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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 13

Started by Lloyd Danforth, March 04, 2007, 04:08 PM NHFT

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Quote from: SAK on March 05, 2007, 05:58 PM NHFT
Back to Ed and Elaine Brown again...

I do support them by not paying taxes, not filing returns, and not supporting the misapplied "income" tax.

HOWEVER, Ed and Elaine are also real people.  Supporting them in spirit or in prayer or any other nonphysical way has its limitations.  Their lives have been ruined enough.  I will not stand by as things degrade and government agents soon come to murder them.  I hope others feel this was as well.

If I'm drowning, lend me a hand or throw me a a lifesaver.  Don't curse the water or hold a sign up on the corner for me.  Ed and Elaine DO need physical, bodily support.  If the Feds ever show up at their place -- they'll need even MORE physical support (the kind from the rooftop).  Please don't allow Ed and Elaine to be murdered.



The Browns have had visitors and well-wishers from all over the world...
This situation is "bigger" than you could imagine...
And the jack-booked thugs and their criminal elite warlord masters who pretend to be our "government" know it...
In the tradition of Waco and Ruby Ridge, these murdering bastards may advance and do harm to us, but we will never forget and never forgive for these trespasses...
We have warned them repeatedly...
And now the time has come to stand our ground and do battle...
One shot, one kill...aim small, miss small...
Claire Wolfe may have been right when she said, years ago, that it was too soon to shoot the bastards...
But that isn't true anymore...
And they know it...
They fear us more than we fear them...

If you've never read "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross then you should get it today!
Read it...learn it...live it...

Otherwise you'll all be dogs licking your master's boots...

Semper Fidelis Porcupines!



It is the Federal District Courts (and Judges) (backed by the US Supreme Court) [THE ENTIRETY OF THE FEDERAL JUDICIAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT] that is allowing, and enabling, the EXECUTIVE BRANCH [Treasury Department {IRS}] to assault the citizens of this country in ways that effectively undermine the tenets of the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights. 

The US Marshals are only doing what the FEDERAL COURT said they could do.

If you want to find the real culprits go to the FEDERAL COURT.

The Executive Branch is doing exactly what the founding fathers expected and ACCOUNTED FOR.  This is why the founding fathers added into the Constitution, the Bill Of Rights.  Yet the founding fathers knew it would be up to the JUDICIAL BRANCH (AND THE JURY SYSTEM) to restrain the other two branches into abiding by the tenets of the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights. 

The simple reality is that the JUDICIAL BRANCH is not only NOT doing it's profound duty in this area, but it is actually assisting the other branches to undermine the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights.

The correct and most effective location for your protests is the Courthouse, and the public property adjacent to the Judges' and jurors homes and work sites.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: SAK on March 05, 2007, 05:58 PM NHFT
I do support them by not paying taxes, not filing returns, and not supporting the misapplied "income" tax.

If I'm drowning, lend me a hand or throw me a a lifesaver.
should I shoot a guy trying to dunk you?
I do not think using force against evil is right.
We also cannot be there physically for everyone all the time.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on March 05, 2007, 09:35 PM NHFT
Quote from: SAK on March 05, 2007, 05:58 PM NHFT
I do support them by not paying taxes, not filing returns, and not supporting the misapplied "income" tax.

If I'm drowning, lend me a hand or throw me a a lifesaver.
should I shoot a guy trying to dunk you?
I do not think using force against evil is right.
We also cannot be there physically for everyone all the time.

Dear Russell,
If I saw someone drowning you, My Brother in Liberty, I would shoot them dead...
Whether you would want me to...or not...because you are much more valuable to us than they are...
After all...you're non-violent...
Why would I let the aggressive person drown the non-violent and non-aggressive person?
I want to live with non-violent and non-aggressive people...
So I have a duty to protect myself and my Brothers and Sisters in Liberty...against acts of aggression...
Hence my support of Ed and Elaine Brown...and others in similar circumstances...

I am a student of the Non-Aggression Principle and The Golden Rule...
And I am prepared to kill those who directly or indirectly cause or commit aggression against me...
You know...it's that "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" stuff...
Anyone committing aggression against me obviously wants me to return the favor...
Why disappoint them...lol.

So we agree to disagree...
The only thing that saddens me is knowing that...if someone was drowning me...you wouldn't save me...
I guess I'd have to hope for one of those "non-aggression" folks to help me out...
Since the "non-violent" ones aren't allowed to help others resist and survive aggression...

Brothers In Liberty!


Quote from: powerchuter on March 05, 2007, 10:09 PM NHFT

Dear Russell,

After all...you're non-violent...

Stupidity kills people.

Stupidity that kills people is violence.

Russell is not "non-violent".

Russell is anti-realistic.

I don't think Russell even knows what it is he thinks he is accomplishing.

To me he is just as silly as he was in kindergarten, but now "protest" is his playground.


Quote from: macthefork on March 05, 2007, 04:54 PM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on March 05, 2007, 01:48 AM NHFT
Quote from: error on March 04, 2007, 11:15 PM NHFT
Ed and Elaine Brown were convicted of buying eight $700 money orders, four at a time, when the federal government wanted them to buy all eight at once. The former is illegal, they say, and the latter is perfectly okay.

The latter is perfectly okay, unless it's done to avoid the former, which they call "structuring".

This is what happens when you try to obey their rules literally, but skirt their other rules.

In or out. No in-between.


Yeah so what's your point

So in other words: $700 x 8 = $5600 - $3,000* max for reporting = $2,600 close, or almost $6,000/day, 4 in the am + 4 in the pm?

This afternoon I presented three Money Orders to the Concord Post Office: (1) $1,000, (2) $501.00 + (3) $850.00 = $2351 (all under $3,000*) I asked if they had the silver dollars for #1 + 2 (and #3).  Answer: no, but that for the $850.00 one I could get some gold dollars! wow! and then I remembered to ask: gold-en colored dollars, as in the new George Washington ones, right? Answer: yes. But as per my paragraph (f) I wanted to see if they'd go BEYOND their apportionment by handing out I.O.U.'s in the form of Federal Reserve Notes, that they did! Me getting an assortment of $100 + $50.00 bills plus five (5) $20 bills.

I told the counter-man ________ (name on file but that I told him that I was not out to "kill the messenger" as they say, or the middleman, and so would he please refer my print-out of Reply #2630 above on p. 176 as posted at exactly 11:42:47 AM to his boss, Bill Abbott, who was not in this afternoon, but will return tomorrow and see my NOTICE OF DISHONOR to him as "Respondent Superior" and a middleman too between the counter-man and some higher-up officials withIN the U.S. Postal Service, the next in the chain of command: The Director of the Office of Management & Budget, (OMB) and then the President himself, George W. Bush, my cousin I told them from the Mayflower too, (John Howland) who I've only met once in my life, and if he doesn't straighten out this monetary mess, I expect him to go to jail! I'm serious! He ought to go to jail for a day as a token punishment and then like Michael Curley, the  man who ran for Mayor of Boston from his jail cell, then to sign some Order like JFK did to start printing U.S. Notes spent into circulation rather than these FRNs loaned into circulation.  Keep the Federal Reserve System as the distributing agent, like the paperboy to deliver the goods, but don't pay them any interest! The Fed worth $___________ (?) in assets to sell their properties at Sheriff's Sale and let a new group become the next distributors of the coin and currency if we have to, if they don't pay up on the notes as by 12 USC 411, the Fed getting the silver dollars for their notes, and THEN in a second deal, like a second set of books, then turning that dollar in for the debased coins, and now they want us to exchange our dollar bills for the base coins? Yeah, O.K. for commerce in the temporary, but like our N.H. RSA Ch. 390:6 the banks are supposed to have a 15% reserve in "lawful money" as defined by the Coinage Act of 1792.

A copy of this summary to give to Mr. Abbott tomorrow, who can verify any of this and more with my complaint against the CITIZENS BANK, on file with the State Banking Commissioner up by where Louie's Diner used to be on Manchester Street in Concord. Mr. Abbott: would you please process this up to your boss: _____________ (?) to straightening this out, like to get the U.S. Mint to send you the $1501 + in silver dollars by special shipment if they have to, as I expect "pay"ment soon, and if not, will take whatever action(s) I have to do to combat these both civil and criminal actions.

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas


Apparently the feds wanted them to buy just one huge $5600 money order.

The bitter irony here is that it says right on the thing that it's not valid for amounts over $1000 each.

Russell Kanning


Quote from: error on March 05, 2007, 10:58 PM NHFT
Apparently the feds wanted them to buy just one huge $5600 money order.

The bitter irony here is that it says right on the thing that it's not valid for amounts over $1000 each.

Time is money, as they say, and who wants to fill out forms for the government!

Hey! Anybody here want to play some Halloween-like pranks on the Feds?   >:D I read over at http://www.sierratimes.com/02/05/27/arwh052702.htm that "the clerk must file a Suspicious Activity Report by Money Services Business ("SAR-MSB") whenever any activity is attempted or occurs that involves at least $2,000 in one or more transactions AND they 'SUSPECT or have reason to suspect' that: 1. The transaction involves funds derived from illegal activity...; 2. The transaction is structured to avoid record-keeping...or 3. The transaction has no business or apparent lawful purpose. (this clause is easily defined: If you choose not to reveal, voluntarily and without being asked, the reason why you are SENDING money, then the transaction fits this criterion and requires the clerk to file a Suspicious Activity Report!)" [emphasis ADDed).

Thus any suggestions on HOW we can make them ""suspect"? defined as "To think (a person) guilty without proof." The absurdity of this USA PATRIOT Act, and the Bank Secrecy Act, etc. is that "the clerk cannot be prosecuted or sued, even if they falsify(*) or manufacture evidence to support the report!"  Can you believe this bullshit!? in the paragraph right after EXAMPLE #9.

See also paragraph #11(g): "Structuring:...Even it/if it's done for a legitimate reason**, the fact that the transaction is broken up to avoid the reporting and record-keeping requirements is still considered 'structuring.' In other words, there is no innocent excuse for 'structuring.'"

** A legitimate reason being like what Ed & Elaine did to pay their mortgage and taxes, with like $700.00 bills! There used to be $500, $1000 and $10,000 bills, and now we have to carry around Ben Franklin's big fat head! Frankly, I'm sick and tired of being inconvenienced because they THINK I might be a thug! If somebody wants to create $700.00 bills, then so be it.  But to charge them with a crime for using them for legitimate purposes, this bullshit has got to stop!  Are we living in this George Orwellian "Nineteen Eight-Four" or what!?  It's time the fat head of Big Brother be dealt something, so as to learn a lesson of not to be a LIAR /public servant against their master!

So now can you see WHY this red flag is annoying this bull? with horns.  I don't intend to let any citizen of this state get trampled on by LIARS!(*) and THIEVES!  Hey! Ed:  What exact Post Office(s) _______ was/were WHERE you got these Money Orders?  I'm going to read your U.S. District Court file at 9:00 a.m.+ today and plan on going to THAT Post Office to buy a/some Money Order(s), for $2,000+ and act in the most suspicious way possible so that whoever is on the counter will have to fill out that report, and then in the p.m. return to cash it/them in for the "lawful money" and if they don't have it, then to file criminal charges for more IOU's beyond their appropriations! Criminal Charges with the NEW U.S. Attorney, because as far as I'm concerned, the PCC voted last Friday to go-ahead and have the hearing on his violation of Fed Rule 16 + State Rule 3.8(d) against you, and WHEN (not if) he is found guilty, then to boot him the hell out of there, get somebody in to enforce the law of 12USC411, and make these banksters pay!

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Peace on March 06, 2007, 12:00 AM NHFT
All signs and flags have been removed.  Other then the big upside one by the mailbox which was too high to reach at the time and one on the house.
Did Ed want the flags down?
Most of those are Laurens.


Quote from: Peace on March 06, 2007, 12:00 AM NHFT
One of the biggest weekends yet as far as visitors and NOT one brought a standard weapon that I was aware of.


If you think I've made a mistake, why don't you give me a call and we can talk about whether a correction is appropriate? As I've told Ed repeatedly, when he won't talk to me, I have to rely on what I hear from other people. I agree that my reports would benefit from hearing the truth from Ed or Elaine directly.

You know where to find me if you'd like to have a real conversation.

Lloyd Danforth

Why do you feel compulsed to report anything?  Especially when you get so much resistance from those who have the information you need to be accurate.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Peace on March 06, 2007, 12:00 AM NHFT
One of the biggest weekends yet as far as visitors and NOT one brought a standard weapon that I was aware of.
Is that a good or bad thing?
Did they bring "non-standard" weapons? :)

It is great to hear about all the guys coming and going from there. I just sometimes don't know what you mean. Thanks for the reports. :)

Lloyd Danforth