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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 13

Started by Lloyd Danforth, March 04, 2007, 04:08 PM NHFT

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Quote from: scoop on March 06, 2007, 09:21 AM NHFT
I agree that my reports would benefit from hearing the truth from Ed or Elaine directly.

You know where to find me if you'd like to have a real conversation.



Quote from: scoop on March 06, 2007, 09:21 AM NHFT
I agree that my reports would benefit from hearing the truth from Ed or Elaine directly.

"But until then, I'll just make stuff up."

Nicholas Gilman

     A newspaper can be easily used as a weapon by winding it into a tight roll for impalement
but I don't tell make public announcements that reporters and writers put weapons in the hands
of criminals and felons.  So how do you define a "weapon"?


Quote from: powerchuter on March 06, 2007, 04:10 PM NHFT

Go ahead...read the book Unintended Consequences by John Ross!

Youd all be better off reading the transcript from Ed and Elaines trial.

Oh thats right.....you dont have that.


Quote from: macthefork on March 05, 2007, 05:15 PM NHFT
Quote from: richardr on March 05, 2007, 08:50 AM NHFT

Threatening a reporter because she asks questions about you is a sure fire way to generate negative stories.  Dada is right, you should take it back.  Unless, of course, generating negative stories about the Browns is what you want.

This is one of those trolls who Russell and Kat love to have around.

Instead of getting rid of clowns like this Russell and Kat have their temper tantrums by erasing and censoring posts by other posters who are actually supportive of Ed and Elaine Browns passions (if not always the effectiveness of their actions and nonactions).
There are many government protesters who protest for reasons that have nothing to do with freedom and liberty (Russell and Kat), they are just misguided and ignorant (mentally ill?) people that have identified the government as the enemy rather randomly really.  They just happened by chance to pick as their personal enemy something that actually IS a really bad thing.  They just lucked out I guess.  They could never intellectualy explain the reasons for their protest though because they are to shallow for that.  They think that by simply identifying as their enemy the government, that that alone makes them real protesters.  In actuality it is people like Russell and Kat who make the real freedom fighters cringe.  They make it harder to convince the general public of the real cause of action.  When the general public (juries) gets a whiff of protesters like Russell and Kat (and their like minded apologists) they want the government to win.   

Eventhough they have a common enemy with true freedom fighters they are actually a hindrance to the movement.

? ? ?

Russell Kanning

Many in New England today are concerned with the income tax claims regarding
Edward and Elaine Brown in Plainfirld New Hampshire, the property tax claims
regarding Richard and Deon Masker in Coeur d'Alene Idaho, and the
foreclosure claims regarding Barry May and Kristi Hallowell in Lewiston

For public testimony regarding these claims, visit The Maine Patriot's
"Public Testimony Web-page" at http://maine-patriot.com/public.htm

David Robinson, Brunswick, Maine


Quote from: macthefork on March 06, 2007, 04:02 PM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on March 06, 2007, 03:03 PM NHFT
Quote from: macthefork on March 06, 2007, 01:07 PM NHFT
Quote from: Peace on March 06, 2007, 12:00 AM NHFT

A man from Hawaii flew in two days ago and will stay for awhile. 

If this man can afford to fly in from Hawaii maybe he can afford to get down to Concord and purchase the transcript from Ed and Elaines trial.

Oh thats right...thats not that important to you people...

Oh my gosh, I am getting so tempted to do my first smite ever!

Hey Margo,

Isnt it funny how so called peaceful people get really angry and violent when someone shows them how ridiculous they are.

This little lamb has saved her first smite for this situation?

Yeah shes peaceful.

Anyways that guy from Hawaii should take some of his money and go get Ed a transcript from his trial.

Oh thats right.....too much sight seeing for him to do up in Plainfield with the drones and UFOS and all...

So much I could write, so tempted, but I've come to the conclusion your too stupid to waste my time so nevermind. (Not you Peace)

Kat Kanning

We got to meet some guys last night from TN and Portsmouth who were up supporting Ed.  They were giving out Freedom to Fascism movies and making a documentary.  Sounds like the Brown supporters are still streaming through Plainfield :)


Quote from: raineyrocks on March 07, 2007, 07:21 AM NHFT
I've come to the conclusion your too stupid to waste my time so nevermind.

Pet peeve:  if you're going to call someone stupid, you should really focus on using good grammar or the insult backfires.


Quote from: richardr on March 07, 2007, 10:24 AM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on March 07, 2007, 07:21 AM NHFT
I've come to the conclusion your too stupid to waste my time so nevermind.

Pet peeve:  if you're going to call someone stupid, you should really focus on using good grammar or the insult backfires.

Where did I mess up with grammar?  I hate when I do that!


Quote from: raineyrocks on March 07, 2007, 10:55 AM NHFT
Where did I mess up with grammar?  I hate when I do that!

Me too.  It should be "You're too stupid."  I only correct you because the guy really needs to be called stupid effectively!


Quote from: richardr on March 07, 2007, 11:01 AM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on March 07, 2007, 10:55 AM NHFT
Where did I mess up with grammar?  I hate when I do that!

Me too.  It should be "You're too stupid."  I only correct you because the guy really needs to be called stupid effectively!

You are correct, thanks!  I called him more than stupid but deleted the post when I realized it was a waste of time.  That's fine, I don't mind being corrected, it keeps my brain sharper.  I hate when I'm reading a great book and there are tons of "typos", it takes away from the reading experience. :)


Quote from: richardr on March 07, 2007, 10:24 AM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on March 07, 2007, 07:21 AM NHFT
I've come to the conclusion your too stupid to waste my time so nevermind.

Pet peeve:  if you're going to call someone stupid, you should really focus on using good grammar or the insult backfires.

Thanks.  The word: stupid, is defined as: "Slow to apprehend" as in to arrest, from the Latin of apprehendere, to seize; so in a way it is good that the government is "stupid" in not arresting Ed again, nor is on the fast-track to a seizure of his place.  We have all got to learn the truth, and if we need a "Defender of the Faith"* to teach us what this is, then so be it.

The visitor from Hawaii, Mr. _________ is supposed to have helped Ed put together what was mailed to the court yesterday @ __:__ o'clock a.m./p.m. that I've yet to read, from my visit to the house on Sunday where the visitant on his "visitation" (now look that word up in your dictionary), used this phrase*, that I've just investigated this morning over at the http://www.google.com search engine finding some very interesting stuff, such as:

1.) (a) http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0000854.html "Defender Of The Faith.  One of the titles of the English sovereign, conferred on (Tudor King) Henry VIII (October 11 or 17?) 1521 by Pope Leo X in recognition of the king's treatise against the Protestant Martin Luther.  It appears on (first placed on) coins (since 1714 in the reign of King George I) in the abbreviated form F.D. (Latin Fidei Defensor)." See also:

(b) http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9029735/defender-of-the-faith "Latin Fidei Defensor, a title belonging to the sovereign of England in the same way as Christianissimus ('the most Christian') belonged to the king of France. The title was first conferred by Pope Leo X on Henry VIII (Oct. 11, 1521) as a reward for the king's pamphlet Assertio septem sacramentorum adversus Martinun Lutherum ('Declaration of the Seven Sacraments Against Martin Luther'), written against Luther...." +

(c) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Defender+of+the+Faith (page 2, # 8 of Google) "Defender of the Faith - a title that Leo X bestowed on Henry VIII and later withdrew; parliament restored the title and it has been used by English sovereigns ever since".

2.) (a) http://www.catholiceducation.org/articles/apologetics/ap0035.html (Google page 1 #6) for an interesting 6-page printout @ 50% of: Mr. "Hilaire Belloc: Defender of the Faith" by Dr. Frederick D. Wilhelmsen, deceased 1996 @ Texas.  [ "He wrote over 250 articles and fourteen books"] He writes @ p. 3 "that the Protestant Reformation 'was the rising of the rich against the poor'," or to be more precise: @ p. 4 "The Money Power, the new Capitalism and Banking System, that enslaved Europe to its greed...The modern world, built on money and heresy, has had and has as its enemy the Catholic Church and the Order she has created" and @ page 5 "The enemy is the barbarian...the Barbarian is discoverable everywhere in this, that he cannot make: that he can befog** and destroy...Belloc is describing just about everyone you met at your last cocktail party or faculty meeting.  Barbarians are everywhere...We sit and watch the Barbarian, we tolerate him;"

(b) In my own words: The Barbarian is like that parasite on the host, as I've described above in my Reply #___ on page #____ on: __________ at ___:___:___ AM/PM citing Ayn Rand in reply to The Fountainhead speech.  Furthermore see http://www.nypress.com/print.cfm?content_id=1516 (Google page 1 #7) for the March 16, 2000 report by William Bryk for this early life of Hilaire Belloc and his visit to America, married in California, they settled in Oxford, he wrote 156 books from 1896 until 1942, including "The Bad Child's Book of Beasts, in 1896 that "has never gone out of print" so too for "The Path to Rome" in 1902, read his famous election speech.  "Belloc was often charged with anti-Semitism.  His attacks on high finance sometimes drift into bigotry.  But so does the diary of Eleanor Roosevelt." And here's what I like best about this report: "In 1908, Belloc began advocating campaign finance reform: that party funds (today, we call this 'soft money') be subject to reporting and audit." Yeah: let's have our Congressmen demand an audit*** of the U.S. Courts to see if they are in compliance with the Coinage Act of 1792!  >:D

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas

*** From: "The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language", (c)1973 @ page 47. audit: noun "1. An examination, adjustment, or correction of records or accounts. 2. An examined and verified account." verb "1. To examine, verify, or correct (accounts, records, or CLAIMS)." [emphasis, ADDed, as in the claim by Ed that the court has no jurisdictional authority since the Feds have NOT filed the paperwork with the N.H. Secretary of State, as required by both: N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 and Art. I, Sec. 8, clause 17 of the United States Constitution!]


QuoteQuote from: richardr on Today at 11:24:24 AM
Quote from: raineyrocks on Today at 08:21:46 AM
I've come to the conclusion your too stupid to waste my time so nevermind.

Pet peeve:  if you're going to call someone stupid, you should really focus on using good grammar or the insult backfires.

Thanks.  The word: stupid, is defined as: "Slow to apprehend" as in to arrest, from the Latin of apprehendere, to seize; so in a way it is good that the government is "stupid" in not arresting Ed again, nor is on the fast-track to a seizure of his place.  We have all got to learn the truth, and if we need a "Defender of the Faith"* to teach us what this is, then so be it.

Uh, oh, I'm starting to get confused!   ???


Quote from: raineyrocks on March 07, 2007, 11:06 AM NHFT
Quote from: richardr on March 07, 2007, 11:01 AM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on March 07, 2007, 10:55 AM NHFT
Where did I mess up with grammar?  I hate when I do that!

Me too.  It should be "You're too stupid."  I only correct you because the guy really needs to be called stupid effectively!

You are correct, thanks!  I called him more than stupid but deleted the post when I realized it was a waste of time.  That's fine, I don't mind being corrected, it keeps my brain sharper.  I hate when I'm reading a great book and there are tons of "typos", it takes away from the reading experience. :)

You can't write.  Are you  s  u  r  e  you can read?