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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 14

Started by KBCraig, April 25, 2007, 11:47 PM NHFT

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Quote from: richardr on April 29, 2007, 12:26 PM NHFT
Quote from: cyberdoo78 on April 29, 2007, 10:50 AM NHFT
powerchuter's previous statements have not been threats

Bullshit.  His repeated desire to shoot people has been quite sickening and if he goes violent, his actions will do serious damage to the nhfree participants.

The semantic games are nothing but rationalizations to commit violent acts.

Dear Sir,
I have no "desire" to use superior defensive force against those who directly or indirectly commit aggression against me with the initiation of force...

But I will...

Superior defensive force may just involve putting a large steel plate in front of the defensive person(s)...
How is that "violent"?

Then again, the steel plate may be cut up into thousands of small pieces that are propelled towards the aggressor(s)...

Either way it's still superior defensive force...

Kat Kanning


Quote from: wholetthedogin? on April 30, 2007, 05:16 AM NHFT
Interesting article Kat.  Have to assume that big brother has funded the Southern Poverty Law Center to track extremist groups like tax evaders and militia groups.  Have they changed their charter?  Glad to know that poverty no longer exists in the South.  I assume Mr. Potak indulges in this site.  Mr. Potak needs to stick to his mission statement of his organization or acknowledge he is just a government pawn.

I looked up their financials on guidestar.org (they have data for all charities) and the SPLC receives roughly $30 million per year from public donations, and nothing from government grants.


Quote...the SPLC spends most of its time--and money--on a relentless fund-raising campaign, peddling memberships in the church of tolerance with all the zeal of a circuit rider passing the collection plate. "He's the Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker of the civil rights movement," renowned anti- death-penalty lawyer Millard Farmer says of Dees, his former associate, "though I don!t mean to malign Jim and Tammy Faye." The Center earned $44 million last year alone--$27 million from fund-raising and $17 million from stocks and other investments--but spent only $13 million on civil rights program , making it one of the most profitable charities in the country.

The Church of Morris Dees
By Ken Silverstein
Harper's Magazine, November 2000
How the Southern Poverty Law Center profits from intolerance


Quote from: penguins4me on April 28, 2007, 09:10 PM NHFT
Do they actually get to present more than two arguments in their defense out of forty-two if they appeal? :P

Little good was the granting of those two motions for the court warning the prosecutor to divulge all exculpatory evidence.  When such protest by me of Morse having violated Fed. Rule 16 + State Rule 3.8 for NOT presenting the RSA 123:1 documentation by certification that the papers have NOT been filed with the SofS (giving the Feds jurisdictional authority) as required by the "shall" word from Art.I,Sec.8,Cl.17 U.S. Const. was presented by me to the court file (in the correspondence section on the left side of the folder, not even making it to the judge? as he warned us NOT to raise our hands, like me to ASK him of: did you read it?) the day before sentencing, because if he read it: of its harm to the judge himself as OUT OF ORDER, just because he shuts his eyes, like he said to the jury the defendants were doing, does not make it go away from withIN "our" Congressional court he has been assigned to to do justice and not in-justice,  him maybe needing to be taught a lesson from OUTside the court as from the First Circuit, maybe needing some back-on-course too? They might be off-track, but the train or court still exists if even unlawful, it being the duty of our protectors we pay taxes to to maybe contact the governor here and there in N.H. and MAss., to Art. 41+ 51 here and _______ down there to enforce all legislative mandates, Gov. John H. Lynch to be reminded of this by me when next his G&C meets for a BFA Public Hearing as OUT OF ORDER, my Ninth Amendment rights to "orderly" due process of old business BEFORE new business as also by Roberts Rules of Order to be done, or to see to it that what?: the State Treasurer I'm complaining against too by her RSA 6:19 insolvency http://www.state.nh.us to stop his paychecks for refusing to do his job!?  Surely this is PROOF of our government needing to be re-organized or abolished and built anew by the Article 10 rights to revolt with revolution when the ends of government become so perverted and corrupt! You'd think that at least one of the five Executive Councilors would "get it!" - - Joe



I've heard word of a lawyer being involved, but I don't have any verification.


You may have more success requesting 'personal' information about the Browns using a limited power of attorney from them...and then using the privacy request instead of the FOIA. They can charge for copy fees under FOIA but not under Privacy Act Requests. The only other thing I can add...send it certified mail..return receipt requested. Good luck

Quote from: JosephSHaas on April 28, 2007, 10:39 AM NHFT
Here's a re-type of my letter to be mailed on Monday to the I.R.S.:

The United States of America (U.S.A.)
Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.)
80 Daniel Street
Portsmouth, N.H. 03801
603: 430-9598
M-F 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Dear Freedom of Information Act Officer:

--Would you please send me a photocopy of this incident report of your raid upon Mrs. Elaine Brown's dental office at 27 Glen Road, West Lebanon, N.H. last Fall 2006.

--I've made two verbal requests to your office so far by recording, with no reply by either telephone nor mail, and so put this in writing to you, and say that you please furnish this to me 'without any charge' in accordance with 5 USC 552(a)(4)(A)(iii) since I'd like to post it to the internet for others to read.

--'The" top #1 website in my opinion being: http://forum.soulawakenings.com/index.php?topic=3868.3105 about this: The Ed Brown case.

Yours truly,

- - - - - - - - - -
Joseph S. Haas
P. O. Box 3842
Concord, N.H. 03302
603: 848-6059 (cell phone)"


Quote from: AmerTownCrier on May 02, 2007, 03:39 PM NHFT
You may have more success requesting 'personal' information about the Browns using a limited power of attorney from them...and then using the privacy request instead of the FOIA. They can charge for copy fees under FOIA but not under Privacy Act Requests. The only other thing I can add...send it certified mail..return receipt requested. Good luck

Quote from: JosephSHaas on April 28, 2007, 10:39 AM NHFT

Thanks A.T.C.

-- 1. If I don't hear back from them (The IRS @ Portsmouth, N.H.) to my letter mailed to there on Mon., April 30th, postmarked: Tue., May 1st, I'll personally visit their office to see WHO has the original, and if they play the 'ol Shultz routine as in "Hogan's Heroes" I'll give them a signed copy right then and there blaming either them or the Post Office for stealing from me! "Whoso is partner with a thief hateth his own soul: he heareth cursing, and bewrayeth it not." Proverbs 29:24.

-- 2. The reason for this request is to find out WHO orchestrated this raid, that I've been told involved the State Police (some sniper from the Keene barracks), and the U.S. Marshal's office, some goon thinking that Ed had IRS papers up his ass and spreading his cheeks! This on a raid for papers they thought were hidden up his ass!? You have got to be shitting me!

-- 3. As indicated in my Reply #____ of Feb. 25'07 @ 5:26 PM Sunday night over at http://forum.soulawakenings.com/index.php?action=profile;u=974;sa=showPosts;start=90 my Sat., Jan 13th ;07 @ 3:38 p.m. complaint to the State Police was relayed over to the A.G.'s Office, and add hereto, what I did write later, that the State Police had forwarded this complaint over to the Attorney General's Office, to: PERSON UNKNOWN and a few days before the RSA Ch. 541-A:29,I deadline of Wed., March 14th for the NAME of the CONTACT person, I did remind them of their RSA duties, and got an answer ON the deadline DAY that Mike Bahan, one of the Investigators there had in-turn forwarded it over to the U.S. Attorney's Office, me having called Linda Tomlinson there at 225-1552 leaving many voice recordings and seeing her gloating at the Sentencing hearing, but still have no NAME of a CONTACT person supposedly investigating this for the Mother's Day, Sunday, May 13th deadline, and so by the end of the business day on Mon., May 14th to find out if there will be any: approval, DENIAL* or to commence prosecution by them, and if a DENIAL* to the facts that will PROVE them to be the liars they are and betrayers to their oaths of office, as I WILL and shall, as my deliberate choice for a course of action, in a determination mode to win, either:

(1) get a WRITTEN notice from Dan. St. Hillaire, the Merrimack County Attorney on Wed., May 16th that he WILL be presenting this case to the Grand Jury for THEM to indict by their RSA Ch. 600:1 to diligently inquire to the IRS of WHO orchestrated this raid KNOWING by Ed's alert(s) to them on: _________ (?) of there being no RSA Ch. 123:1 filings as required by the law of Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 17 U.S. Constitution, that if even withOUT any alerts: IGNORANCE OF THE LAW IS NO EXCUSE! especially those sworn to uphold the LAW! as by their written oath of office, that if they had NOT read their operating manual of the Constitution BEFORE they acted, then to their DOOM! be the doomage! and NOT the victims they pounce upon and open their annal cavity looking for NOT left over toilet paper BUT government records!? Shit on THEM, as in the loads flung over the castle walls in ancient times: buckets of urine too! or:

(2) seek a Grand Jury "Presentement"(s) by my handing out copies of to this to them, +/or left on the windshield of their cars identified by their parking permits, me with a $25.00 free copies coupon thanks to STAPLES, so if anybody would like to add to this a packet, please see me on Wednesday by the 4:00 p.m. deadline put upon Dan St. Hillaire.

-- 4. Now can you see WHY the Marshal Stephen R. Monier is WAITing?  [ 53 Pleasant St., Concord, N.H. 03301, Tel. 225-1632] He KNOWS both from my copies dropped off at his office, to PERSONALLY deliver this latest one to him IN HAND, and his "informants" giving him the news from here, as confirmed to me by Gary DeMartino last week, that he does NOT want to compound the situation that has already occured: RSA Ch. 638:14 "Unlawful Simulation of Legal Process" as by what I have already written: "since they/ the Feds do NOT have their papers in order by RSA 123:1 and that they did so effect the first arrest with RSA 631:3 'deadly weapons' that elevates the charge from that of a misdemeanor up to the level of a felony". They do NOT want and CANNOT serve UN-lawful process, as by his own oath of office! to serve ONLY lawful precepts! BUT if they do then those militia members who met last Saturday and who meet again this weekend are ready to assert some Citizen's Arrest powers!(*) for the next time and place.

-- 5. (*) See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizen's_arrest "A citizen's arrest is an arrest performed by a person acting as a civilian, as opposed to a sworn law enforcement officer.  In common law jurisdiction, the practice dates back to medieval English common law, when sheriffs encouraged ordinary citizens to help apprehend law breakers."  (***) So Sheriff Michael L. Prozzo, Jr. at http://www.sullivancountynh.gov/sheriff/index.htm (14 Main St., P.O. Box 14, Newport, N.H. 03773) Tel. 603: 863-4200, e-mail:  sheriff at nhvt.net or sheriff at sullivancountynh.gov would you please put this "Encouragement" policy in writing and especially AFTER I did deliver the Jan. 11'07 evidence to your Sullivan County Commissioners on Tuesday, May 1st @ about 4:15 p.m. reference: the certification from the Secretary of State's Office that there is NOT the required filings by the Feds as required by RSA Ch. 123:1 you are sworn to uphold plus that of Art. 12 protection from tyrants(**) since Ed Brown has paid his property taxes and is owed this service from your office,  me having tried to get them/ the County Commissioners to encourage the governor to do his Art. 41+51 duty to enforce all legislative mandates, but them refusing to so "urge" the Gov. John H. Lynch, who BTW I also gave a copy of same evidence IN HAND yesterday morning during the G&C Meeting at the State House as can be seen on video over at http://nhexecutivecouncil.com/  A re-type of: (1) my letter to the Sullivan County Commissioners, and (2) excerpts from my letter to the Governor & Council to follow in my next Reply #____ below, plus an UPDATE of: (a) my call to the Marshal, (b) my call to the U.S. Attorney; writing for now that yesterday I did also call both the: (c) Secretary of State for the Commonwealth of MAss.achusetts, (617: 727-7030) them having not yet received my letter but to be on the LOOK-OUT for it, and (d) Dan Toomey at the First Circuit telling me at about 12:30 p.m. yesterday on the telephone that he did get my letter to him as super-imposed over my Reply #3111 on page 208 here of Sat., 4/28/2007 @ 10:04 AM  that their legal counsel was working on it, thus UNTIL verification of their title 1, chapter 1, section 7 filing, either: I.) a "SPECIAL APPEAL" can be filed at the unlawful U.S. District Court in Concord; II.) the Defendants can await until there be ORDER IN THE HOUSE by lawful compliance in MAss. for them to pounce upon the Feds here in N.H.; or maybe III.) the Judge McAuliffe might send that premature appeal to the First Circuit Court of Appeals by some what's called a sua sponte ORDER.  Yeah!: that's my Amendment to my REQUISITION ORDER to him, that like Ed's green apple papers be sent to Boston to hopefully ripen into a red apple case IF and WHEN the court(s) comply with the law!!

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - -  Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).

P.S. I'm still IN SEARCH OF...whether or not N.H. is on the list of states that have a statute that reads like over at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_absentia that "Some state laws provide for automatic retrial of fugitives who are arrested after being convicted in absentia." (and maybe applied to the Feds too.) Ed technically not a fugitive flee, but one sticking to his guns, as they say, for the law to be honored! by these outlaws withIN our own government! Any subsequent re-trail in a lawful court to apply ALL of the information gleaned from here since this happening, like to assert that the IRS operates ONLY under T.O./ Treasury Orders, from the EO: Executive Orders, and when the T.O.'s are NOT published in the CFR/ Code of Federal Regulations, then the everybody word in the U.S. CODE "only" applies to those people being spoken to in that room or sphere of existence being withIN the government, and even then by the definition of the very words and phrase of: to lay and collect in the 16th Amendment defined as indicated also in my replies above for details. See also that OMB/ Office of Management & Budget stuff too. Just because a defendant does a lousy job at teaching the judge and jury, does not mean that they go away.  And as Aaron Russo says in his video, to hand out to the Grand Jurors too on Thu. + Fri., May 17+ 18, the President ought to pardon ALL such victims of this IRS abuse on a grand scale!

pc: Sheriff Prozzo by e-mail, and telephone call. ___

footnote #1: (**) Article 10, N.H. Const., Part First & Bill of Rights: "The doctrine of nonresistance against ARBITRARY power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind." (emphasis ADDed for the word: arbitrary, as in "Not limited by law; despotic", a despot by an autocratic rule, tyrant(**).

footnote #2: (**) "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and TYRANTS.  Itis its natural manure." (emphasis ADDed from Thomas Jefferson's letter to Col. Wm. S. Smith on Nov. 13, 1787 from Paris, who also wrote: "God forbid we should be twenty years without a rebellion." http://www.hoboes.com/pub/Politics/Views%20of%20Freedom/Tree%20of%20Liberty

footnote #3: From page 5 of my BRIEF in 2006-0783 of Dec. 15, 2006: "...before ANY appeal to: 'The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights'; see http://www.ohchr.org/english/contact/ click for the 2-page 'Model Complaint Form' for this state (and Federal) having violated Article 17(2) of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, see http://www.care2.com/c2c/groups/disc.html?gpp=780&pst=84657 in that: 'No one shall be ARBITRARILY deprived of his property.' [emphasis ADDed for The Barbier v. Connolly case, 113 U.S. 27 (1884), Field, J." paragraph #2 for 'no...arbitrary spoilation of property', see: http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/cgi-bin/getcase.pl?court=us&vol=113&invol=27 ].

footnote #4: (***) "United States.  All states other than North Carolina permit citizens arrest if a felony crime is witnessed by a citizen carrying out the arrest...." 6 Columbia Law Review, Vol. 65, No. 3 (Mar., 1965), pp. 502-513.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: TackleTheWorld on April 19, 2007, 10:40 PM NHFT
Ed & Elaine are still hosting a number of friends and supporters.  The most recent arriver is Reno from Texas.  Reno and I ran some errands and stuffed some envelopes with AFTF DVDs for the protests this weekend. 
then there was Dallas from Cleveland



--1. UNLAWFUL SIMULATION OF LEGAL PROCESS. Before noontime I did call Linda @ 225-1552 at the U.S. Attorney's Office to ask her WHY she had not gotten back to me of my question of WHO got the Bahan paperwork, me saying that it just doesn't get stuck on the wall, and with her answer that she e-mailed everybody in her office, but that NOT one officer nor employee got back to her to admit they got it.  She THINKS that these papers involving my CRIMINAL complaint somehow got mixed up to the CIVIL bureau within her office, and that Gretchen Witt, the Civil Chief has them, but that cannot be verified until AFTER she gets back from her 2-week vacation. To add this into the PCC complaint against her there, Jim DeHart not even putting her name of: Witt on the letter to me!

--2.  THE FEDERAL JUGGLING ACT, in the Circus of the Bizarre. I called Ed @ 675-2909 and spoke with him before lunchtime too, about this juggling act by the Feds, him repeating that I keep a "paper trail" of all this, and THANK YOU Katt too VERY much for this website where "they" can go to read and do their homework too, because...

--3. SULLIVAN COUNTY SHERIFF. ...then I did call Sheriff Prozzo at his 863-4200 to alert him to read my e-mail, me leaving a message there that it was waiting for him to read and please answer, plus:


I did then call Stephen P. Monier, THE Marshall @ 225-1632 to inform him of all this plus the fact that Andy Tempelman and his militia ARE planning to do some Citizen's Arrests, and he/Steve was glad that I've noticed them of the definition of such that you MUST see a felony in progress in order to do so, otherwise it's like what happened to me during the Ashland Tax Sale when I placed the police officer under "Citizen's Arrest" to RSA Ch. 627:8 PRE-vent the unlawful taking of my car off of land bought by my former tenant-turned thief, my car worth over $1,000 to the felony amount, but with the Supremes ruling in my appeal that the word "an"y in the statute means ANYbody EXCEPT COPs! thus this statute applied retrospectfully against me as against my Art. 23 rights even when I had previously won the "retaking" part of the statute before!  Andy's "old-timers" on almost life-support  ;) willing to go out in a blaze-of-glory if need be.  Reminds me of Walter Brennan's "Over the Hill Gang" movie and there call of: Brazos!   :) Me asking Steve if he'd be open to a friendly arrest on principle should he set foot on the Brown property walking forward with the intent to "serve" (or actual service) the unlawful precept (as against RSA 123:1 + Art.1, Sec.8, Cl. 17 U.S. Const.) -- yes, Steve, to INclude this in EVERY e-mail and posting so that if/when it comes down to it, and the U.S. Attorney's Office does TRY to get certain evidences in-admitted to the court, as they did in the Brown case, it will be THE common demoninator in EVERY such e-mail and/or posting ever since! Steve saying: NO to such a friendly take-over.  ;D and so Ed: to maybe put these magic numbers on any shield against the goons when you can be the person to ultimately place WHOever it is that gets past your gunfire, you maybe out of bullets, and having to resort to knives. Or maybe before that with some beanbag gun, blasting them with messages attached thereto that whoever is hit, they can read the message that they are under Citizen's Arrest and are directed to proceed directly to the Sheriff's Office for booking.  8) That way they will have NO idea of who "shot" them, and so canNOT kill the messenger. The message having been told to them in a civil manner, now needing this Art. 10 enforcement action to re-pulse their pulse of an attack: being a pre-liminary assault when OFF the property, or when ON the property un-invited, then parasites to be eliminated! >:D "Un-invited" a KEY word, as just because Ed started the civil case against the I.R.S. WHEN he did NOT know of their RSA 123:1 unlawfulness, this civil case was NOT an invite of Welcome to bring on, or provoke them by lure or enticement to start a criminal action against him, and especially with this RSA 123:1 block where they/the Feds might have some ownership rights on their Pleasant Street turf, but certainly NOT jurisdiction BEYOND that and definately NOT when they have NO papers on file with our Secretary of State as required!

--4b: So Steve, will this be an announced or un-announced "official* visit" or visitation from you? IF you decide, or are told from higher-ups who are really lower-downs and scumbags of enormous proportions in my book, to go forward with what is clearly an unlawful maneuver on yours AND their parts, the governor being ultimately responsible as per his Art. 41+51 duties, me seeing that his house in Hopkinton is liened for a pay-off of his non-performance of duty, having in effect stolen the next paycheck #__________ (Wed., May 9th) he gets every two weeks of $__________ to his RSA Ch. 94:1-a,I(a) GROUP MM $108,990  yearly salary, see http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/VI/94/94-1-a.htm cc: of this to go with my cover letter and form to garnish his wages over at the Personnel Office, later this afternoon, in the basement of The State House Annex, http://www.nh.gov/hr/ for Human Resources, and in particular http://www.nh.gov/hr/contacts3.html of Donna Raymond, draymond at admin.state.nh.us for the Executive Branch, Office of the Governor   ___________  Summary: To attached a moiety, or half his salary by the writ of elegit process in the court(s) if I have to, as maybe by way of my action against Thomas Colantuono, the U.S. Attorney on appeal from the P.C.C. to the N.H. Supreme Court case #2007-0252 (Hicks, J.) awaiting approval of rule amendment for to allow an appeal of and by the complainant, since now: only the PCC or the complainee, have that right, me not going to pay the $filing fee to be told what I already know!  :icon_pirat:

--4.c * Steve: the word official of NOT the noun, as I know you are "One who holds an office or position" but the adjective: "1. Of, pertaining to, or authorized** by a proper** authority**; authoritative." The "American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language" (c)1973 @ page 494 but not this Nineteen Eighty For (1984) George Orwell-ian Doubletalk! You are NOT authorized nor granted power by the proper authority.  The word proper is in "Meeting a requisite standard" (p. 564), and that the word authority is defined at page 48 of this same book to mean "The right AND power" (emphasis ADDed for the plural) in that might is not always right, and in this case you are NOT right! as you have no RSA 123:1 permission from us by way of the Legislature as PRE-scribed by the Constitution (1-8-17) you have taken the oath to support.  To support the constitution in a constructive way, and not what I see as you maybe going down the path of destruction, that if it gets worse, then I have done all I can with this pen is mighter than the sword routine, and so call upon The VisitANT to teach you and your followers plus next of kin a lesson you and/or they will not soon forget: because a "visitation" (page 775) is "A visit of AFFLICTION or blessing, regarded as being ordained by God." (emphasis ADDed for the affliction word, from the word afflict: page 12 of: "To inflict suffering upon; cause distress to." From the Latin word: affigere, to dash against.  And re: that dash word: see the noun, page 183 for "Vigor" as Kennedy used to say for the word, and added to beyond the phrase to an actual sentence by Barry Goldwater of: "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!"

Yours truly, - - Joe

P.S. I just called the Mass. Secretary of State's Office @ (617) 727-7030 and spoke with Carolyn there who told me that she did get my e-mail (but not the actual signed print-out I mailed to her), and that she sent it up to their staff attorney for when she gets back to me would probable say to check with Archives, and so she suggested I call them at 1-617-727-2816 doing so right now, to maybe get an e-mail address for where to re-send my 4/28/07,Sat. e-mail.  YES- http://www.sec.state.ma.us/arc/arcres/residx.htm with e-mail address of archives at sec.state.ma.us getting that he mail right now, after talking with Ms. ________ there (Massachusetts Archives, 220 Morrissey Blvd., Boston, MA 02125) who said that she would check, and either way to get mack a memo of such to the main office for a certificate of non-compliance costing $7.00 for the first page, then $2.00 per page therafter.(*)

(*) But, what good is a certificate for WHEN we don't know who the REFEREE is? BUT we do KNOW who the REFEREE is: here in New Hampshire: it's the governor, by his Art. 41 + 51 duties, and he takes FULL responsibility to be HELD (Art. 8) accountable, and answerable for $damages! BIG TIME! IF this "escalates" as the Marshals say might happen. This responsible word from the Latin word of respondere, to RESPOND, not just sit on your ass! ANSWER (page 28) "1. A spoken or written reply, as to a question." Not just "We'll get back to you" as he/Lynch said yesterday to me, with this paper maybe I should have folded up into a paper airplane?  ::) as he replied to David Ridley here that this wasn't even on his "radar screen"! "2. A solution or result, as to a problem."


Here's a re-type of what I did promise to post here:

1. "To: The Sullivan County Commissioners
From: Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302 (signed Joe Haas)
RE: Suggested letter to the Governor
Date: Tue., May 1st, 2007 @ __:_ o'clock p.m.

Dear Gov. John H. Lynch:

--It has come to our attention that there has been no RSA Ch. 123:1 filing by the federal government as required by our state statute put into place by Art. I, Sec. 8, Clause 17 of the U.S. Constitution.

--As constitutional officers bound by our RSA Ch. 92:2 oaths of office and operating with funds obtained from property taxes including the Town of Plainfield, and its resident Ed Brown who is insisting on Article 12 protection, we URGE you to please exercise your Article 41 + 51 powers to enforce all legislative mandates and so to notify the federal government to comply with the law.

--Please act promptly and BEFORE our Next Regular Meeting on Tue., May 15th @ 3 PM in Unity by supplying us with a copy of any such letter directed to the Feds, absent which a copy of this URGE is directed to our Sheriff Prozzo to assert any defensive measures against any and all unlawful and illegal proceedings from what we see as an outlaw Court in Concord.

Yours truly,  ----------    ---------     ---------- "

Comment: What happened was that the Chairwoman said that WE ARE NOT GOING TO HELP ED BROWN! with my reply of that you'd be helping everyone withIN the County of which Ed is a subset of the set. Another Councilor said: NO! too, and the third Councilor said that they CANNOT tell the Feds what do do, and backed up his statement with that Klamouth Falls case out west. As if some U.S. Code is allowed the shotgun spray!?  NO! the U.S. Code and its enforcement powers must be in line with the constitution, and if not, then unlawful, and only allowed entry to withIN this state by passing through the Office of Secretary of State! The first two councilors seem corrupt to me, and especially when I said: the governor works for you too!! Them all preferring to not want to upset the governor even when he is NOT doing his job that they and we all pay him to do!  What a bunch of crap!  It's like them seeing the THIEF in action and refusing to cry: HALT! They're the partners with a thief and like that despicable person our founding fathers warned us against: If you love wealth more than you do liberty, then get down on your knees and lick the hand that feeds you.

I bet the county gets $______________ in federal funds, to investigate this, like just look at all the $money the state got from the Feds yesterday over at http://www.sos.nh.us.gov/G&C/G&C%20Agenda%205-2-07.htm  from http://www.sos.nh.gov/G&C%20minutes-New.htm (click May 2 '07) Anybody here like to add that up? And go IN SEARCH OF...some County List?  Me calling Sullivan County to see what the price is on Ed's head?  >:D or in other words: they would rather see him die than give up these $federal funds! http://www.sullivancountynh.gov/  Tel. 863-2560. _____ 

The EAGLE TIMES newspaper reporter was there too, and he bragged afterwards that he was an English major in college.  If so, then he must have forgot a lot of what he did learn, me telling him that he needed a Morphologist too, that I tried to get that woman professor from UNH @ Durham for Ed's case, but then I guess she likes seeing bloodbaths on the T.V. too during dinner time. This reporter sure likes to talk, but doesn't bother reading the TRUTH on this website.

Also present was Rep. Peter Franklin who greeted me as THE Chief Delegate too of the County Convention, but after he heard what I had said, merely looked down at the floor as usually, looking for that brass tack he can never seem to find. Plus: I found it interesting that the Council does NOT really want to hear from members of the public directly, but that they should go through that County Crime Commission: Mr. _______ there sitting in the corner, who left while I was talking so that he could NOT say that he heard some TRUTH upon which to act upon.  Him deserving the corner chair alright, and being turned around with the dunce cap on! To get a copy of these Minutes of Meeting next time, and find out WHO are these #___ members to maybe get them to do something, as they are an Advisory Board to the Commissioners but who might be hand-picked to not rock the boat when it comes to $federal funds as the county taxes might have to go up for their independence, them preferring to buckle under to the Feds at feeding time! Let's hope not, and that one of them runs against the next County Commissioner's seat in '08.

2. "To sheriff at nhvt.net  CC: EdwardL.Brown at yahho.com  Subject: Encouragement letter please [Sheriff Prozzo].

Dear Sheriff Prozzo,  [ http://www.sullivancountynh.gov/sheriff/index.htm  ]

--Welcome back from your vacation.

--Now would you please see the County Commissioners for the evidence I did present to them on Tuesday afternoon, being as explained over at http://forum.soulawakenings.com/index.php?topic=3868.3105 being my Reply #3119 on page 208 at exactly: 10:43 AM earlier this morning.

--The evidence is of the Feds being in non-compliance with N.H. RSA 123:1 as from Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 17 of the U.S. Constitution.

--Now as a sworn officer of the LAW by your RSA Ch. 92:2 oath who has failed me in the past, in reference to me trying to get you to sign such a written policy like that Sheriff out west, saying that the Feds must show him their chain-of-command operating papers BEFORE they step foot in his county, would you please now sign such an Encouragement letter as explained in paragraph #5 of my Reply #3119 that you encourage Citizen's Arrests in your county.

--Whether you encourage same or not, does NOT effect me, as I WILL so assert MY rights in YOUR county  when the County Commissioners REFUSE to PRE-vent bloodshed!  Just that it would be nice to have you on board with an open door policy to take the culprits into custody when we deliver them to your office for booking SHOULD the Marshal go bananas.*  Currently neither the U.S. Marshals nor the State Police can be trusted to take custody, as members therefrom might be joining their buddies once I get that IRS report of WHO the wrongdoers were in the first raid, hopefully you have been (past tense) just a 'keep-the-peace' officer then, but more to the power of your office should a future incident have to be dealt with in such a manner.

-- * Bananas as in what Martin J. "Red" Beckman said to us here in N.H. when he was running for President back in the 1980s, and in his book: "The IRS and the Black-Robed Mafia", in that the bars of the constitution is what keeps the government from trampling on our rights to: life, liberty, and property.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - -  Joe / Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).

cc: 1. Edward L. Brown c/o The House of Israel, 401 Center of Town Road, Plainfield, New Hampshire.  2. ____________, Chief of Police, Plainfield, N.H. [ later]."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - -  - -

--So ends the re-types concerning: Sullivan County, plus BTW I was in Nashua yesterday afternoon and stopped by to see the Senator's receptionist and gave her the following, as also re-typed here:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3. "To: John E. Sununu
Re: ______________
-- Please get me the NAME + TITLE of the past AND current 'officer' in charge of filing the Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 17 U.S. Const. papers* in each + every one of the 50 states, including N.H. RSA 123:1   [* "consent of the Legislature"]  - - - - -  Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, 603: 848-6059  Wed., 2 May '07 @ 2:30 PM" This went along with the 1-page form I filled out too.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on May 03, 2007, 10:28 AM NHFT
Quote from: AmerTownCrier on May 02, 2007, 03:39 PM NHFT
... They can charge for copy fees under FOIA but not under Privacy Act Requests....

Quote from: JosephSHaas on April 28, 2007, 10:39 AM NHFT

... UNTIL verification of their title 1, chapter 1, section 7 filing, either: I.) a "SPECIAL APPEAL" can be filed at the unlawful U.S. District Court in Concord; II.) the Defendants can await until there be ORDER IN THE HOUSE by lawful compliance in MAss. for them to pounce upon the Feds here in N.H.; or maybe III.) the Judge McAuliffe might send that premature appeal to the First Circuit Court of Appeals by some what's called a sua sponte ORDER.  Yeah!: that's my Amendment to my REQUISITION ORDER to him, that like Ed's green apple papers be sent to Boston to hopefully ripen into a red apple case IF and WHEN the court(s) comply with the law!!

Update: This afternoon at about 3:55 o'clock p.m. of just five minutes before the court closed at 4:00 p.m. I did ask to see the file to see if my "REQUISITION ORDER" was placed into the left side of the folder, in the correspondence section.  Janice said that the file was un-available because Judy was working on it, getting it ready to send down to Boston for the First Circuit Court of Appeals, and that the CERTIFICATE of such will be posted on PACER either next Monday or Tuesday. 

Good! Then this maintains the status quo, and the MAss. officials at Archives working on getting that memo over to the Secretary of State of: YES or NO, of whether of not that court down there too jumped ship without papers too: or in other words: like (1) the hermit-crab court abandoned its shell up here by moving from the old Post Office and courthouse that is now the L.O.B. (Legislative Office Building) of the state to their new Post Office & Courthouse at the James C. Cleveland Building at 55 Pleasant Street, then out of there to the Warren B. Rudman Building at 53 Pleasant Street, Concord, N.H. then (2) the MAss. hermit-crab court abandoned its shell down there too by moving from the John McCormick Building and Post Office to down by the wharf at The John Joseph Moakley U.S. Courthouse, so that I can buy that $7.00 CERTIFICATE ...

...and if NO, they did not jump ship without the papers, a double negative or YES: they did file the papers with the MAss. Office of Secretary of State, then: WHAMO! they can really do a number on the District Court up here by telling them to get their act together, BUT: if YES, they too did jump ship without the papers, or in other words: NO papers on file with the S of S, then lets "hope" that they self-analyze themselves, as in that movie ANALYZE THIS, and then the sequel of: ANALYZE THAT, with the surprise ending, and realize that they really screwed up #__ years ago, it taking Ed's case for them to get back on track to being a lawful and legal outfit.

Poetic justice is what I call it, for THEM looking up Ed's ass in the anal search for I.R.S. papers, when they should have, like they say:  go F*** yourself!  >:D

Then, if and when they try to try him again, it will be after $x,xxx,xxx in damages that he can pay for a constitutional lawyer* to argue and win the I.R.S. case against him from what he's learned here thanks to their screw-ups, and that is that E.O./T.O.s not in the CFR stuff, and the very definition of the words in the 16th Amendment, setting a basic common denominator precedent that any and everybody else can use to go tell those I.R.S. goons to: go pound sand!  ;D

Yours truly, -- Joe

P.S.  I also called Ed, and he said that his premature appeal was actually returned to him, and so whatever is being sent down to Boston is a copy of same that they must have Xeroxed, and so now we get into this shadow government? Mirror Image of the creator stuff?  :-X Strawman, etc.  :icon_pirat: Wow! or should I say like in the old 1960s TV Adam West "Batman" series: Zowie!  :blush:  Time will tell. In the meantime, to send a copy of this to Steve Swan at: ___________________ (?) as this will backfire, or the tide is turning, and like a sunami, will affect everyone within the last three years up here in N.H. by RSA Ch. 508:4 http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LII/508/508-4.htm and for up to $250,000 per claimant/ $2 million per incident, http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LV/541-b/541-B-14.htm but then again these are only the state figures, so what is it at the federal level?  and is there really a time limit for: fraud?

The word fraud defined as "A deliberate deception for unfair or UNLAWFUL gain. 2. A swindle; trick. 3 One who practices deception; an IMPOSTOR." (emphasis ADDed for the un-law-ful to Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 17 U.S. Const., and "ignorance of the law is NO excuse".  A deception being "The use of deceit", Deceit: 1. Misrepresentation, from the Latin word: decipere, DECEIVE:  to delude, mislead; delude: to mislead the mind of JUDGMENT of, to play FALSE; mislead: 1. To lead in the WRONG direction.  2. To lead into ERROR of action or belief.) An Impostor: A person who deceives under an ASSUMED identity. The word assume: 4. To take for granted, suppose, from the Latin word assumere of to take to oneself.  So there you have it: Do not ASSUME anything, because it makes an ASS out of U and ME, as they say. "Trust No one" as in the X-Files. Challenge everything. You say this is a lawful court: then PROVE it! with your N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 operating papers!  Otherwise: get lost! or I'll sue you for harassment!  ;) Steve/ Stephen P. Monier, Marshal: why don't you just send the Bench Warrant with two certified copies back to the unlawful court with that "non est return"? Then Ed & Elaine can go "Downtown" in freedom again and in Petula Clark style!  :) I'll be the first one to give them one of those blue boxes like I see on that VISA TV commercial. Like a blue-ribbon panel having been convened in Congress to straighten out this mess here in New England, and WHO knows where else in the country.

* Judge Wm R. Johnson, of Hanover, N.H. back in the 1980s told me in his Grafton County Superior Court in North Haverhill (before he became one of The Supremes) that there was no such thing as a "constitutional lawyer" anywhere within the borders of this state of New Hampshire, BELIEVE IT OR NOT!  :o


Quote from: JosephSHaas on May 03, 2007, 01:38 PM NHFT
Update: ...

--4b: ...the governor being ultimately responsible as per his Art. 41+51 duties, me seeing that his house in Hopkinton is liened for a pay-off of his non-performance of duty, having in effect stolen the next paycheck #__________ (Wed., May 9th) he gets every two weeks of $__________ to his RSA Ch. 94:1-a,I(a) GROUP MM $108,990  yearly salary, see http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/VI/94/94-1-a.htm cc: of this to go with my cover letter and form to garnish his wages over at the Personnel Office, later this afternoon, in the basement of The State House Annex, http://www.nh.gov/hr/ for Human Resources, and in particular http://www.nh.gov/hr/contacts3.html of Donna Raymond, draymond at admin.state.nh.us for the Executive Branch, Office of the Governor   ___________  Summary: To attached a moiety, or half his salary by the writ of elegit process in the court(s) if I have to,

First Draft lcover-etter To: Donna Raymond,
Personnel Office, Room #____
State House Annex (basement)
#__ Capitol Street
Concord, N.H. 03301
603: 271- ______
draymond at admin.state.nh.us

Dear Ms. Raymond:

Would you please start your investigation toward a hearing on the violation of the Governor, John H. Lynch, having violated his RSA Ch. 92:2 oath of office http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/VI/92/92-2.htm as evidenced by the Secretary of State(*) CERTIFICATE copy I did give to him in person at the BFA section of The G&C Meeting Wednesday morning, May 2nd, with a copy to you on Monday, May 7th, and which he has "prompt"ly(**) by Article 14 failed to get back to me as promised, me looking for him to assert his Article 41+ 51 powers to enforce all legislative mandates, and herein against the Feds for that the federal government must, under the mandatory word: "shall" file the proper paperwork with the Office of Secretary of State BEFORE they can operate here withIN our state of New Hampshire.

Him not doing his job, brings me to my report against him to you to proceed like to garnish his salary, as noted over in the "United States" section for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oath_of_office found by way of the http://www.google.com search engine for the words: "oath of office" in quotes at page 1 #2.  Notice therein too of the citation to Article VI, clause 3 of the United States Constitution, in that: "The Senators* and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound** by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution;...."  The limit, bound**, demarcation or boundary be that he, within this state in turn LIMIT the Feds to their jurisdiction as defined by RSA Ch. 21:4 http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/I/21/21-4.htm and expanded, but ONLY when done so by the Art. I. Sec. 8, Cl. 17 of the United States Constitution enabling legislation for when the "Consent" is given by the State Legislature, here in N.H. by RSA Ch. 123:1 http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/NHTOC/NHTOC-IX-123.htm back in 1883, but only AFTER that certain officer: __________________ (?) [name and title unknown***], has filed the proper paperwork with Bill Gardner's Office(*), that has NOT been done, as proven of the evidence to be marked as Exhibit #____ in your Executive Hearing.

The word: bound** defined as "Under obligation", and so the governor legally contracted by promise to me as his boss, in the master/ public servant relationship that compels him "to follow a certain course of action", and not this in-action of NOT doing his job, his "duty" is to do it, failing which he should show cause WHY he is NOT doing it, and if his answer is not in line with his oath, then to HALT his paychecks please to the "moiety" level until done, as by the "Writ of Elegit" process, or he is impeached by the Legislature by Article 40 whereupon his paychecks shall completely stop, of course.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone)

(**) Article 14, Part the First, N.H. Constitution & Bill of Rights, "prompt" = without delay, delay = postpone, post = after, pone = (corn)meal.

pc: The Executive Councilors who by their Art. 60 duty is "for advising the governor", is hereby instructed by e-mail, with signed copy to them too on Monday, to please so advise with the recommendation that what I did inform all of you about this past Wednesday be that he do his job of instructing the Feds to comply with the law! Failure of which there be NO such advisement by the Councilors will be treated by me as "maladministration" to result in an Article 32 Petition to be signed by a State Rep. ______________ in accordance with Rule 36 with his/her/their District Number(s) to give to the House Speaker for processing to the appropriate committee by House Rule 4 toward this Article 63 Impeachment.

* pc: also to Senator John E. Sununu (Attn: Nashua, N.H.  Office) who is IN SEARCH OF...this *** federal officer, and a public servant who is NOT in violation of his oath of office, as illustrated by his vote AGAINST the Graham Amendment over at http://www.progressivepatriots.com/oathoffice/keepingthepromise.html as found by Google again for: "oath of office" violation, page 2 #5.


Quote from: SAK on May 01, 2007, 11:47 AM NHFT
I've heard word of a lawyer being involved, but I don't have any verification.

1. LAWYER.  SAK, I did ask this of Ed when I called him a few days ago, and he said definitely: NO!

- - Joe

P.S. During the early times, there was talk of some lawyers getting involved, but they all wanted $big bucks up front, like that character in MAss. I tried to get for about $1,000 worth I was willing to donate to the cause, but then he wanted a $25,000 retainer, so I told him to get lost!

note: There was also a letter-writing attorney into The EAGLE TIMES* who I did also contact but that that did not pan out either.

2. The FOURTH ESTATE * The "Eagle Times" ought to be called The Ostrich Suppressor, from my experience of that Eric reporter at the County Commissioners** telling me that he will NOT be putting in a FULL report of the public meeting into his newspaper, purposely keeping his readers in the dark of what I did say there, that I was going after the governor's salary, and like I did write in Reply #3124 above, to give my official complaint to Donna Raymond, at the Personnel Office for the Executive branch of the governor's office later today. Maybe they will LATER report of WHEN Lynch's hearing is to announce the day/time AHEAD of that, or AFTER-wards?

3. FEDERAL FUNDS. ** Also I did call the County Commissioners http://www.sullivancountynh.gov/ at 863-2560 and Laura there did tell me a few minutes ago to call the Sheriff's Office at 863-4200 and I spoke with Sheriff Prozzo again, who told me: (1) that the total (both direct and indirect thru the state***) that his Office gets in federal funds is about $160,000 per year (as from the Burns Grants, named after Mr. Burns I had read about years ago) and...

4. CITIZEN'S ARREST: ... (2) he did get my e-mail on Citizen's Arrests, and said: YES: his Office would take in WHOever that Federal or State agent be that broke the law, as from the witness to a felony asserting these rights, but only if they dot all the i's and cross all the t's, to  stay away from those asserting Art. 10 powers of suspected felonies that occured outside their presence, in that he will NOT be open to advising such Citizen's Arrests in his county, since those advisements are mostly for out west where they have to cover some much more territory in their patrols, and like over in Maine where some towns don't have a Chief of Police and have to have the County Sheriff help them out "on call", or like the un-incorporated towns in Coos County here in this state, but then again a subset within the County set that does exist and to where one can go for help.

*** re: the federal funds indirectly through the state, I've found out in the past that they go through that State(*) Federal Funds Office in the basement of the Attorney General's Office, that is under lock and key/ buzzer to get down there, I was down there once #__ years ago, the receptionist giving me their telephone #, and me calling, but that they never get back to me, but WHY not?  Is there something in the paperwork that it does NOT arrive there by U.S. Mail from the U.S. Post Office on Loudon Road, but by some courier dispatched from the Federal Building over at 53-55 Pleasant Street? and if the latter, then certainly tainted $money or legal tender, as they have NO RSA Ch. 123:1 papers on file as per Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 17 U.S. Constitution, so HOW can the Feds, State or Sheriff operating with these funds, lawfully and legally go after somebody asserting that they are tainted with such?  We have got to insist on our Ninth Amendment rights to have them dot all the i's and cross all the t's too, right?  >:D  ...

5. The TIPSTAFF. Here's an UPDATE: ...I just called the A.G.'s office @ 271-3658 and got transferred down there talking with Gary Palmer who said that his office ONLY(*) covers the A.G. grants, and that each of the other 30+ agencies of the state get their $federal funds probably by electronic transfer to the State Bank Account (last I knew it was: Bank of America).  Plus he did confirm that BEFORE any electronic transfer of federal funds to be accepted in this manner occurs, that the G&C votes for same, like I did write above, saying that the price of Ed's head was: $___ million, since IF the state pounced on THAT part of the Feds as in NON-compliance with the law and statute, then our Federal Reps' hands might be tied (as money bills start in the House), but with Senator Sununu, as I've written, to get this RSA 123:1 officer's name, to prove that these Congressional Courts are OUT OF ORDER! the HUD office did get back to me of that: grants jurisdiction to the federal courts clause, but because the $federal funds were not being used to acquire land for federal purposes, that they ARE in compliance with the disbursement of federal funds. But what is a "federal dollar"?  ANSWER: See CHAPTER 28 LAWS OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, Vol. 6 of Feb. 20, 1794 @ page 155.  And what is the metal of the "tipstaff" in court and out of court, as with the Sheriff?  According to Black's Law Dictionary, and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tipstaff it is supposed to be of silver: just like the coinage! "The staff was made of wood or metal or both, topped with a crown.  The crown (of silver), which unscrewed, was removed to reveal a warrant of arrest inside the hollow staff."