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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 13

Started by Lloyd Danforth, March 04, 2007, 04:08 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Lauren's bringing some to the sentencing hearing.  I'm not sure if Ed still has some.


Dada should send one to Margot at the Concord Monitor.

Russell Kanning

I don't think she would wear it .... and I am certain that would be against Ed's wishes.
He wants his big supporters to wear the shirts.
The look on the judge's face should be priceless .... as he pretends he doesn't see a crowd full blue shirted supporters. :)


Quote from: error on April 09, 2007, 12:27 AM NHFT
And how does that work out in the real world?

1.) The key word is: Seigniorage; see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seigniorage

2.) Here's a re-type of my letter delivered to: (a) the Gov's Office, (b) House Clerk's Office for the Chairman Roberts of the State-Federal Relations Committee, and (c) Attorney Witt c/o her receptionist, all of whom were given their copy yesterday afternoon by me.

"To: Gretchen Leah Witt*, Forfeiture Officer, U.S. Attorney's Office, 53 Pleasant Street, Concord, N.H. 03301-3904 gretchen.witt at usdoj.gov

RE: U.S.A. v. Ed & Elaine Brown case, Docket #06-cr-71-01/02-SM

Dear Officer Witt:

--This is to follow-up my telephone call to your office Feb. ___, 2007 whereby the receptionist confirmed what was told to me that you are proceeding against the Brown real estate in either West Lebanon +/or Plainfield, etc.

--Please be advised that as a citizen of the state of New Hampshire, and since the governor, my public 'servant' has failed in his duty to enforce compliance with all legislative mandates, see Article 41, Part 2, N.H. Constitution, then the duty returns to the citizen as by the Ninth Amendment for reservation of rights, and so since there is NO RSA Ch. 123:1 federal filing with the Secretary of State BEFORE the purchase for ownership, and you now attacking others' ownership interests, this action by you is seen by me as hipocracy, and I do hereby ORDER you to 'cease and decist' from continuing of your unlawful and illegal doings in this case, as spelled out in Art.I, Sec.8, Cl. 17 of the U.S. Constitution and in my 13-page APPEAL to the N.H. Supreme Court last Friday afternoon @ 4:30 p.m. (copy enclosed) and not made 'official' yet by a Rule 11 'Petition for original jurisdiction' as at pages 22-24 of the N.H. Court Rules Annotated, 2006-2007 EDITION.

--My tactic is for you to please send me a letter that you have read and do understand that you have NO jurisdiction or authority to act in this offensive manner, and by RSA Ch. 91-A my expectation is for its receipt within five (5) business days, failure of which it will be presumed by me that you are continuing your wrongful acts there, and so will provide me with the opportunity to report yet another member of your office team there to the P.C.C.: this time with the page 12-b print-out from your own U.S. Attorney Manual #664 as evidence against you!

Yours truly, - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P. O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, 603: 848-6059

Monday, April 9th, 2007 @ 4:15 o'clock p.m.

* Attorney in BAD Standing, to report to the N.H.Bar Assn. re: page 345 of Dec.10'06 book.

pc: The House State-Federal Relations Committee, so as to exhaust Legislative remedies, them having denied to endorse by House Rule 36 my Art. 32 Petition for the Speaker to send to the appropriate committee by Rule 4 to address this wrong BEFORE any Art. 10 revolt +/or RSA 541-B:14,I civil suit of $250,000/claimant, my payroll taxes being spent illegally! [also: to Gov. John H. Lynch]."

note: this tactic takes my previous complaint to the PCC against "politician" Colantuono ONE STEP BEYOND, to that of the "bureaucrat" Witt.

Russell Kanning

Browns' filings seek to close the book

By Margot Sanger-Katz
Monitor staff
April 09. 2007 8:00AM


d and Elaine Brown have reviewed the evidence in their federal tax evasion case and have determined that their convictions should be overturned and their case dismissed "with prejudice."

In recent court filings, the Browns, of Plainfield, have instructed the court clerk to "close this case and docket," and have ended the documents with the imperative "so ordered by the court." The Browns have adopted new signatures for their recent filings, which also include requests for free copies of their trial transcripts. The Browns have signed their new documents "Elaine, a Living Soul in the Body of the Lord, of the House of Israel" and "Edward, a Living Soul in the Body of the Lord, of the House of Israel," and designated themselves as judges.

Bill Morse, the assistant U.S. attorney prosecuting the case, said the government will be filing responses to the motions shortly.

The Browns were convicted in January of conspiring to defraud the federal government, conspiring to disguise large financial transactions and disguising large financial transactions to avoid reporting requirements. They are scheduled for sentencing later this month.

In recent radio interviews, the Browns have described their conversion to a non-denominational form of Christianity after they were visited by a man named Sonny, whom they also describe as "The Body of the Lord."



Oh for crying out loud... They can't just refuse to pay taxes, they have to go batshit insane and convert to some crackpot religion run by a guy called Sonny, and start calling themselves the House of Israel. Way to go, now just about everyone will be too embarrassed by your crackpottery to want to support you.

Kat Kanning

Maybe you should stay in your socialist country.


In completely other news, DadaOrwell just called in a dispatch from Colorado. He's doing a silent demonstration out there in support of Rick Stanley and requests someone check in a couple of hours and make sure that he hasn't been arrested! :o

Someone else can transcribe it, for the benefit of those who can't hear sounds.

[attachment deleted by admin]



Where in Colorado? Denver I am guessing.

I can probably do that if it isn't too far out of my way (still trying to get caught up from being gone from work for a week).

You can PM w/cell phone or other contact info & I can check the county jail where he would go if no one hears from him.

let me know.


Quote from: DadaOrwellThis is Dave Ridley here, aka DadaOrwell, checking in from Colorado with a message I hope can be taken and printed verbatim on the nhfree.com site. I am about to do a silent demonstration in Denver at the [...] Colorado court of appeals in support of Rick Stanley, the Ed Brown supporter who was recently arrested. That will be a silent demonstration, standard operating procedure, peaceable, but inside the courthouse, and I'll leave when they tell me to. Anyway, if I don't report in by 1pm MST [...], which is 3pm EST, that means I've been taken into custody. But I don't think that's super likely: these people are a little trigger happy, but I think it's unlikely they're going to freak out too much. It's peaceable and the sign will be respectful in nature. Anyway, that's what about and keep an eye to see what happens, and I'll report in later. Thanks, guys.

Dave Ridley

thanks for the help on the reports guys. 

with regard to griping about ed, just remember, the whackier he seems, the more socialists become scared to move to NH, the more crazies like us INBOUND!  woo hoo!


New Ed Brown video on You Tube
shot back in January.  Very short.

And a video of seven supporters. Shot at Dada's apre-court party 12 March.

Kat Kanning

Nice video, Lauren!  It really brings out Ed's charm.