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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 13

Started by Lloyd Danforth, March 04, 2007, 04:08 PM NHFT

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Quote from: wholetthedogin? on April 24, 2007, 06:28 AM NHFT
Joe for the record Clara P. Monier passed away a number of  years back.  She was Stephen Monier's mother.

Thanks W.L.T.D.I.,

--Then WHO was it I did talk with last Friday at the N.H. HFA who SAID she was her, but wasn't? [an impostor] who will be getting this $27,845,619.00 from the Feds on the Full Moon, Fri., June 1st, 2007 @ __:__ o'clock am/pm, and WHERE will it be deposited to collect interest at WHAT bank, before the administration charges are set against it to the tune of:  27.8 million + and WHY was she so honest with this "trickle down economics" that they will be dishing out only: $100,000 BELIEVE IT OR NOT! Has our state gov't become THAT corrupted!? I've heard of the auditors at the State House for state funds, so WHO does this at the federal level?(****) The state gal is now our State Treasurer whose position of insolvency is still in my RSA Ch. 6:19 complaint to the G&C as yet to be investigated by THEM (not the A.G.'s office), and for THEM to make that group decision, re: for them to read my latest F.O.I.A. to the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury under which is the U.S. Mint, and I.R.S., here in N.H. my complaint against such to be completed before the RSA Ch. 123:1 one is started against the another federal violation #2 in my books!!

--Also, yesterday, the message I got at almost 3:30 p.m. on my cell phone from Elaine is that they will NOT be there at 11:00 a.m. + 1:30 p.m. as we already know, and that their position is that it would be a waste of time talking to someone in a something that does not "exist", as their corporation is a "dead" thing.  I just looked up this corporation word in my The "American Heritage Dictionary"** (c)1973 @ page 162 for: "A body of persons granted a charter LEGALLY recognizing them as a seperate entity having its own RIGHTS, privileges*, and* liabilities." (emphasis ADDed by me for the fact that there are NONE of these R.S.A. Chapter 123:1 papers for their "legal" existence, and the word "rights" with the FEDERAL gov't!? I doubt that part of the definition applies to the Feds, because as you can see the difference between the Ninth (9th) & Tenth (10th) Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, we the people in the 9th have the "rights" and they, our public servants, have only so many privileges* that we grant to them, so the definition from this book wrong with the "and" word that should have been the "or" word.

--For me to re-type my "REQUISITION ORDER" in my next reply, in the meantime put the emphasis on the word: parley of: "A discussion or conference, esp. between enemies." [page 517**, from the Latin word: parabola, dis-course(*), parable(**)], the former discourse word defined at page 206, and so to find out if the judge will allow this "discourse"(*) to occur and for how long, involving WHO, WHEN, and from WHERE, like will he check with his Federal Archives person on Trapello Road in Waltham, MAss.achusetts to see IF they might have a receipt from the state from this 1883 statute that somehow the state has lost over the years like they "lost" the ***"Pieces of the main trunk were sent to the governors of the forty-eight states, and each was also presented with a gavel made from the authentic wood." This quote from Ch. 29 @ page 98 from my 144-page book: "THE NORTHEAST RETREAT (of 1759 & 1981)" (c)1981 writing about: "The Washington Elm on Garden Street of Cambridge Common, in Massachusetts, in 1876 (as reported about on pages 259-263 of YANKEE FOLK, (c)1948, by Edwin Valentine Mitchell, in the chapter entitled: 'Ancestral Trees: Yankee Personages,') where on page 263 he writes: Crowds of Cambridgians scrambled frantically for relics, but enough of the tree was saved to make many souvenirs."***

--See also page 97 of my book for: (1) information about: "The 'Gospeloak' is a reminder of preachers who held services under the oak...." and; (2) "Below is an old sketch depicting the surrender of Confederate General Pemberton, right, to Union General Grant, on July 4, 1863, culminating the long siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi, during the Civil War.  -- It was from this tree, under which the surrender was signed; and to commemorate the historic event 'the limbs of the tree were cut in approximately five-inch sections as souvenirs for the officers taking part in the ceremony.'" sort of like the plank souvenirs given to the crewmen at the Bath Navy Shipyard in Maine and elsewhere at the Christening of the ship before the Commissioning Ceremonies like I did attend for the U.S.S. Maine back in 199_ over at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard also in Kittery, Maine having a picnic lunch with then Maine governor Angus King on the island there.

--Here's a re-type of the October 24, 1980 reply letter I did receive "From: Department of State, Division of Records, Management and Archives, 71 South Fruit Street, Concord, N.H. 03301, Telephone: 271-2236  Dear Mr. Haas:  -- Your letter to Mr. Ambrose was forwarded to me.  The question of the whereabouts of the gavel is most interesting, but we have not been able to document it in any way.  A check of the Council Records for that period has turned up no identification of such a gift being officially received, and unfortunately we do not have the papers of the governors serving in that era. -- Mr. Gilbert Center, Director of the Visitor's Center, checked on the physical existence of such a gavel in the legislative offices and found nothing labeled as having come from the Washington Elm. -- It is possible that such a gift was received by an official and that documentation of the receipt has been lost and that the gift itself has been lost or misplaced in the interim. Thank you for the photocopy of the story and of your interest.  Most sincerely, Frank C. Mevers, State Archivist, FCM/sw cc: Robert P. Ambrose, Deputy Secretary".

--A footnote #2 @ page 99 of my book referring to: "page 40 of TREASURE magazine, Vol. 8, No. 10, Oct. 1977 for info about Indian carvings on beech trees in Georgia that point toward buried treasure."

--But back to the definition of discourse: A. Noun "1. Verbal expression in speech OR writing" (emphasis ADDed again for my writing already presented to the court clerk and U.S. Attorney's receptionist yesterday at 3:56 + 4:__ p.m. respectfully.) And: "3. A formal and lengthy discussion of a subject, either written or spoken." Plus B. the verb: "To speak or write formally and at length" from the Latin word: discursus, conversation."

--And (**) for parable, page 515: "A simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson."

--Thus my story to add of watching one of the #___ episodes of the actor Dale Robertson, in his "J.J. Starbuck" TV series of 1987 (only the pilot listed over at http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0731783/ ) where he said to some punk that he wouldn't even give him the link from his undershorts.  Well, I had some link in my right sock this morning, and instead of throwing it away in the trash can I've divided it up into two sections, and scotch taped to a piece of scrap paper to give to the U.S. Attorney later, with the other story too from the Bible, at Matthew 10:14 of "And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet." (not shoes but feet)  See also: Mark 6:11 and Luke 9:5, for the word "city" only, but not listed in the Book of John, so to give a cc to the Concord City Manager? since the City Tax Collector by City Solicitor has decided that the Feds are exempt by ownership in RSA 123:2 a "stand alone" statute, see also RSA Ch. 21:4 and maybe for me to contact my Federal Rep.s to put in a House Bill like we have here in N.H. for the 20% tax on top of the criminal fines, that a similar fine or deduction come from the salaries of these judges who do civil violations against the state statutes, to like take 20% of their weekly paychecks! until they straighten out their act! This 20% tax or penalty assessment is in RSA Ch. 188-F:31 see http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/XV/188-F/188-F-31.htm Source: 1985 (****) Me still awaiting the 2006 Audit of this court from: The Administrative Office of the United States Courts, One Columbus Circle, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20544, 202: 502-2600, Attn: Jeffrey J. Larioni the Chief Auditor re: my call of March 14th and then later, on Tue., April 10th @ 10:54 a.m. to Betty Linn to e-mail me, and yet to receive; see http://www.gpoaccess.gov plus again today. See the A.O.C. chart at page 76 of The U.S. GOVERNMENT MANUAL.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - - Joe / Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).


I just heard that Elaine was sentenced to 63 months. 


Drat, I didn't check this thread soon enough.  Sorry Kat.  I wouldn't have been able to attend anyway because we had an technical emergency in the studio last night that required us to install an air conditioner this morning.

Hopefully, someone will call in and give us a rundown on tonight's show.



Check there for the latest news.  News will be posted in the forum as soon as we hear word of Ed's sentence.  Elaine received 63 months jail and 3 years restricted probation (whatever that means). :o

I for one will be damned if I allow her to spend a day in jail.


Ed's sentence is the same - 63 months plus three years of supervised release.


this is never going to happen.

Quote from: richardr on April 24, 2007, 01:12 PM NHFT
Ed's sentence is the same - 63 months plus three years of supervised release.


Kat Kanning

They were each given 5 1/4 years with 3 years probation.

firecracker joe

now the gestapo is saying that anyone who aids the browns will be prosecuted . Isn't that the way this govt. works if we can't get you we'll take it out on your friends and supporters. I still support Ed & Elaine brown!

Kat Kanning

firecracker joe

Kat Kanning

Dave Ridley

By banning any aid to the browns they have really set up an opportunity for civil disobedience it sounds like.

firecracker joe