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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 13

Started by Lloyd Danforth, March 04, 2007, 04:08 PM NHFT

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I can go, but I'll need a ride.  Anyone planning on returning to Keene by 2 or 3 p.m.?


I can go, but I won't enter the federal building.

Kat Kanning


<police siren sounding>

Okay, pull this demenstration over to the side, you guys are having too much fun.

I simply can not wait to get to New Hampshire and share in that fun. 7 more months and counting.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on April 20, 2007, 12:30 PM NHFT
I worked your post into a little article, Lauren:


and added the upcoming demonstrations

Thanks Kat,

--And good luck to the demonstrators at Walmart, today + tomorrow, at 12:00 noon for Lebanon, and Claremont, which towns BTW have wifi for any reporting to us like if there be a Walmart manager involved for any reason, see http://www.wififreespot.com/nh.html for the Lebanon Public Library on Park Street, and The Claremont Fiske Free Library at 108 Broad St.

--Plus, in reference to Walmart, I congratulate them with their distribution to the public of the 94 million 2000-P Sacagewea dollars in January and February 2000 which "coins never passed through the Federal Reserve Banks as originally planned."  They "were first shipped directly from the Philadelphia Mint to a Mint wrapping contractor and then mailed via the United States Postal Service to the respective Wal-Mart outlets. The coins became monetized when received by the stores." http://www.coinworld.com/news/121602/news-4.asp

--Compare this to the distribution of the paper money through the FRS (Federal Reserve System) http://www.federalreserve.gov/generalinfo/fract/sect16.htm where in #15 of 17 "The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to receive deposits of gold...for credit to its or his account...." meaning either "any Federal Reserve Bank or Federal Reserve agent" by Title 12 U.S. Code Section 467 because, as explained in this COIN WORLD article by Paul Gilkes, magazine staff posted 12/3/02 "For paper money...Federal Reserve Notes...(are monetized) when Reserve Banks issue them to depository institutions" as by #4 of 17 "Granting Right to Issue Notes"

--So to relay to you after I receive the answer from the Secretary of the Treasury to my F.O.I.A. request mailed to Washington on Thu., April 19th of: "how much 'gold' (re: #15 of 17) do you extract out of your account for each sheet of 32 notes? in each of the $1 to $100 denominations (re: #8 of 17), or is this done not by sheet but by some bundle, then what is that amount? ...(and) for WHEN they are reported to you as being issued, since by #2 of 17: "Collateral shall not be required for Federal Reserve notes which are held in the vaults of, or otherwise held by or on behalf of, Federal Reserve banks."

--with a cc: of this reply within 20 days to my Freedom of Information Act request by 5 USC 552(a)(4)(A)(iii) "without any charge", to Wal-Mart, to see if they'd like to take what they did back in year 2000 ONE STEP BEYOND, and like in the scientific equation of: for every action, there is an equal and opposite re-action, or the give and take example, of to THEN see if the Federal Reserve Bank will exchange #_____ of the $_____ notes at any of their member banks here in New Hampshire who "shall" by RSA Ch. 390:6 keep a reserve on deposit of 15% in lawful money as defined by Article 97, Pt. 2, N,.H. Const., as annotated with the Jackson case over to the Coinage Act of 1792 that is still the law of a dollar defined as a unit of measurement (like gallons) of so many grains of silver or gold metal, and if not, then to sue that bank in whatever Superior Court appropriate (10 of them here in New Hampshire for each of ten counties) for THEFT, [see my current case #07-C-0147 against the CITIZENS BANK in Merrimack County Superior Court, Concord with "CASE STRUCTURING CONFERENCE" on Thu., June 28th '07 @ 1:15 pm in courtroom #__ and after the 6/28-10= 6/18 or earlier "summary statement" hoping to have this reply from The Secretary of the Treasury by then as NO excuse for not having the lawful money in gold and silver coin, but if still getting this balk or thwart from the bank (as the bank word is the Old English word for thwart, see also a "ridge in plowing"), then their prevention or frustration to report also to the Secretary of the Treasury for Form #____ to put in a claim to the collateral being held (in Washington, D.C. or at Fort Knox in Kentucky, or West Point in New York?).

--The jury or judge in YOUR case to "award" or order whatever $amount is due you from that ____________ Bank in ________ County [plan: to try to get ten (10) cases going statewide in each county], that if the Bank does not PAY off right away, then to at least for that Bank to put in a requisition order to the Fed, that if still not paid, then to see to it that the Banking Commissioner fine that Bank up to the one hundred dollars ($100.00) per day penalty, as prescribed in RSA Ch. 390:6 http://www.state.nh.us

--If enough of us above the 15% reserve amount here in New Hampshire wake up and claim our rights by these promissory notes, not technically a note, since they do NOT state the TIME of WHEN paid thereon the instrument as "on demand", but are a piece of paper currency anyway, and with the Title 12 U.S. Code Section 411 for redemption still at par value, then I'd bet that IF and/or when that day arrives, then the Fed will get upset and probably petition Congress to re-define the "dollar" down from what it is now of #_____ grains of gold or silver metal to LESSer number of grains so that "they" do not have to dip into their principal thus reducing their operating profits of course.   >:D

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).

Kat Kanning

Quote from: FTL_Ian on April 20, 2007, 01:07 PM NHFT
I can go, but I'll need a ride.  Anyone planning on returning to Keene by 2 or 3 p.m.?

Ian, I think I'll be ready to come back early.  You can ride with Kira and I if you like.


Ive been asked to do an oped piece for the Daily Villager which is a local paper here in town. Was thinking of stopping by Mr Browns house today to talk to him for a moment or two. Do you think this may be an issue? The paper wants to possibly write a piece since tomorrow is his court day.



Quote from: JosephSHaas on April 18, 2007, 02:31 PM NHFT
Quote from: richardr on April 18, 2007, 12:45 PM NHFT
The Kristen Senz article was in the Union Leader, not the Concord Monitor, no?

Thanks Richard for this info, and the e-mail with attachments for documents no. 162, 163 + 164 in the case.

163: of The "Walter" Rudman Building, should be "Warren" B. Rudman, our former Attorney General and U.S. Senator, plus campaign manager for John McCain for President was the last time I shook hands with him after seeing him also at the dedication of his building over there at 55 Pleasant Street, Concord in 199_ not knowing then what I've found out since, by RSA Ch. 123:1 that some federal papers are missing over at Bill Gardner's Office of Secretary of State as having NEVER been filed there in the first place: a fact that Mr. Rudman might like to know about and maybe make an Appearance at the Brown sentencing this Tue., April 24th @ 11 am + 1:30 pm for Elaine + Ed Brown respectfully, to go IN SEARCH OF...his address and give him a telephone call at 603: ___________ later today, or tomorrow, etc.

164: in the meantime WHAT is SUSPO and its agent Cathy A Battistelli as reported about by Bjorn_Lange at fd.org from his office at 22 Bridge Street, Concord, N.H. 03301, Tel. 226-7360 to give him a call too, NHBA #1426.....


(A) Last Wed., April 18th @ 4:04 PM I did send an e-mail to:

Warren B. Rudman, of Counsel, at Paul Weiss, 1615 L. Street, NW, Suite 1300, Washington, DC 20036-5694, 202: 223-7320, FAX: 223-7425 with three paragraphs stating: (1) "that the Feds are in NON-compliance with RSA Ch. 123:1 ...and so thought you'd like to maybe un-tarnish your namesake" building at 55 Pleasant Street by being "my witness" for me to present "a "formal written'/ 'demand' and 'for something needed' as in the 'shall' word, in directing my:" (2) "REQUISITION ORDER to Chief Judge...that the Feds 'shall' file the proper documents" and (3) "So I extend to you my invitation to attend this hearing in courtroom #__ in your building next Tuesday, April 24th...."

(B) This morning at just before noontime I did call his office and spoke with his receptionist who transferred me over to "This is he" himself, who, after I did introduce myself and summarized what I had sent him in writing that there are no papers, him saying so what? I said: NO jurisdiction(al authority is what I should have detailed) he said: are you crazy? They've been over there for years (as if some adverse possession act overrides the "consent" of the Legislature of the state and somehow wipes out the law: Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 17 is what I told him too) him saying: aren't you some non-attorney practicing law for others? like ________ (he went silent), me filling in the blank that he must be thinking of: Theo Kamasinksy and John Alden Settle, Jr. I then gave the analogy of being stopped by the police on the highway for driving without a license, and the COPs usually telling you to "get out", well..the same goes here! No operating papers, get out! My thoughts being that this has hit a nerve with him, like an Achilles heal, and he can only spotlight my failures of the past.  Well, that's what they said of Abraham Lincoln too, and look what happened in him becoming President of the United States, and entered this country into a Civil War, when the southern states walked out of Congress, there being no quorum, and then like I saw on the History Channel's "Sherman's March" last night on cable TV Ch. 58 here, "Hell has laid its egg".  Let's hope that bloodshed not be spilled here, but that the pen is mightier than the sword, and that the Feds take up their local pen but only AFTER they have acted with the District of Columbia pen and ink to file the papers!

Yours truly, - - - - - Joe

P.S. Right before my call to Rudman that ended at exactly 12:01 p.m., I did also call Attorney Lange, and he said that in the usual case, the defendant is there to call witnesses to the stand, but the judge preferring written testimony as opposed to verbal dissertations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thesis and so for me to maybe file something there in the court clerk's office later this afternoon. Ed saying that Bernie is to read something from Ed into the record tomorrow along the lines that Ed does not deal with "fictions", that I said to Ed this am/noon + pm too in three calls, then something like a ghost with no substance (no paperwork on file), illegitimate, and that fictions of law are not supposed to hurt anybody, but if these parasites on the host state continue to operate without legal authority as from the law, then if and when they invade the host even more, may The Lord of Hosts protect those being invaded! Amen.


Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the demonstration before the hearings...
I'm pulling guard duty in a forest...somewhere...


I too will be unable to attend. You can blame your nearest bureaucrat.


Convicted tax evaders due in court Tuesday
By Philip Elliott, Associated Press Writer  |  April 23, 2007

CONCORD, N.H. --Convicted tax evaders Ed and Elaine Brown are scheduled -- but not expected -- to be in federal court on Tuesday to learn their sentences.

The Browns were convicted in January of plotting to conceal their income and avoid paying federal income tax. They are holed up in their fortress-like compound in Plainfield and say they will stay there despite convictions or arrest warrants.

"I don't recognize these people. They don't exist. They're a corporation. They're a fiction in my life. This was my investigation into that," Brown about the government in a telephone interview on Monday. "I've concluded my investigation. I've found a criminal element within our administrative government acting in an unlawful due process of law."

The Browns, who have defended themselves through criticism of the government and conspiracy theories, stopped attending their trial halfway through it. Elaine Brown returned to court at the end and to be convicted; Ed Brown remained on their 110-acre hilltop retreat that features a watchtower that offers 360-degree views of the rural setting.

A jury decided in January the Browns engaged in a scheme to hide Elaine Brown's income of $1.9 million between 1996 and 2003. Jurors also found that over 10 years, the couple also used $215,890 of postal money orders -- broken into increments just below the reporting threshold -- to pay for their hilltop compound and for Elaine Brown's dental practice.

After the verdict, Elaine Brown was released to her son in Worcester, Mass., and promised the judge she would have no contact with her husband.

At the time, Brown said her husband's tactics weren't hers.

"It's not in my mind-set or my character (to join him)," she said. "I have no intention of returning (to the house) as long as he's there."

But she violated her bond agreement and returned to their Plainfield home.

"I don't want her to barricade herself with her husband up there," U.S. District Judge Steven McAuliffe said while debating whether to release her to her son or keep her in jail.

On Monday, Ed Brown said his wife, who earned most of the couple's income, wouldn't attend the proceedings on Tuesday.

"I speak for her. You speak to the head. You don't speak to the woman. That's the way it was until the last decade or so," Brown said.

Prosecutors are recommending sentences of more than six years each.

U.S. marshals have remained in contact with the Browns. Videos of their conversations were posted on the Internet, where fervent supporters pledged to defend the Browns. One online writer wondered if Plainfield would be the next Waco.

Brown, a former militiaman who carries a gun, told reporters in January he expected federal agents to attack him any time. He gave up part of his weapons cache before the trial began, but either restocked or hid part from authorities who inspected the house.

Brown also says snipers were in the woods around his house and he was under surveillance.

Officials dismissed the suspicions. Negotiators said they have no plans to attack Brown's home, which has concrete walls and can run on wind and solar power. Brown said he has a stock of food and supplies.

But prosecutors say the government has a plan in place.

"By returning to their residence and repeatedly threatening violence against any lawful attempts to apprehend them, the defendants have put the government in a position where it has needed to develop special plans to take the defendants into custody and to develop and implement heightened security measures," prosecutors wrote in a court filing.

Kat Kanning

I'm bringing lots of anti-tax signs, a couple gadsen flags, and 'Free Russell' shirts if anyone wants one.

Eric al Qadhafi [RE-UP!]

i hope i can make it, i have to find a freind to see if i can bum around and not be there without someone im familiar with.

looks like a worth while event