they didn't.  And yet, despite your efforts, they (like Jim and myself) have continued to support Ed.

QuoteHe stated he would TRY to make people against me as he has been doing every since. 
I nipped that issue in the bud but like Margot these people just don't know when to stop.

What issues were those that you nipped in the bud?  Is nipping something in the bud what you call your lie about Jim trying to blackmail you?  Jim has absolutely nothing to gain from you.  He only asked that information be sent to him, in addition to here and the Quest blog.

But you take every opportunity to trash Jim, even though he has taken the high road and chosen to trust Ed's judgment in allowing a complete stranger into his home.  And now you think that his decision to outclass you means that you have nipped the situation in the bud.  That's really funny.

Jim did a fine job defending himself here already so I won't duplicate his efforts:


I don't know what your game is, and I don't care.  Just know that your efforts to disrupt support may have driven away some people, but they won't work for the rest of us.

QuoteSo, I will add Richardr among the ranks of those who are ignored.

Pretty amusing.  You've had me on ignore on all week.  You had to to take me off ignore just to respond to my post.  


Quote from: JosephSHaas on March 05, 2007, 10:42 AM NHFT

2.) For an interesting true story of a woman employer who also challenged this withholding** tax back in 1948! see Devvy Kidd's October 28, 2000 report over at http://www.devvy.com/vivien_20001031.html about Vivien Kellems, who was also written about by Gloria Swanson in The "Reader's Digest" of July 1975, Vol. 107, No. 639 @ pages __ - ___ (to get a copy of later from the library).

Thank you for this link. I had read a bit about Kellems, but really enjoyed this take on it.


Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

Quote from: SAK on March 05, 2007, 10:10 AM NHFTI've already admitted to being a coward because I'm not willing to give up and "put everything on the line" for them by staying with or nearby them.
You can do as they did and refuse to pay taxes and stand up to them where you live. We can't all live at or near the Brown's home, but we can all starve the beast.


Quote from: Peace on March 05, 2007, 11:46 AM NHFT
jim can not ever defend himself with any word or by any means after he blackmailed me and thats that!

He blackmailed you with what?


Quote from: Kat Kanning on March 05, 2007, 11:22 AM NHFT
Brown v. US by Jim Davies

Thanks Kat,

And jimdav at copper dot net.  But Jim - When you wrote: "An arrest warrant...needs execution by the time sentencing comes around in late April" (April 24th, a Tuesday to be exact, as scheduled), WHERE did you get this information that it "needs" to be, or has to be executed by that time, I presume you to mean by the a.m. time for Elaine, and p.m. time for Ed, on THAT particular day. (11:00 + 1:30 respectfully).

I've read that U.S. Marshal, Steven Monier is taking what his predecessor Gagnon told him, and that is: if Ed can be tried in absentia, then he can also be sentenced in absentia, as was done twenty (20) years ago to: __________ (?) who must have either escaped from custody, or skipped bail, and if the latter then probably P.R. or $low bail, because if $x,xxx I'd bet you that Private Eye/Bounty Hunter, Lance Wilkinson of Manchester, N.H. would be there to collect his reward.

And re: bounty, can we maybe find a bail bondsman somewhere who put up the $x,xxx and got back a U.S. Treasury check for same, as I'd like to buy one or two of those to see if they are really any good by walking(*) into the U.S. Mint to claim the "lawful money"!  ;)

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas


1.) Lance Wilkinson, 756 Mast Rd., Manchester, N.H. 03102, 603: ________ (?) [the 493-1443 # is "incorrect"], a lobbiest for: Amherst Bail Bonds, P.O. Box 661, New Castle, N.H. 03854, 603: 422-7752 (no answer), http://www.sos.nh.gov/lobbyfirm2006.html Lance's sister, Kathleen, 48 having died last Sept. 3, 2006 at the Concord hospital, Mrs. Peter Timbas, Peter's mother frail and so when she heard the news also died too, her name was Louisa Timbas, and co-owner of Louis Diner on Manchester Street in Concord, N.H. that was a great place to eat as I went there numerous times, not knowing this connection until today, http://www.hippopress.com/060907/cpubnote.html Lance I met at the State House one day a few years ago, a nice guy, who wrote a book on the subject, some of the Legislators who tried to put him out of business as a convicted felon, but he served his time! http://www.beagent.com/author.htm and http://beagent.com/photo.htm e-mail= ftahunter at yahoo dot com

(a) See http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/lix/597/597-mrg.htm for RSA Ch. 597:1-12 Bail, as the :16 Municipal Courts may appoint 3 or more J.P.'s as commissioners and quorum to fix and receive bail, on the books since 1951, :17 for 5-year commissions, :18-a with Education in Sept. or Oct. of every year.

(B) RSA Ch. 598-A:1-6 for Bail Bondsmen http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/NHTOC/NHTOC-LIX-598-A.htm :1-a $400 initial fee to the Secretary of State + $100/year, with :3 the list from the SofS to all Superior and District Courts, so to get this list, ___ to see how many do a "federal" business, and check out to see IF the U.S. District Court is operating "lawfully"(*), as they are prima facie illegal withOUT those RSA Ch. 123:1 papers on file with the Secretary of State!


Followed a link in the Brown v. US by Jim Davies article to

In Praise of Andy Mel by Jim Davies
With this reference to the raid and killing of Gordon Kahl

Quote...1983 death of one Gordon Kahl: Death of a Patriot. Kahl was another i-tax non-volunteer, but was hounded by those desiring his money and submission. Things came to an ugly head in the home of a friend in Arkansas, when Federal thugs surrounded the ranch and, when Kahl refused to emerge, raked it with gunfire. He fired back, but the only attacker killed was shot in the back, evidently by "friendly fire." Enraged, his comrades climbed on the roof, poured gasoline down the chimney, set fire to the house and burned Gordon to death. When the ashes had cooled, they went about viciously dismembering his body by hacking off hands and feet, as shown by Andrew's research and copy of a morgue sketch. An eerie foreshadowing of Waco, ten years later.


I did some reading about Gordon Kahl.  I have seen a number of different "accounts" of the events surrounding his murder.

Anyone know the true story?  Did they shoot him in the head?  Did they chop him up before or after he was burned?  I guess no matter what the details are, it would seem that he was DEFINITELY murdered.  It would be nice to know the truth.


Quote from: KBCraig on March 05, 2007, 01:48 AM NHFT
Quote from: error on March 04, 2007, 11:15 PM NHFT
Ed and Elaine Brown were convicted of buying eight $700 money orders, four at a time, when the federal government wanted them to buy all eight at once. The former is illegal, they say, and the latter is perfectly okay.

The latter is perfectly okay, unless it's done to avoid the former, which they call "structuring".

This is what happens when you try to obey their rules literally, but skirt their other rules.

In or out. No in-between.


Yeah so what's your point


Quote from: richardr on March 05, 2007, 08:50 AM NHFT
Quote from: Peace on March 04, 2007, 09:14 AM NHFT
I had to ask her to stop contacting people around me because they felt harassed by her asking them for info about me.
It would be to her very best interest to stop now!   :V:

Threatening a reporter because she asks questions about you is a sure fire way to generate negative stories.  Dada is right, you should take it back.  Unless, of course, generating negative stories about the Browns is what you want.

This is one of those trolls who Russell and Kat love to have around.

Instead of getting rid of clowns like this Russell and Kat have their temper tantrums by erasing and censoring posts by other posters who are actually supportive of Ed and Elaine Browns passions (if not always the effectiveness of their actions and nonactions).
There are many "government protesters" who "protest" for reasons that have nothing to do with freedom and liberty (Russell and Kat), they are just misguided and ignorant (mentally ill?) people that have identified "the government" as the "enemy" rather randomly really.  They just happened by chance to pick as their personal "enemy" something that actually IS a really bad thing.  They just lucked out I guess.  They could never intellectualy explain the reasons for their protest though because they are to shallow for that.  They think that by simply identifying as their "enemy" the "government", that that alone makes them real "protesters".  In actuality it is people like Russell and Kat who make the real freedom fighters cringe.  They make it harder to convince the general public of the real cause of action.  When the general public (juries) gets a whiff of "protesters" like Russell and Kat (and their like minded apologists) they want the government to win.   

Eventhough they have a common "enemy" with true freedom fighters they are actually a hindrance to the movement.


Back to Ed and Elaine Brown again...

I do support them by not paying taxes, not filing returns, and not supporting the misapplied "income" tax.

HOWEVER, Ed and Elaine are also real people.  Supporting them in spirit or in prayer or any other nonphysical way has its limitations.  Their lives have been ruined enough.  I will not stand by as things degrade and government agents soon come to murder them.  I hope others feel this was as well.

If I'm drowning, lend me a hand or throw me a a lifesaver.  Don't curse the water or hold a sign up on the corner for me.  Ed and Elaine DO need physical, bodily support.  If the Feds ever show up at their place -- they'll need even MORE physical support (the kind from the rooftop).  Please don't allow Ed and Elaine to be murdered.