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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 17

Started by LordBaltimore, June 15, 2007, 08:04 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

Could someone deliver this letter to Ed for me or give me a way to send it?


Dear Ed:

I wanted to let you know how happy I am that you have made it to the five month mark without giving in to Federal bullying *or* sweet talk.  I'm also glad to see that the national media is giving you more coverage.  Your message is getting out, and your support base is growing.

It is not wrong for you to keep the money you earned or to protect it from the hands of a government which would use it for evil purposes.  It also is not wrong for you to arm yourselves in the defense of your home, or to pledge that you will die fighting rather than surrender to a covetous and unconstitutional Power.   You know that I support your right to take both courses of action, that I oppose Washington's activities against you and that, for what it is worth, I show this opposition by standing in front of Federal buildings with a sign that says "Don't Hurt Ed Brown."

This has cost me more than you might expect.  I have been suspended (temporarily at least) from my job in the news media, because my employers consider me too close to your cause.  I have openheartedly kept them up to date on my activism, and because that activism has been successful it now reaches into their own news reports on occasion.  They say this amounts to a conflict of interest.

That is okay; I was prepared.  I am dedicated to peaceably fighting the Washington genie until it has departed from our lives, or retreated back into its Constitutional bottle.  Toward this end, risks must be run.  Prices must be paid.  I am glad that, despite the price *you* have paid thus far, you are achieving some of your goals and remaining a beacon of defiance in a sea of subservience.

However, one thing continues to bother me.   You have issued repeated warnings of retaliatory violence, revenge killings to be directed against misguided Federal officials in the event that you or Elaine are killed.  Though these people are wrong to persecute you, though they serve an evil institution, it does not follow that they should be hunted down and assassinated.

History is forgiving of defensive violence (as employed by the Davidians and Weavers).  But it rarely forgives premeditated revenge-killing directed against the State.  That kind of thing, even talk of it, taints the diverse anti-Washington movement.  When such retaliations occur, they inevitably strengthen Washington and weaken the liberties you seek to preserve.  And on what basis do you assume that they would occur without great risk to innocent bystanders?

Having achieved a victory of sorts by lasting this long and surviving the early June Federal buildup, you are in a position of some strength.  Gandhi once said the weak can never forgive.  Forgiveness is only for the strong.   I ask you to in one small way to forgive the misguided officials who have brought you to this difficult place.  Forgive them, not by agreeing to their demands or supporting their evils, but by simply sparing them.

Please Ed:  Rescind the warnings of revenge you have issued against your tormentors.   I have been slow to condemn these warnings, but they are wrong.  Take them back.  Tell your revenge-assassins to stand down, and leave the wicked to God's judgment.

This will make your cause easier to support and will help secure moral high ground.  Those of us who oppose Washington, and its "torture tax," must be better and kinder than Washington....or there is no point in opposing it.

So, it is said.  I hope you will let me know if and when you decide to rescind these troubling orders.

May the Lord soften the hearts of your enemies.
And grant you this Power of forgiveness


Dave Ridley

Dave Ridley

error i still need names and numbers of contacts that can be reached at porcfest

all i have right now from your messages is one number, no name.   will call it tho

Kat Kanning

Quote"There is no reason to block Weaver. People are free to exercise their First Amendment rights," Monier said. "We are not setting up roadblocks or surrounding the house."

No roadblocks today you mean.

Quote"We have no intention of assaulting the house or engaging in a violent confrontation."

Ya, that's what the tanks were not for, I guess.

Kat Kanning

Here's their address, Dada:

Ed & Elaine Brown
401 Center of Town Road
Plainfield, New Hampshire 03781

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

This is a good message board. It has been enjoyable and informative to read this past week.
So joining seems to be the thing to do.  :)
Don Quixote had a difficult time battling the windmill. That is symbolic of trying to battle an enemy who is not properly identified. Translated to this case of Elaine and Ed Brown, its clear that there is phantom chasing going on.  While it may seem that there is an evil state or government or group of people or even specific people, there really is not.  What there is, is a way of thinking. A conditioning of the mind, of the collective mind. This is the enemy.  This enemy is impossible to vanquish, when it is not properly understood to be the enemy. One example is the competitive way of thinking, which we are all trained in, by society from an early age. That is why we are compelled to try to find a physical adversary.  It is refreshing to see an awakening beginning to occur in that people are questioning more into how their conditionings affect them.
Elaine and Ed Brown and their plight are alarm clocks which will hopefully awaken some of the masses.

Speaking for the meek,


Dave Ridley

Just got a call from some folks at WRKO in Boston looking for a way to contact ed; I tried but wasn't able to help them much with that so they asked me to come on the show.  I guess they were desperate for a guest because I told them I hadn't been out to ed's place since January.  But I think I did a pretty good job of keeping them entertained.

It was a show with hosts Tom Finneran and Mary Ellen Burns, he's a relatively decent democrat who was speaker of the Mass. house and she's an authoritarian who was I think police commissioner or something.

It was fairly heated but civil and I think the message of freedom got out.  among other things they asked me where I thought the freest nation was and I said new hampshire, and that if people want to live in freedom i invite them to move here :)   Finneran griped about the NH liquor monopoly good for him :) 

They both advocated paying the fed income tax and I told them they were not the most objective people to talk to about that since they both used to earn their living on the backs of taxpayers.  Then imagine if you will the former speaker of the Massachusetts House
bending over backwards for your humble friend dada....to articulate his love of property rights and hatred of the federal tax system....never thought I'd live to see that.

The ex-chief griped about ed being rich and I told her that was crazy to criticize people for being successful, I said elaine was my dentist and she was a good dentist and how dare the feds take her services away from me. 

This is the thing....no matter how nutty ed is, no matter how much we might disagree with some of the things he says...his stand is really helping him and others seize control over a portion of the national discourse.   And that discussion is a healthy one to have, which we weren't having before Ed came along.   I hope that is a purpose he was wanting to serve, because that's what's happening.  My understanding is that he wants that to happen even tho he doesn't fully realize its importance.

Notice how even Romak is starting to get more riled up at Washington.   

But I still worry about the threats of retaliation and what they might lead to.

Someone still needs to fix Romak's karma BTW, let it ride down naturally :) 

Dave Ridley

<< Here's their address, Dada:

Ed & Elaine Brown
401 Center of Town Road
Plainfield, New Hampshire 03781>>

printer down
but they are still getting mails? 

i should be able to mail to them in a week or two if need be.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 19, 2007, 08:04 AM NHFT
"Do not under any circumstances make any attempt on this land. We will not accept any tomfoolery by any criminal element, be it federal, state or local," said Ed Brown
I thought that was funny .... I think Ed Brown will have to accept the tomfoolery from the feds if it comes in the form of armored vehicles. :(

Russell Kanning

Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 19, 2007, 09:30 AM NHFT
but they are still getting mails? 
yep ... they are also being resupplied by supporters in direct opposition to the fed's orders
propane tanks, fresh food, friends to hang out with ....

Dave Ridley

I love this part from the channel 5 video where they describe the power cutoff:

"ed says he's saving a lot of money on utility bills."

that's the second report i've seen on ed by that channel 5 reporter...he is pretty good and level.

Kat Kanning

I can print and mail it for you if you like, Dave.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on June 19, 2007, 09:34 AM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 19, 2007, 08:04 AM NHFT
"Do not under any circumstances make any attempt on this land. We will not accept any tomfoolery by any criminal element, be it federal, state or local," said Ed Brown
I thought that was funny .... I think Ed Brown will have to accept the tomfoolery from the feds if it comes in the form of armored vehicles. :(

.50 AP

Recumbent ReCycler

Here's some of the video of yesterday's events.  http://www.wmur.com/video/13524416/index.html  Maybe someone can download them.  WMUR also has a youtube account at http://www.youtube.com/wmurtv, although only one video from yesterday has been uploaded to youtube from yesterday so far.

Kat Kanning

Thanks, DoL.  I really liked the little part with Elaine, with the quiet way she speaks and what she had to say.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 19, 2007, 07:48 AM NHFT
LOL, the Keene Sentinel wanted a story about yesterday from us.  Russell just laughed his head off at him - told him he got scooped by everyone else.  Russell wouldn't tell him anything, said to read our article.

Kat, Maybe The KEENE SENTINEL http://www.sentinelsource.com can do a follow-up to the signing on Sat., June 16th by Daniel C. Brow, N.H. State Trooper (said say Griffin when I called him earlier this morning for the spelling) for my packet to Troop C there (at: 15 Ash Brook Court. Keene, N.H. 03431, 603: 358-3333) that included a copy of the certificate of federal non-filing to RSA 123:1 per 1-8-17 U.S.Const. I received the green Return Receipt Card (PS Form 3811, Feb. 2004 #102595-02-M-1540) in yesterday's mail, Article # 7006-3400-0003-4605-9569 to be exact. Maybe Cecily Weisberg will do the story, because when I called their main # at 603: 352-1234 Tracy said that she was doing the Ed Brown story, and can also be reached at 1-800: 765-9994, press #___ if you know your party's extention, her at #1437 I was told AFTER my second call there thanks to "Dada".

Dada/David: THANK YOU too for the info about your call to W.R.K.O./680 in Boston at 1-617-3400 main # for Tom Finneran's show, with Mary Ellen Burns, him the former House Speaker of MAss.achusetts, and her some retired police commissioner.  I left a voice recording for Tom to visit here at newhampshireunderground dot com, +/or call Cecily +/or Troop C, plus also State Rep. Kris Roberts, the Chairman of the N.H. House State-Federal Relations Committee over at http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/committees/committeedetails.aspx?code=H25 for the committee website, and http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/members/member.aspx?member=376619 for it's Chairman Roberts: Kris Roberts (d), 58 Grove Street, Keene, N.H. 03431-4206 603: 352-1105 kris at krisroberts.info Cheshire District #3, Seat #2099 (his licence plate # too), his S.H. office #271-2169, to send him an e-mail to visit here to explain to us for WHY we need to put the pressure on him from the media (press and radio) for him to finally House Rule 36 endorse my Art. 32 petition for the House Speaker to send it over to the "appropriate committee" meaning his, by House Rule #4, and BEFORE next Wednesday, June 27th when I was told they shut down for their Summer Vacation.  So to file this BEFORE then so that they have to like go to Summer School. I gave this to him back in January, this Winter, and he merely gave it unsigned to the House Clerk, Karen Wadsworth.  It's Springtime now, and going into the next season in a few days.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).

P.S. The talk line to WRKO is 617-266-6868, for maybe Mr. Roberts to call there to say that he will sign the Art. 32 Petition? The contest line is 931-1680 BTW.